Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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60th chapter! Wow! I only planned this sequel to have 50 chaps but i guess, this will go on till I don't know how many chaps. Anyway, because it's the 60th chapter, I'm going to answer one question that I saw in my inbox and I've decided to answer it here for everyone. 

Someone asked me this: Can you tell us something about yourself? Is writing just a hobby or a job? What made you make such stories?  I'm sure your readers would want to know something about you too dear author-nim:) 

And here's my answer : I have a weird nickname that is only composed of three letters (ISH). I am a Filipino. I'm turning 22 this July and is a graduating student to one of the oldest Universities here in the Philippines. I'm taking up Communication Arts and is planning to have my masters next year. I grew up surrounded with books for my dad is a book worm and I have inherited that from him. I can say that I am a boring person. When I was a kid, instead if playing, I just stay inside my room and read a good book. Nope! I never liked reading fairy tales coz I'm more in book series (Sweet Valley High series) or war novels (my dad's collection). I started writing at the age of 7. I made a short story about a pencil and her bestfriend eraser (totally weird). From then on, writing became a hobby and I never stopped. I get inspiration from everything. There are times when I talk to people an idea will pop in my head and next thing I know it, it's already in one of the chapters of my fic. My grandfather, who is a writer and journalist inspired me to write. He told me that for a person to be a good writer, he/ she must read, read, read and write, write, write, and that's what Iwas doing and it's really effective for me. I started writing fics because of my love for G-dragon, he's really an inspiration and a crush at the same time. 

So yeah, there it is. Thank you to the person who sent this question to me. Now, I feel more closer to all you guys since I've opened a little about my life to you. 

Enjoy reading and Thank you for supporting the Sequel! 

Much love, 




A husband’s worst nightmare is to discover that his whole family left him after doing something stupid. Jiyong did something stupid last night and now, his family is gone and a lot of things are entering his mind. He checked their things, it’s still there. But knowing his wife, she can leave all of their things and go to another side of the world if she feels like it.

“No…they’re still here…she’s not going to leave me” Jiyong said to himself while looking for any sign of his kids.

For the worried father of seven, he knows that not going home last night is going to brew up doubts and will totally trigger speculations. His wife’s mind can make her do crazy things and telling her the truth will result to a very big problem.

“Hello?” his sister Dami answered.

“Noona!” he snapped.

“AISH! Why do you have to shout? What is it?” she asked in annoyance.

“Are the kids there?” he asked with full hopes that they are there.

“They are…_______ brought them here this morning….wae?” she asked curiously.

At that point, Jiyong was relieved a million times. He can calm down a bit and his heart can pump normally now for his kids are just with his parents.

“Did ________ tell you where she’s going?” he asked, trying to sound as if everything is going well.

“Aigoo…how can you not know? She’s your wife and you don’t know her whereabouts? What kind of a husband are you?” his sister bombarded him with questions.

“Noona…I’ve been trying to call but she’s out of reach….I don’t know what happened to her phone and I cannot get through at all” he reasoned out, making his sister sigh.

“That is what you get from not coming home last night…Jiyong-ah….are you two having problems again?” Dami asked curiously.

Awhile ago when ________ dropped the kids to her in-laws house, Dami had noticed that her sister in-law doesn’t look fine at all. She can also feel in her that something is going on and it’s not just a minor thing, but a major one. She didn’t even bother to ask her for she looks really fragile and she’s afraid that her sister in-law will just breakdown any minute. But now, she’s already sure that something is not right and her brother is the one who is causing the problem.

“What made you say that?” Jiyong asked.

“_______ is not the same bubbly girl that I know Jiyong…when I saw her this morning….I know right then and there that she’s carrying something heavy in her heart…she’s got a problem and she’s trying to hide it…at first I thought it’s just her work getting the best of her…but it’s not...she looks like she’s gonna break already and I know that you got something to do with this…are you doing something stupid…huh?” his sister asked suspiciously, making Jiyong sigh.

He has expected this already. Jiyong knows that _______ will be shaken by Anne and her son. She has suspected him cheating on her because of the two and now, she’s totally affected by them. His mind is not working well. He knows that in his wife’s mind, he’s cheating on her and she’s not going to be easy on him.

“Noona…we’re not having problems…everything’s fine…I’ll just talk to my wife later and ask her what’s going on” the worried husband answered.

His sister didn’t buy what her brother said. Dami knows the couple so much, that even the way they talk can give them out. __________ is so transparent, you will see what she’s feeling but she will always deny that something bad is happening. For her, she’s the perfect example of a very understanding and giving wife. Her husband has given her a lot of troubles and problems already and here she is, still sticking and understanding him. This is one of the things that Dami loves about her sister in-law, and if ever Jiyong is doing something dirty again, she herself will discipline her brother.

After talking with his sister and kids, Jiyong went to Youngbae for help. He knows that if there are people who know ________’s whereabouts, it’s going to be Daryl and Railey.

“This is not good” Daryl said to Youngbae while they were having breakfast.

“It really is not…Jiyong is once again getting his whacked” Jiyong’s bestfriend said.

“Not only whacked darling…Railey and I would kill him if ever he cheated on _____...I’m telling you…we are really going to plan for a good revenge and you and the rest of your team will not like it” Daryl threatened, making her husband sigh.

Youngbae knows that the three girls are really tied together. It’s like, their innards are one and they will stand up for each other no matter what. Thing is, as much as possible, he doesn’t want Daryl to involve herself in _______’s issues with Jiyong, simply because it’s none of her business and if there’s someone who needs to discipline his bestfriend, it’s gonna be his wife.

“I really don’t think he’s cheating…c’mon darling! We know Jiyong…he loves ________ more than anything in this world…he has seven kids who are surely going to be affected once he do something stupid…first of all…Jiyong will not even do such thing for he is contented with his wife and family already” Youngbae defended his bestfriend.

“As expected…you’re on his side” Daryl said and stared at her husband.

“I’m not…I just want to point things out to you because you already have jumped to this conclusion that Jiyong is cheating when we don’t even know what’s really happening” Youngbae said in annoyance.

“Oh c’mon! Dong Youngbae! You can’t fool me…I know that you and your members know something and you are hiding it from us…we know you guys and we can easily tell if you’re lying or not” Daryl said, making the whole dining area full of tension.

This is so normal for the Dong’s. They don’t fight over their relationship for Youngbae always gives in, rather, they fight over their friends. A few years ago, TOP is in the same situation as Jiyong now. The girls began speculating and even landed to a conclusion even before things heat up. They did a crazy investigation. They follow their husbands everywhere, stole their phones and when things screwed up, the three couples are in an all out war with each other. The girls won of course, for they have really proven that TOP is playing around and the three husbands suffered all at the same time.

“Daryl…you haven’t even heard Jiyong’s side of the story….why are you being like this?” Youngbae asked, his last string of patience is about to break already.

“Do I really have to hear him out? Youngbae…I know that something is going on….and that’s enough for me” the fierce wife said, making her husband walk out of the dining area.

A fight sparked between the couple and even though they know that it will just take them an hour or two to patch things up again, they know that it will not end there. Both of them swore that they will fight for their bestfriends till the end and no one amongst the two are ready to break that.

“Oh Jiyong-ah!” Youngbae shouted when he saw his bestfriend from their balcony.

This is where the real fight will start. Youngbae knows that Daryl will not go easy on Jiyong and his wife will totally squeeze the hell out of him to spit out whatever stupid thing he has been doing.

“Is Daryl there?” Jiyong asked the moment Youngbae opened the door.

“Yes….come in” he said and Jiyong walked in.

“Oooohhh….there you are!” Daryl said with a fake smile.

“Daryl…did you know where _______ is?” Jiyong asked right away even before he sat on the couch.

“I don’t know” she answered in a y way, making her husband sigh.

“Please…tell me where she is” the worried husband almost begged.

“Jiyong…if you went home last night….you would know where your wife is…I’m sorry…I don’t know where in hell is she…but I’m gonna tell you this” Daryl said and looked at Jiyong, straight into his eyes “She might not come back” she finished and walked out of the living room.

At that point, all Jiyong can think of is his wife leaving him again like what she did when Alfie blackmailed her. This whole thing is making him miserable and a lot of things are going through his mind once again. He’s not sure if Daryl is just playing around, but from the way she looks, it seems like she’s serious and that made Jiyong more worried.

“Jiyong…I’m telling you….a woman is like a tea bag….you never know how strong it is until it’s in hot water…I think your wife is already in hot water…and she’s boiling…you will not have any way out this time” TOP said when the three husbands gathered together at the Kwon house.

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ