Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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How in hell did Daryl thought about CHEATING? I mean, it didn’t even enter my freaking mind and I don’t even consider that at all. Gosh! Why do I feel so nervous about this? I feel like I’m not secured with my husband all of a sudden and all I want is to call him and ask if he’s cheating on me or what.

“Push-lease sis…don’t inject too much thoughts in that ’s head…you know how dangerous it is for her health” Railey told Daryl.

“OK…I’m sorry for freaking you out sis…but…that can be a possible reason…let’s admit it…even if we trust our husbands so much and with our full hearts…in the back of our mind…there’s this little spot that says “Hey! Maybe your husband is ing somebody right this very moment”….they’re men….and as I always say…they have urges that cannot be scratched by them…and we’re not always there to scratch it for them” Daryl looked at me and I sighed.

“That made me really worried…I mean…yes….you have a point” I pointed at Daryl “They have this itch sometimes and we’re not there to help them scratch it…but…I don’t think that they can cheat on us” I finished.

I don’t know what to think anymore. My mind is so ed up for I’ve got these thoughts in mind that isn’t even there awhile ago. I started my day in a happy mood and now it’s all being spoilt just because of this whole cheating thing (Daryl is the one to blame here and she already got her punishment. Yeah. I made her do tons of paper works today as my revenge).

“Look…real men stay faithful…they don’t have time to look for other women because they’re too busy looking for new ways to love their own…and sis…why are you being so nervous if you know that Jiyong is clean and you’re sure that he can’t do this to you?” Railey looked at me intently and I bowed my head down.

“Let’s stop this …forget that I said the word cheating…..OK? Maybe Jiyong is just worried about his parenting skills” Daryl reached for my hand and patted it.

And with that, my whole being seemed to crush and burn. Maybe I’m just acting and thinking way too much and in the first place, why would I even think of my husband’s possibility of cheating on me? I trust him with all my heart and he wouldn’t even think of breaking that trust for if that happens, it’ll bring us to hell.

After a few minutes, the girls and I head to our meeting already and with my mind floating somewhere, I don’t think I can pull off a good presentation for today (I almost backed out in presenting for all I want to do is cry coz I’m really bugged by this whole cheating thing).

“Here comes hell” Daryl said when Brady walked in the conference room.

“Hi girls! Good Morning!” Brady greeted and I just rolled my eyes at him and looked away.

“What’s good in the morning?” Daryl asked and he smirked.

The mere fact that Brady and I are in one room together is really annoying me already. This is the first time that I hated an employee and it’s just too hard to even look at him for my eyes hurts whenever I try to even glance at him. He really gives me this annoying and cocky feel aura that I loathe the most in men (If only I can kill using my brain, that guy is already dead for I’ve been beating him up in my mind the whole time).

“Let’s start” President YG said after he settled in his seat.

“Who will start first?” he asked while looking at me then Brady and back to me again.

“I think I should start” Brady stood up from his seat and went in front.

“Oh please” I whispered and sighed.

Honestly, just by looking at Brady’s presentation, I can easily tell that he’s not that equipped with enough knowledge about how a magazine runs (he presented a lot of and I nearly went ballistic for he’s not even making sense the whole time that he’s speaking). Yes, he is good when it comes to writing and all, but it’s not enough.

“A possible sponsor approached me during my recent meeting and he has told me that they’ve been rejected by our magazine for a lot of times already….I know that there are valid reasons as to why we can’t count them in…but…I guess these kind of sponsors doesn’t deserve to be treated that way for they are the ones who are offering their service to us…when here we are…looking for sponsors… I just can’t understand it” Brady said and President YG looked at me as if asking me if what he’s saying is true.

“Can I say something?” I raised my hand, making them all look at me.

“What is it _______?” President YG asked and I cleared my throat.

“Well…one reason as to why we keep on rejecting that sponsorship is because they don’t have a lot to offer…and I’m being honest here…we are not some cheap magazine to get a low grade sponsor like them…yes…they have offered their service to us and I’m thankful for that…but…I don’t think that they can bring us up…instead…we’ll be the one bringing them up to that wonder bar of popularity and that will totally be unfair for us” I countered and Brady looked at me in his she’s-messing-me-up-I-will-kill-her look on his face.

If this guy thinks that he can impress everybody and change whatever rules and the norms in our company, I bet you, he’ll be eating dirt first before we even count his suggestions in (I’m not an evil boss, right? I’m just doing this for that guy to know who’s who in this company).

“I guess in this case…I have to side in with _______...Mr. Lee…looking for sponsors are really hard and it’s really a hit and miss game…and even though there are a lot of companies who are willing to give their names to us…we can’t just pick whoever we want and not evaluate them…as what Ms. Kwon said…there are times that they’ll be the only ones benefitting which will leave us in the dark…I think…what we have to do is…filter these sponsors and choose the good ones for us not to be bad in their eyes” President YG looked at me and I gave him a forced nod.

“OK…we’ll do that…I’m going to talk to our possible sponsors one of these days” I said and he smiled at me.

This is really going to be one hell of a turn for us, especially for me, coz I’m not the one handling these things for all I do is approve them but thanks to this cocky new guy, I’ve got some added burdens now.

After Brady’s non-sense presentation, the girls and I came next and we’re so confident with what we did. Our brains almost cracked up just to make this plan and concepts possible.

“It’s going to be YG RUNWAY’s eight year in the market and we were thinking of having an eternity anniversary issue…why did we call it eternity…well…number eight has no ends...right? So yeah…we want our magazine to last for eternity…and we are planning to bring back the old funk of it….just how the way we started…in the past years…all we do is come up with a double edition issue with a lot of popular people in it…but this time…we want it to be more than just a fashion…lifestyle magazine…we’re going to push that high bar up and it’s going to be a bloody road for all of us…but I am confident that we can do it” I started and President YG looks impressed.

“Most brands now are going global and we have hit that stage already…it’s just that…we haven’t reached that hit point yet…and now…we’re aiming to hit that and it’ll be possible if we’ll change some things with the way we write…our choice of topics and features and even the way we present our editorials” Railey continued.

“What we’re thinking is…since the YG artists are already global…we’ll ask them to team with us for this anniversary issue…they’ll write…style…model or whatsoever…in this way…we’ll attract not only magazine readers but people who are not interested in fashion lifestyle magazines to read coz their idols and favorite artists were the ones who produced it…of course…it’ll heighten their curiosity and our market will expand” Daryl finished and I smiled at the girls for a job well done.

The whole team looks impressed except for one (Brady yawned while we’re in the middle of presenting and that’s the rudest thing that a pe

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ