Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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July 3

He is the reason why even at the saddest part of my life, I smile. Even at confusion, I understand, even in betrayal, I trust and even in pain, I love. I love him because he brings out the best in me, and holding on to that thought, I sincerely believe that just by being with him shall bring out the best life I ever could live. To the world, he may be one person, but to me, he is my world.

It’s so sweet and perfectly good to wake up in a beautiful and refreshing place. This trip is really one of the best trips that we had and I’m so happy that we were able to do this, for this is what Jiyong and I need. We both need to run away from the hustle and bustle of the city and just relax our tired minds in a paradise like Jeju Island.

I woke up with Karielle burying her face on my tummy while giggling and when I looked at her, she seems to be enjoying what she’s doing. And when I turned to look at my husband, he’s sleeping like a log with his face buried on his pillow. Actually, I feel so sorry for him coz I wasn’t able to give him the honeymoon that he wanted coz Karielle slept with us (I don’t have any choice for I can’t let my little daughter sleep with the big ones).

“OK…baby girl…stop it now” I said while patting her back “You’ll hurt your face” I sat up but she still keeps on banging her face lightly (this time, on my thighs).

“Why are you so playful this morning? Huh?” I asked while tickling her.

“M…u…m!” she said randomly and I looked at her in shock.

“What did you say again baby girl?” I asked, hoping that she’s in the mood to repeat it again.

“M…u…m!” she said while pointing at me.

I swear! I went wild after Karielle called me mum. All I can feel at that time is happiness for I’ve never heard her call me mum that clearly and it’s just so unbelievable! I’m floating in air and I feel like I’ve won the biggest lottery jackpot.

“Oh gosh! You’re really good! I love you!” I hugged her tightly and she just keeps on giggling.

“M…u…m” she said once again and I can’t control my tears already.

It seems like Karielle is really showing off today and I’m loving it! Out of all our kids, our youngest has a problem with her speech skills (we’ve already had her checked), and she already knows a lot of words (mum and dad are the first words that she has learnt but she’s always saying bad and good most of the time).

“Babe! BABE!” I called at Jiyong when Karielle called me again.

“BABE! KWON JIYONG!” I slapped him on the back and he jerked up right away.

“What?” he muttered and I smiled widely at him.

“What’s happening?” he asked lazily while rubbing his eyes.

“Baby girl…who am I?” I asked Karielle and she just started giggling.

“M…u…m!” she said after a few seconds and I looked at Jiyong proudly.

“OMO! How?....” Jiyong said while pointing at our daughter.

I know that his competitive blood is kicking in once again and I have a feeling that he will force our daughter to call him dad (I’ll bet my whole life in this).

“Baby girl” Jiyong turned her to face him.

“Who am I?” he asked slowly.

Seeing Jiyong so hopeful that our daughter will say “Dad” is just so funny. You can really feel that all he wanted is just that single word to come out of , but she’s not even making any sound (I swear! It really is funny).

“Baby girl….D..A…D…say it….D…A…D” he repeated over and over again.

“Babe…why are you pushing it?” I asked and he looked up at me with narrow eyes.

“I also want her to call me dad…I want to hear her call me that” he said and I chuckled.

“Baby girl…say D…A…D” I told Karielle and she stared at my mouth while I’m talking.

“D….A……D” Karielle said softly and the moment I heard it, I looked at Jiyong but he didn’t heard it.

“One more time baby girl….say…D…A…D” I said and she looked at my mouth again and giggled.

“What?” Jiyong asked anxiously and I rolled my eyes at him.

“Babe...I think she’s already tired…she doesn’t want to talk anymore” I told him and he stopped bugging our daughter already.

If Jiyong looks so hopeful and excited a few minutes ago, this time, he looks sad and disappointed. I know that it’s really a bit off once your kid just won’t say dad or mum when you really wanted to hear it straight from their mouths (I have felt that with Danny and Russelle before, those two can only say dad when they’re still starting to talk and it really is a sad thing not to hear them call me mum).

“Babe” I said and hugged his arm.


“Are you sulking?” I asked and he stared at me as if he wants to tell me “YEAH! I AM! ISN’T IT OBVIOUS?”

“Babe…Karielle will surely learn how to say dad in no time” I told him and he just smirked.

Well, I’ve nearly forced our daughter to say Dad just for Jiyong to get out of his “disappointment” box, but it seems like Karielle is not yet ready to call him dad for now. Funny thing is, even if she’s not calling her father as dad, the moment Jiyong wakes up, she started hugging him and being so sweet to him. I can really see that our daughter is not only a mummy’s girl but a daddy’s girl as well.

“Gosh! It really is good to wake up in the morning…breathing fresh air and all…thing is…my husband is smoking…it kinda ruined everything” I said when I walked out of the balcony.

“Aigoo…you can just tell me to drop my cigarette you know” he said, making me laugh.

“Baby” I said sweetly and hugged him from the back tightly.

“That feels so good” he said and turned to face me.

“Why are you so handsome…huh?” I asked, making him smile at me widely.

I don’t know, but I feel like being all mushy and cheesy with him today. Oh well, who wouldn’t look for some lovin when you’re in this romantic place, right? Looking at my husband makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the whole wide world. I mean, he really is a great catch and just by thinking that even if A LOT of girls are chasing after him, I’m the one that he chose to spend the rest of his life with, and to be the mother of his children.

“Babe” I called but I really don’t have anything to say to him.


“Nothing…I just feel like calling you” I told him and he looked at me weirdly.

“Yah! What is it?” he cupped my face with both hands and asked.

“Nothing!” I answered and he gave me a peck on the lips.

“What?” he asked again.

“Nothing!” I answered and he kissed me again.

“I won’t stop kissing you till you tell me” he said and started kissing me all over my face.

“Nothing….nothing….nothing….nothing” I said repeatedly.

“Aigoo…you just want to be kissed” he said and I smiled at him.

Being playful is really one thing that I love doing the most whenever I’m with my husband. Jiyong is so used to me being serious and there are times that he will get so shocked once I crack jokes (I have a really dry humor and some people cannot get it).

“Mum! Dad!” the kids called while running towards us.

“OMO! The little Kwons are here” I said and hugged each of them.

“Mum!” DK shouted and hugged me as if she hasn’t hugged and seen me for a long time.

“Aigoo…you’re all in your hype modes early in the morning” Jiyong told them and they giggled.

“These kids are totally enjoying this trip…that’s why” I told him and he smiled sweetly at me.

Jiyong told me the real reason why he brought us out for a trip. My lovely husband wants the kids to have a very fun vacation and he wants to spend time with them and bond. I was really moved when he said that for amidst his busy schedule, he’s still making time for our family. I’m a bit guilty coz I feel like I’m the one who is so focused on my work that I don’t have much time to spend with our kids. Jiyong made me realize that our family is everything and work will never be a top priority.

“I’m hungry” Isabella said while braiding my hair.

“Oh gosh! Babe! We have to make these little ones eat!” I snapped.

Actually, I got so fond of braiding my daughters hairs that I forgot to feed them. Gosh! We’ve been styling each other’s hairs for an hour or so already while the boys and Jiyong are so busy with their video games.

“Let’s go out for breakfast” he said and I nod.

“C’mon now…let’s freshen up” I told the kids and they all stood up in excitement.

“Then we’ll swim after” Jiyong said and the kids just went wild.

“Aigoo…stop jumping! This balcony might fall down” Jiyong said and I laughed when the kids stopped from jumping a

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ