Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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Your dream of being successful, famous and somewhat powerful, then after buckets of tears, pain and real hard work, you get it and now what? Like me, you’ll end up being sick of all of it, that all you want to do is live in a new world and forget the world that you are living in all your life. It’s not easy, and it’ll never be. I actually thought that I’ll grow old performing on stage and creating music, but I was wrong. I’ve realized that there’s a limit to everything and I’ve pushed mine to its max already. I’ve overworked myself and now that I’ve retired, all I want to do is bum around and experience freedom and privacy. Those two have been taken away from me and now that I’m out of the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry, I’m so ready to taste what freedom and privacy is.

When my family and I moved here in New York, we are all sad because we’ll live the place that we are so used to and living in another country is one of the hardest things ever. But now, after two months of living in the city, we are slowly adjusting and we are learning how to accept changes as well.

From being a popular dude to being a home boy, that’s what our close friends define me now. Yes, I did stop making music for a while but I’m in the middle of finishing Big Bang’s farewell album as of the moment which only means that I’m already back to the studio. Thing is, I’m recording alone, in the comfort of my own mini studio, at home.

The G-dragon that was once a workaholic and a total “swagger” is now a full time dad, who takes care of his seven kids, including his lovely wife. ________ and I somewhat exchanged roles as of the moment for she’s the one working outside of our humble home while I stay here with the kids. Well, there’s nothing bad with it for I’m also working, but the only difference now is that, my wife’s time for us is so limited that we rarely eat with her in one table. The kids are also complaining about her busy schedule and I know that no matter how hard our children complain, things are not going to change for she’s got a lot in her plate and her responsibilities in the magazine company now doubled. I can understand everything though, coz for one, we have expected this busy schedule already and second, this is what she really wants and another reason why we moved here is because I want to give her what she wants and that is to handle a magazine company.

“Babe…I have to go now” _________ whispered in my ear.

“Huh?” I turned to face her and she smiled the moment I opened my eyes.

“I’ve got to go now…my meeting starts by eight and I’m already running late” she said and all I can do is sigh.

This is already normal to us. ________ will leave early in the morning, even before our kids wake up and go home with our kids already asleep. As I’ve said, her busy schedule is really getting the best out of her and there are no chances for our kids to even have a glimpse of her. Not unless they are gonna wait till the wee hours of the night.

“I’ll drive you there” I told her and she shook her head.

“I’m fine…I’ll just take a cab...I love you” she said and leaned in for a kiss.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you there?” I asked and she nods cutely.

“Aigoo…alright” I said and sat up “I’ll hail a cab for you” I got out of bed and put a shirt on.

“You’re really the sweetest” she said and I sighed.

“This is the least that I can do” I said and she giggled.

I’m so used to hailing a cab and seeing her off. These are the things that I haven’t even imagined myself doing. I’m doing what a wife should do to her husband but for some weird reasons, I’m the one doing it for my wife. I’m all cool with it though.

“Call me once you get there” I told her before she enters the cab.

“Alrighty…I love you babe” she said and kissed me again.

“Love you too…call me” I said and she gave me a peck on the lips again.

“Bye” she entered the cab and off they go.

And here is where my day starts. It’s exactly seven in the morning which means, in a few minutes, the kids will be up already. Six of them will be going to school which means that I’m left with Karielle all day, but that it doesn’t mean that my work load is already light.

I am under a routine now. I’ll wake up around seven, drive my wife to work and then prepare breakfast for the kids. After that, I’m gonna prepare them for school then drive them all there, and then I’m gonna do all the cleaning, including the laundry once I get back. It’ll take me a couple of hours to do that and then, I’m gonna make Karielle sleep for me to be able to work in the studio without any disturbance. I’ll be in there for two to three hours and then I’m going to fetch the three boys in school, feed them once we get back and go back to recording again. After another two hours, it’s the girls’ time to be fetched in school and from there, I’ll take all my seven kids to the park and let them play. Once we get back, I’m going to prepare dinner already then after that, help the kids with their assignments, play with them for a while and then tuck them in bed.  That’s a lot, I know.

“Hey dad!” the girls walk in the kitchen with their messed up hairs and blown up faces.

“Hey babies…Good Morning!” I greeted cheerfully and they all hugged me.

“Is mum here?” Isabella asked and I just gave out a sigh.

This question is being asked to me EVERY SINGLE DAY and I’m already tired in answering the same old thing which is, “She’s already in the office…she’s got an early meeting”.

“She’s already in the office…she’s got an early meeting” I answered and as usual, they gave out a pout.

“Dad…is it normal for mum to have meetings almost every day?” Gabby asked.

“Well…she’s just starting in the company…of course…she’s got a lot of work to do…but don’t worry…after a few more weeks…mum will be a bit free already” I answered and she sighed.

“Dad I think you are forgetting something” DK said with a deeper tone than usual and we all looked at her in shock.

“OMO!” I said and she just gave out a smile.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY GIRL!” I scooped her up and showered her with kisses.

“Dad! You scared me there! I actually thought that you have forgotten about my birthday already!” DK said and I pinched her cheek.

“How can I forget my baby girl’s special day?” I asked and she giggled.

“Mum haven’t greeted me yet” she said and I caressed her cheek.

“She’s going to greet you in a grand way….I’m sure of that” I told her and she clapped in glee.

Actually, ________ is planning a birthday party for DK a couple of days ago but because of her busy schedule, her birthday plans seems to be buried underground and she has completely forget about it. I just wish that she didn’t forget about our daughter’s birthday today.

“What do you want to do after school?” I asked while putting the serving of pancakes on the table.

“I want to go to the park and eat ice cream….LOTS of ice cream” she said and I nod.

“That’s it?” I asked and she started thinking again.

“Ah! I’ll bring my friends there as well and we’ll play” she answered and I nod for it was really a good idea.

“Arasso…I’m going to prepare a little party for you” I told her and the girls cheered.

“Yehey! Can we take our friends as well dad?” Isabella asked and I stared at her for a moment.

“Arasso…you can…but no boys please” I answered and she gave me a million nods.

Well, ever since my girls started going to school, a lot of boys have knocked on our door asking if they are in, and of course my protective father button is always on although I let them boys in our house but my eyes are like a hawk: sharp, fast and observant.

“Is mum going with us to the park later dad?” Danny asked in the middle of breakfast.

“I’m not sure of that yet…but I’ll tell her about it” I answered.

“I just wish that she’s free…I really miss mum already” DK said and I just smiled at her.

“It’s been weeks since I haven’t talked to mum…I will just see her whenever she stops by our room to kiss us goodnight after that…nothing” Isabella said, making me sigh.

“It’s so hard to have a busy mother” Gabby said and I chuckled.

“I hope she retires as well…that way…we can see her everyday like dad” Russelle said and I smirked.

“Babies…mum is just a little busy nowadays…she’ll be able to join us soon” I consoled them.

Can I do anything more? Well, this is the least that I can do, right? I have to lie to our children for them to be able to feel good even though I know so well that what I’m saying is all trash. As far as I know, my wife will be busy till the end of this year for the company is just starting and a lot of things are still scattered all over the place.

After breakfast, I already prepare the kids for school, including their lunch boxes. The kids and I have this deal that they’ll be bringing lunch boxes to school instead of eating the food at the cafeteria. In this way, I can still watch what they’re eating. No junk foods and sodas.

“All set?” I asked while buckling Karielle on her seat.

“All good dad!” Isabella answered and went inside the car.



My eldest daughter is the one responsible in checking her brothers and sisters if they’re already in the van and if someone is missing, she’s gonna find them and bring them inside the vehicle. Yes, my children have lazy days as well and there are times that they try to skip school but Isabella is just so strict that she will drag the kids out of the house if she needs to, just for them to go to school.

“Dad…Isabella noona pinched me” Gabrielle said and I glanced at Isabella who is sitting beside me.

“How can I not pinch him dad….he’s being lazy again” Isabella defended herself.

“I want you to apologize to your brother….you don’t have to pinch him in the first place” I told her and she sighed.

“Sorry Gabrielle” Isabella said and I smiled at her cuteness.

“Alright noona” Gabrielle answered.

This is how we patch things up. The kids will have these petty fights and once it fires up, I’ll be their referee and they’ll end up being in good terms again.

“Be good alright” I said while handing lunch boxes to my kids.

“Yes dad…we will” DK answered and pulled me down for her to kiss me.

“Love you dad” Isabella said and kissed me too.

“I’ll be good dad…love you” Gabby said and gave me a kiss too.

“I will not start a fight today dad…promise” Danny said and I shook my head.

“Hyung is correct dad” Russelle said and I ruffled his hair.

My girls are so different from my boys. I know that daughters are sweeter, but I’m missing my little boys’ sweet gestures. It always hits me whenever I drop them to school, t

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ