Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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September 3

Life is all about risks and it requires you to jump. Don’t be a person who has to look back and wonder what they would have or could have had. Live the life you want to live. Be the person you want to remember. Make decisions, make mistakes. If you fall, at least you tried. Take chances in life; take a lot of them. Because honestly, no matter what the ending is, it always end up exactly the way it should be.

A foreign land, new environment, new faces equals a fresh new start. Leaving the place and people that you know all this time is really hard. There are moments wherein you just want to back out and just go back to where you came from, for it’s where you really belong.

Our family flew to the States from Korea yesterday afternoon and we have already arrived in New York after a LONG flight. Well, it’s not our first time to go here but this is really the first time that all nine of us are sad all throughout the whole trip. Our kids just slept it off while Jiyong and I continued encouraging each other. My husband and I are being positive in this move out and we are hoping and praying that things will work out just fine for our family.

“Mum! Dad!” I called out the moment I saw my parents.

Gosh! After months of not seeing them, at last! I was able to hug and kiss them again. The last time that we saw each other was when they visited us during the twins’ birthday. Oh how I miss my parents!

“Oh baby girl” dad said and hugged me.

 “Grandpa! Grandma!” all of the kids hugged my parents so tight for they haven’t seen each other for a long time.

“Mum” Jiyong called and mum pulled my husband for a hug.

“You look really handsome” mum said while patting his back.

“Jiyong really looks a celebrity even from afar” dad complimented, earning a nod from me.

“But Grandpa…dad is not a celebrity anymore…he has already quit Big Bang and he won’t sing anymore as well” Gabby told dad and I just looked at my husband who is not giving any reactions at all.

Well, it seems like in the eyes of our kids, their dad won’t be performing on stage ever again. I know that they are really disappointed when we told them that their dad has retired from the music industry already but what we didn’t expect is that, they will really stick it in their minds and now, they have misunderstood some things.

“Baby girl” I called and she bowed her head.

“Sorry” she said and I pulled her closer to me.

After that, we already head to our new home at the upper west side of Manhattan. Mum and dad were the ones who arranged things for us (I trust them and I know that my mum has good taste when it comes to houses, furniture’s and décors. So, I don’t have to worry about it at all).

“As we have said….we got you a townhouse instead of an apartment because it’s much cozier and bigger…the kids can still play and run around…your mum is the one who chose everything coz according to her…_______ told her strictly that I shouldn’t be meddling with things here and there” Dad told Jiyong while we’re on our way to our new house.

“Dad! I didn’t say that! What I said was….I want things to look and feel great…and mum is the one who knows my style and how things should be…but I didn’t say that you can’t meddle around our business” I defended, earning chuckles from them.

“Sweetheart…you know your dad…he misunderstands everything…it’s a sign of aging” mum said, earning a hiss from dad.

“We really got you one of the best townhouses here in Manhattan…of course…it’s not as big like your house in Korea…but it’s also cozy and beautiful…you know how it is here…we don’t live in big houses rather…we live in buildings” mum said and I nod at her.

Actually, Jiyong and I haven’t seen our new house yet, even in pictures. Mum and dad wouldn’t let us see it coz according to them, it’s their welcome gift for us (this is what’s making me so giddy). All I know is that, my parents chose the best neighborhood for us and that’s it.

“We’re here” Dad said and pulled up in front of a cute townhouse.

The moment we got out of the car, our eyes roamed around the area like we’re observing everything around us. I can see that our kids are not that impressed with what they’re seeing (it’s normal since they are used to seeing big block houses in Korea).


“This is your new home little ones” Grandpa told the kids while carrying Karielle.

“But why is it small?” DK asked, making mum and dad giggle.

“Sweetheart…from the outside it looks small…but once you see what’s inside…I’m so sure that you’ll like it…there are a lot of space where you can play” mum answered and I nod in agreement.

And we are already in our new home. Well, I have to give five gold stars to my parents for they really did a great job. All the things that I’ve requested have been granted (big living room and cozy couches) not to mention, the superb décor that brought me and Jiyong in awe.

“We spent weeks in here just to make sure that you guys will love it…all of the furniture’s and interiors are chosen by your mum with Jiyong’s extreme fashion sense in mind” dad said while patting my husband’s back.

“Of course I want to impress my son in-law…he has chosen to live here out of all the places that he can take his family to…by the way Jiyong…welcome to America” mum told him and he gave her a warm smile.

My parents and Jiyong are not that close like me and my in-laws, though they talk once in a while but they haven’t bonded that much yet and now that we are already living near each other, I’m sure that they will build a strong bond as well.

“This is the living room” mum said and I am really awed by how beautiful the room is.


“This is beautiful mum!” I told her and she hugged my arm.

“Sweetheart…I know what you want” she said and I chuckled.

“Thank you mum” I said and she smiled at me.

“What do you think guys?” I asked the kids who are all sitting on our new couch already.

“It’s really comfortable…so soft!” Gabby answered and the rest nodded their heads in agreement.

“C’mon...we’ll show you the kitchen” dad said with his arms wrapped around Jiyong’s shoulders.

I don’t know, but I can already feel that Jiyong and dad will be great buddies now. I just wish that my husband wouldn’t follow the path that my dad has walked on while raising me up. Well yes, he’s not strict at all, but he has this “I’m-oh-so-protective” moments wherein you’ll really feel like he’s choking you to death already.

“And this is the kitchen” dad said and once again, my jaw dropped upon seeing our well decorated kitchen.



“This is so good” I said while looking at the cupboards.

“Your mum is the one who designed this area” he informed and I looked at my mum weirdly.

As far as I know, mum and I are totally innocent when it comes to kitchens and cooking in general. Actually, I haven’t seen her in front of the stove often and never have I tasted one dish that she has cooked (she tried cooking beef with mushroom before and it failed for the beef is rubbery).

“Do you know how to cook now baby girl?” dad asked and Jiyong crack up laughing.

“Oh I guess I already know what that laugh means” he said and I looked at my husband as if I’m gonna kill him already.

“Dad…I’m going to enroll myself in some cooking class…don’t worry” I told him and he patted my shoulder.

“Baby girl…you really have to learn how to cook…especially now that it’s just going to be you and Jiyong around…your mum doesn’t know how to cook either…unlike Jiyong’s mother” he said and I suddenly missed Omma.

This is really going to be my biggest problem. I know that I cannot rely on my husband always when it comes to cooking because he is going to work sooner or later. Time will come and I’ll be the one at home always (I’m so sure that Jiyong would make me stop from working after my second trimester) and I’ll be left at home with the kids a lot. I cannot feed them takeout food always, of course I have to watch what they’re eating and I want them to eat healthy.

After touring the kitchen and dining area, we went to the second floor to see the kids’ rooms. My parents always brag about these rooms because according to them, they gave a lot of time and effort just to make their grandchildren comfortable in their new rooms.


“WOW!” the boys said in unison upon entering their room.

What can I say? Mum and dad are not lying when they say that the kids’ rooms are their favorite spots around the house.

“This is really sick dad” Jiyong said while checking our sons’ room.

“I had my friend design it…he’s really good in this kinds of conventional rooms…he’s got a lot of celebrities under his name and the moment your mum heard that…she flipped out and never let go of that man anymore” dad said, making me and Jiyong giggle.

“Darling…he’s so hot in Hollywood these days…why would we let him go?” mum asked and I rolled my eyes at her.

As expected, mum is once again in her I’m-so-rich-and-I-can-afford-whatever lifestyle again which is a bit annoying because she doesn’t really have to spend a lot (well yes, she’s working hard to buy whatever she li

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ