Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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“Oh hyung!” Seungri greeted upon seeing me walk in the studio.

“Aigoo…you look so tan” Youngbae said and I just smiled at him.

Our trip to Jeju is really one of the happiest and most enjoying family trips that we ever had. My wife and I were able to catch up with the kids and to each other as well. I’m really happy that I was able to bring my family to a trip like that even if it’s not really in our plans.

“How’s Jeju?” Teddy hyung asked and a smile appeared on my face once again.

“aaa hyung….we had a blast! The kids really enjoyed every second of it…as a matter of fact…they don’t want to go home yet....this trip is really perfect” I answered proudly, earning smiles from the members and Teddy hyung.

“Aigoo…I want to go to Jeju as well” Seungri butted in.

“Yah! You’re going there with whom?” I asked and he started thinking.

“Don’t you dare tell us that you’ll go alone coz we will not even buy it” TOP hyung told him, making us crack up in laughter.

“Hyungs! Can’t I go there alone? I just want to relax my stressed and tired body” he said and we went silent for a while.

“Aigoo…am I not that convincing?” he asked and all of us gave him a nod.

Maknae will always be maknae and girls are still his favorite subject. He respects them A LOT for we, (TOP hyung, Youngbae and I) always tells them that women are to be respected and loved. Daesungie listens but with maknae, well, he’s still in the process of learning.

“By the way…a new Japanese teacher has arrived awhile ago…did you guys know about that already?” Teddy hyung asked while we’re waiting for the Vanity Fair team to interview us.

“AH! I’m aware of that but I haven’t seen the new teacher yet” Youngbae answered and I looked at them curiously.

As far as I know, the number of foreign language teachers here in YG is already enough to teach almost everyone. Oh well, maybe YG hyung wants to add more to be sure that all of the trainees will be educated well.

“Have you seen her already hyung?” Seungri asked.

This is so typical of maknae. I’m so sure that he’ll be hunting down this new teacher and he will do cute things for her to notice him.

“I have seen her awhile ago…YG hyung introduced us to each other” Teddy hyung answered.

“Is she beautiful hyung?” Seungri asked with excitement and anxiousness in his voice.

“She is…but she’s still young” Teddy hyung answered.

“How young do you think is she hyung?” Youngbae asked with full interest and I looked at him and chuckled.

“She’s only twenty seven years old…but…she’s already a mother” he answered.

“Aigoo…that means…you don’t have a chance on her maknae-ah! She’s married!” TOP hyung told Seungri, making our youngest member pout.

“Ani” Teddy hyung said and we all looked at him in confusion.

“She’s not…she’s a single mother” Teddy hyung continued.

That’s interesting. I bet this teacher is kind for she’s already a mother. Well, I have this thing about mothers. I have this thought that they are softer than the single ladies out there, and I have to give credit to my wife because of this.

After an hour or so, the Vanity Fair team already arrived and our interview started. This is going to be a tension packed interview for my worst enemy (Alfie) is here. And the moment our eyes met, my blood started boiling already. I know that I have to control my emotions for I don’t want to cause another trouble anymore, and I’ve promised my wife that I will not even lay a hand on that jerk for he’s really not worth my time.

*Three of you are already married now, how did married life changed you?*

“It made me softer…especially when I started having kids….the old TOP that people knew has vanished and I became much bubbly on stage” TOP hyung  answered first.

“I can say that my whole life changed the moment I got married…I’m more open with a lot of things now more than before...I always say this…and I’m going to say it again….my wife really made me see what this world is really like outside the entertainment circle…she made me experience almost all the extremes and I learned to accept everything that comes to me” Youngbae followed next.

“Well…for me…I was changed fully…my perception in life…my goals and even the way I think was changed…when my wife came into my life…I felt that for the first time in my entire existence…a girl was able to tame me…when we got married…she introduced me to a different world…it’s the world of bliss and happiness...I love being married…I love being a husband and father” I answered with a smile on my face.

I don’t know, but every time I have an interview and they ask about my family or ________, I always get emotional and cheesy. There are even times that I sound so dreamy while answering that can struck the interviewer.

*Your wives are known as strong women for they lead one of the most prestigious magazine brand here in Korea, what is it like to be arguing with them?  Do you give in or you still fight for yourself?*

“I know my wife will kill me for this…but…I fight for what I believe is right…Railey and I fight over almost everything…most especially during our first year of being married…she’s sweet and quiet most of the time but the moment you argue with her…a different girl would come out that sometimes you’ll be scared to even fight her…but good thing there is…we can patch things up easily and we don’t need to say anything…a simple hug can wash anger right away” TOP hyung answered and Youngbae and I along with Daesung and Seungri can’t help but laugh coz we are reminded of their small petty arguments.

“My wife really has a strong personality…she’s the kind of girl that will not let you win an argument…we blend with each other most of the time but whenever we fight it’ll be a total riot....and it’s not just going to be her you’ll fight with…it’s going to be her and HER GIRLS which are Railey and _______” Youngbae said and I nod in agreement.

“That’s really true…they fight as a team” TOP hyung said and we burst out laughing.

“So instead of explaining to one person only…you have to explain to three and it can be stressful at times…TOP hyung and Jiyong can back me up on this…but in all fairness to my wife…she’s one tough cookie but once she’s done with her drama….she’ll be softer as a marshmallow already” Youngbae finishes.

“I can proudly say that my wife and I are giving whenever we fight…we listen to each other’s explanations first and if she knows I’m right…she’ll give in and vice versa…though it’s not always like that…_______ is transparent…you’ll know when you’re already winning an argument and if she’s going to fight till the end…it’s kinda easy to read her and like Youngbae and TOP hyung…we can patch things up easily with just a talk” I answered.

*Are there any changes to Big Bang now that three of you are married and the two youngest are not?*

“I can say that our relationship is stronger now…the hyungs most especially…for they can share each other’s dilemmas and worries…and can also relate to each other…they give us lessons about marriage and relationships…they have made us realized that being married isn’t really the end of the world for a man but a start of a much BETTER world” Seungri said and I smiled at him.

“Seungri is right….the hyungs always gives us pointers on how to be a good husband and father and I’m telling you…they are all good at it” Daesung followed and TOP hyung, Youngabe and I were so pleased with their answers.

*Speaking of good husbands and fathers, who is the best among the three of you?*

This question made the three of us silent for a while. I know that I’m not counted in this for I have made a lot of mistakes and have hurt my wife for a lot of times already. As for being a father, I have my own fair share of mistakes as well.

“I can say that it’s Jiyong…he’s really the perfect epitome of a father and husband…of course he’s not literally perfect…but he do almost anything just to make his family happy” TOP hyung said and I got really shocked upon hearing that.

“I have to agree with TOP hyung…Jiyong has been married for eight years now and I can say that his love for _________ never faded even once…he still do surprise events for her and little sweet romantic things here and there…he’s also like a genie to his seven kids…those kids are really lucky for they get what they want without a sweat for their father gives it to them without any word…he’s really a family man” Youngbae said and I fell speechless.

“Yeah…Jiyong hyung is really a family man…before…his writing and making music is what’s keeping him busy and is really the most important thing to him…but now…you’ll see him babysitting his kids…he cooks for them…feeds them and even bathes them…we always for he can also pass as a good housewife” Seungri said, making the whole room filled with laughter.

“The hyungs are all good and is really the best…but if you’ll ask the overall package…it will be Jiyong hyung…one reason is because he’s been a father and husband for a long time already...he breathes and lives them….and believe it or not…even in sickness…Jiyong hyung joins his kids…the seven kids along with him fell sick last month and they find it so cool when _______ was left with so much stress” Daesung said causing the whole team to laugh again.

*What can you say about this Jiyong? All your members have chosen you as the best father and husband?*

“Aigoo…I’m speechless” I said and the members laughed.

“uhmm…honestly…I don’t even count myself as a good husband and father for I have flaws and mistakes as well…but hearing these things from my members…is really overwhelming…for me…TOP hyung…Youngbae and I are all equal…we are good husbands for up till now we can still make our wives happy and this might sound cocky…but we can stil

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ