Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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Last night, it took me a long time before sleep arrived for my mind is just so full of worries coz I have a feeling that once I wake up, my kids will not see me as the loving and sweet dad that they know, but a monster and a troublemaker who beat up the out of a man. I felt so bad for snapping last night and didn’t even saw that coming. All I want that time is to make Alfie’s whole face bleed for disrespecting my wife and for going too far already. Yes, I have my kids in mind while punching that jerk, but I can’t control myself from beating him up. That guy needs to learn his lesson and although I know that my punches will not even make him shake or stop from bugging us, at least I’ve had a little revenge for my wife and my kids as well.

_______ has talked me out of my worries and fears last night and I am really grateful that she didn’t scold or judge me. My wife knows that I didn’t mean to cause trouble and no one has expected such thing to happen. Before, she’s still fine in being friends with Alfie simply because she has given him her trust and now, that trust just went down the drain and I’m really thankful that she has realized now that Alfie is not harmless, that he’s still capable of doing things that will surely ruin our family.

I woke up and got shock when I saw our six older kids, sleeping on the floor with only their pillows and duvets for comfort. Some of them are hugging each other, while the twins are sprawled near the bathroom door. It really is a must see for they are sleeping soundly even if it’s cold inside the room and the floor is really hard. I actually don’t have a clue that they went inside our room coz as much as I can remember, ________ and I slept with just the two of us in the room. I’m already excited for their explanation as to why they all sneak in for a sleepover. Turns out, even my wife doesn’t know that our kids are here and she, herself is shocked upon seeing them.

_______ and I transferred the kids in our bed so that they’ll be much comfortable and that leaves us without any bed to sleep anymore. My smart wife left me to sleep at the girls’ room and I just let her, for she needs some sleep coz she has been so exhausted last night. Well, yeah, I kinda worked her out before sleeping. So yeah, I just entertained myself with the games on my Ipad while waiting for my kids to wake up. I really want them to see me first thing in the morning and apologize to them a million times if I have to.

“DAD!” the kids shouted when I shifted position on the couch.

Well, my eyes weren’t able to take it and I fell asleep on the couch. I’m not yet planning to wake up at that time but the moment the kids shouted, my senses was awakened and of course, I need to greet them already.

I don’t know, but my girls and boys are acting like nothing happened for they are hugging and kissing me non-stop the moment I sat up on the couch. It seems like they’re not scared of me anymore and the memory of last night was already erased from their minds. I have a feeling that my wife has talked to them about the whole situation and I know my kids, they are intelligent little ones and they are so understanding.

“Gosh! I’m going crazy!” _______ said after DK and with the kids still being so sweet to me.

The moment my wife left, I know that it’s my time to talk to my kids and clear things out to them. It’s a good thing that they are all in the mood to listen, for when I told them that I want to say something, they stopped from playing and waited for me to speak.

“Babies” I started and all of them are looking at me.

“About last night” I said and looked at each of them “Dad is really sorry for what he has done…I know that I scared you …I did that not because I just want to punch somebody…instead…I did that to protect mum…I don’t want you to imitate what I did last night…that goes especially for you little boys” I said and pointed at the boys “Fighting is not good and if you can settle your issues and problems without using your fist…talk to him/her instead…thing is…that man is not capable of listening and he did something bad to mum that a talk cannot fix…I’m sorry…don’t be scared of me...you know dad…I don’t want fights and violence…but I don’t have a choice…that won’t happen again…I’m sorry” I said with tears pooling in my eyes.

“Dad…that’s OK…mum already talked about that awhile ago and we have understood it already” Isabella said while hugging me by the neck.

“But dad?” DK said and I looked at her.

“Why is that duck face bothering mum? And isn’t it bad to love someone who is already married?” she asked and I looked at her in shock.

Duck face? Did my wife named Alfie as duck face for the kids? AISH! And did she tell them about Alfie and his feelings for her? Aigoo. They will not understand anything yet and here she is, telling them a more complicated situation.

“How did you guys know about Alfie?” I asked and Isabella sighed.

“Dad…I overheard you and Aunt Daryl…you were talking about that duck face and I told it to the kids…but don’t worry…mum cleared everything to us…all we want to do now is watch over her and help you protect her from him” my eldest daughter said like she knows what she’s talking about.

“Babies….it’s not easy as you think…that duck face is really persistent…and I don’t want you guys to be involved here…don’t worry about us…dad will protect mum all the way and I can promise you that” I told them and they nod.

“Arasso…we trust you dad…but…don’t you fight anymore…I hate seeing you being a monster…it doesn’t fit” DK said, making me chuckle.

“But dad! You are so good in fighting…like Ryu in Capcom vs Marvel” Danny said while punching his fists in the air.

“Danny…I’m no video game…fighting is bad…don’t you ever get into one coz if you did…I’d be confiscating all your video games…and I know you don’t want that” I told him and he stopped from his shadow fight.

“Dad…isn’t it painful?” Gabby asked curiously.

“What? Punching somebody or being punched by someone?” I asked.

“Both” she answered.

I don’t even know why I’m entertaining their questions, but I know so well that I need to answer it so that it’ll give them some clarity. After all, I know that my kids won’t even think of punching or beating each other up.

“It’s painful to punch and be punched” I answered and she nods.

“But if it’s painful…why do you keep on punching duck face last night? Doesn’t your hand hurt?” Russelle asked and I looked at my knuckles.

“It’s bit sore…but…it’s all good” I answered and DK started laughing on her own.

“Why are you laughing noona? Did dad say something funny?” Gabrielle asked her and she still keeps on laughing.

“Ani…I’m laughing because I remembered duck face’s face yesterday…I really thought that he’ll be missing a tooth because of the impact of dad’s punches” she said while laughing with her hand covering .

“Aigoo…does dad looks cool while beating him up? Huh?” I asked and Isabella hissed.

“Yes dad…you look so cool but at the same time…you look so scary….you made me and Gabby cry…did you know that?” Isabella told me with her arms crossed across her chest.

“OMO! I’m sorry…dad won’t do that again” I said and hugged them.

“Next time dad…think about yourself first before beating someone up…what do you think will mum do once your face started bleeding? Your wife will surely go mad and I also have a feeling that she will PUNCH THAT GUYS’ FACE...POW! POW! POW!” Gabby said in a very comic way, making me and her siblings laugh so hard.

“Kwons! Breakfast is ready!” ________ called and next thing I know it, my kids have left me alone inside the room for they are already running to the dining area.

It’s really a good thing that I was able to talk about the whole situation with the kids understanding it. Yes, I know that there are some things that their brains weren’t able to process well, but what’s important now is that they have forgiven me and they already know why such thing has to happen.

The moment I saw our breakfast, I was a bit shaken for my lovely wife has experimented with almost all kinds and types of sweets that we have in our pantry and frigde. I can see chocolates oozing out from the pancake, Kit Kat bars on top of it and Sneakers and Mars bars below. AISH! Well, it’s just fine with me for I know that our kids are going to enjoy it but I’m not a fan of sweets and just by seeing a lot of sticky edibles on my plate is enough to make me go wild.

“This will really make the kids hyped for a week” I told my wife while we’re washing the dishes.

“awww babe…I know that you’re totally against my newly experimented pancake…but…can you just let it be? It’s already done….our kids have eaten a lot of it…yes…they’ll be hyped up and their energies will not even be drained because of the chocos…but don’t you think that’s fun? I mean this is fun…the house will be full of noise …most especially the boys and Karielle will run around the house like they’re in a marathon” she said, making me laugh so hard.

“Aigoo…fine…I’ll let this one slip...and I’m going to pray that the nannies will be able to handle them for a whole day” I said and she laughed so hard.

“Gosh! I didn’t think about the nannies! I guess I have to add two more babysitters so that they can have someone here to handle and manage the kids” she tol

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ