Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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December 27

Life isn’t a destination, it’s a journey. We all come upon unexpected curves and turning points. Everything happens to us shapes who we are becoming. And in the adventure of each day, we discover the important things in life and why they’re important. The world was made round so that if two people who are meant to be together should choose to take different paths in life, they would wrap around and end up right back to each other to meet again.

When you’re a family, no matter how stupid each other can be, you’ll take it and just pray that things will be right for that person. Trust me, my kids along with Jiyong and I know this so well.

What happened yesterday is really magical. I mean, none of us are expecting that we’ll patch things up just like that. I even told myself that morning “I have to forget that Jiyong is my husband” coz we are under a deal and I have to stand up for it coz if not, things will get screwed and I’m really not planning to be in good terms with him yet. But I guess, my heart won once again for it’s the one ruling my whole being yesterday. The moment I saw my husband looking so broken and hopeless outside our daughters room, it suddenly hit me. I know that being angry at him will not help our wrecked marriage instead, it’ll just double the problems and worst things are more possible to happen. Of course, I don’t want my family to go on ruins and if up whatever is happening to us is the right thing to do, I’ll willingly do it.

I woke up with my lovely husband hugging me like a human pillow (it’s so tight), that I have to wriggle myself just to loosen it up a bit. I can feel his calm breathing on my nape and in one moment, I was asking myself if this is really happening coz just the mere fact  that we are being sweet again to each other is already enough to bring me to heaven.

“Morning” a deep and husky just-woke up voice greeted me.

“Babe” I said and turned around to face him.

“Morning” I said and kissed his forehead.

“I feel like we’re newlyweds” he said and I looked at him weirdly.

“Huh? Are you dreaming?”  I asked and he opened his eyes and laughed.

“I’m not….do I look like I am dreaming?” he asked and pulled me closer to him to the point that our faces are just an inch away from each other.

“I feel so new and fresh…it’s like we had our marriage on reset” he said and I looked at him intently.

Well, I have to agree with him. I personally think that this is really a new beginning that we have erased our past and set aside all the problems that we have as of the moment. I know that this is what we really need to do in our relationship for we are just so sick of the past already. I want our lives to be peaceful that all we have to do is focus on ourselves and the children (I know that this is impossible but we can make it possible).

“Jiyong” I called out from the bathroom.

“mmmm?” he stood on the doorway with his messy hair and half closed eyes.

“I look fat and this is not good” I said and faced him.

OK. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and when I saw myself in the full body mirror, I freaked out that I even stripped my clothes off and stared at my body for a good five minutes.

“I look like a cow” I said and stared at the mirror once again.

“What? Babe…what are you talking about? A cow?” he asked with his what-the--are-you-saying? tone.

“Yes babe! Look…I have cellulites right here” I turned to the side for him to see it “And some stretch marks here somewhere” I keep on pointing at my side hip area, while he’s just looking at me like I’m telling him some lame joke.

I’m feeling so down and I can’t even last looking at myself in the mirror. But in all fairness to me, I can still stand in front of my husband, wearing only my underwear.

“I think you need to eat” he said and I looked at him in disbelief.

“Jiyong…I’m being freaked by my body coz I really think that I’m fat and here you are telling me that I need to eat?” I asked and he just gave me a nod.

“Oh gosh!” I said and he went near me.

“Babe…how can you look fat when you’re actually under weight? Your doctors even wanted you to gain five more pounds and I don’t think that you have even gained any yet” he said and I gave him a pout.

“But just look at this” I pointed at my hip area again and he looked at it intently.

“These are just normal….and babe…you’ve had this before and you can always have it removed” he said and I gave out a deep sigh.

Why am I feeling like a total wreck this morning? I mean, I should be happy coz my husband and I are in good terms again but I’m feeling extremely down. Do I have to blame my being pregnant for this? Are my hormones the one at fault here? Gosh!

“C’mon…I’m gonna make you a delicious pancake” he grabbed my robe and wrapped it around me.

“Get dressed first and I’ll see you in the kitchen” he said and I sighed.

“But I look fat” I repeated again and he chuckled.

“Arasso…you are…happy now?” he asked and I punched him on the chest playfully.

“See? You keep on pushing that you are fat when you’re really not and here I am agreeing with you and you got mad…aigoo” he said leaned in for a kiss.

“You are not fat babe….those are part of being pregnant” he said and I sighed.

OK. With that being said, I feel like he has lifted me up from hell. But then again, I don’t feel that confident anymore. Yes, this is part of being pregnant and I’m so used to this but I feel like I’ve become worst. I don’t know, maybe I’m just insecure for my mind keeps on showing Anne and just by thinking that she’s got this tight body right now is already enough to make me feel down (she just don’t wanna leave my mind).

The moment I went to the kitchen, all our kids are in there already. The girls are standing on stools beside their father with Isabella singing the Christmas song that she wrote, while the boys are so busy playing with Karielle on the island counter.

“I so love this!” I said and they all looked at me.

“MUM!” the girls said and I smiled at them.

“Careful” I said upon seeing Karielle running towards me.

“Good Morning!” I said as I carry Karielle.

“Mum look at this! Dad is making fried Oreos for us” Gabby said and I sighed for we are talking about a sinful food.

“Gosh!” I said and walked to them.

“Morning boys” I said as I pass by my sons who are still busy playing.

“Morning mum!” they greeted back in unison.

“This is so good” DK said while offering some fried Oreos.

“I don’t want baby girl” I said and Jiyong looked at me as if I’ve said something bad.

OK. I know that my husband is the one who prepared it and he’s really working hard in frying those wonderful biscuits but I really don’t want to eat or better say, I’m not in the mood to eat. Fine, I’m being petty and super shallow, and I’m acting like a total kid for whining because of some stretch marks and cellulites but can you blame me?  I don’t think that there are any girls who want these two body wreckers to show up.

“I need all of you to get out of this kitchen first” Jiyong said after a while.

“And why is that?” I asked while munching on my apple.

“Because I’ll prepare the table” he said and I stood up from my seat.

“No” he grabbed my hand when I was about to get plates already.

“Jiyong…I will help you” I said and he shook his head.

“Go to the living room now babies…bring your mum with you” he said and the girls grabbed me by the hand and almost dragged me out.

OK. I know that my husband is being so sweet and he doesn’t want me to move around the house but I really want to help coz in the first place, it’s my job as a wife and mother to prepare things here and there.

“What is your dad up to?” I asked the girls while sitting on the couch.

“I don’t know mum” Isabella answered and I pulled her closer to me.

“How are you guys feeling now?” I asked and they looked at me with smiles on their faces.

“We have forgiven dad now mum….and I’ve told the girls that there’s no need for us to bring up the topic once again….what’s done is done and we don’t have to be reminded by it at all” Isabella answered and I kissed her temple.

It seems like my eldest daughter is maturing in a fast pace already. Oh well, she’s right. We have to put the past behind us and move on. After all, we don’t have to be reminded of it coz it’ll just bring us sadness and STRESS once again.

“Let’s eat now!” Jiyong called out and we rushed to the dining room right away.

“WOAH!” the kids said upon seeing the table.

Jiyong really shocked me and our children with the way he set the table. I can still feel Christmas while looking at it. It seems like he saw my newly bought Christmas plates for he used it and they are neatly set and mum’s decors from yesterday’s dinner is also there as well. Gosh! This is really unexpected for not even in my wildest dreams have I imagined Jiyong setting up our table like a pro.

“This is so BEAUTIFUL dad” Isabella said and Jiyong has this satisfied smile on his face.

“Babe….you really did a good job in this….I can’t say anything anymore” I said and winked at him.

“We have to extend Christmas for a while that’s why” he said and helped me to my seat.

“We are just going to eat pancakes and these fried Oreos right? But why do we have a complete table set up?” DK asked, making us laugh so hard.

“Just go with it! Use every utensil if you want” Gabby said and started getting pancakes.

And we started breakfast with smiles on our faces. Jiyong made blueberry pancakes for us and I’ve noticed that his recipe kinda changed for it tastes better than before (I have to know his new recipe coz honestly, it’s really delicious. Far more delicious than mine).

“Babe?” Jiyong called.


“I want to go out and have fun” he said and I looked at our kids who are all nodding their heads as if they’re telling their dad that his idea is super good.

“Alright…where do you want to go?” I asked and he just smiled at me.

“I’ll arrange everything later after breakfast….all I want you to do is prepare for a fun filled day!” he said and our kids did their happy danc

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ