Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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May 14

A happy family is but an earlier heaven. A family is a unit composed not only of children, but of men, women, an occasional animal and the common cold. Call it a clan, call it a network and call it a tribe. Whatever it is and whoever you are, you need one.

Gosh! I’m telling you, being in a family of nine isn’t a joke. Up till now, I still cannot believe that the boring and plain girl eight years ago is now a mother of seven and a wife to a popular person. When I was still a little girl, I always tell my parents that I want to have many siblings for I’m the only daughter and for me, a big family is really good to see and is always happy. I think God has given me my wish now for he put me in a big family and I don’t regret being in it for every day with my kids and husband is the happiest days of my life.

Being a mother is really not an easy job. It takes a lot of years to even be good with it. I don’t know, but having seven kids will really make you go crazy and nuts in just a snap at the same time, taking care of them will really make you feel like you’re the luckiest woman on earth for God gave you so much when there are women out there who cannot even have one.

The kids are really growing up well and from the way it looks, I can say that they are enjoying the company of each other. Isabella is now twelve years old and she’s totally having a mind of her own already, while Gabriella who is seven years old is slowly becoming more like her father as days passes by for she loves music so much and performing is also her thing. Daniella who is already five years old is slowly showing her personality every day and I’m telling you, she really has a different mind from the others. Danielle is four years old and he’s a jokester (I don’t know where he inherit that from, coz for all I know, his father and I are the two most serious human beings in this world). Gabrielle and Russelle are already three years old and they are “THE IDOLS” of this family (seriously, I have a feeling that this two will really make it to the entertainment world in no time). Our little girl, Karielle who is one year old now is sweet and so quiet (she rarely cries). Oops! Wait! I still have another child. Dummy! How can I forget? My other son, Jiyong who is stuck in a thirty two year old body with a mind of a three year old (well, he really loves being counted as my son). Seriously, if you’ll wrap all these personalities together, life will really be so interesting and crazy.   




People say that marriage will really be on the verge of breaking once your family gets bigger and bigger, but I guess these people got it all wrong. Why? Because Jiyong and I are still so strong after eight years of being together. Yes, we do have our little meltdowns sometimes and we turn to rocky roads as well, but at the end of the day, we’ll still be going home to each other and wake up in each other’s arm.

Up until now, I cannot believe that my idol has fallen in-love with me and is now my husband. At first things are so hard coz I always turn into my rock mode whenever we’re in one room together, and now, the awkwardness and secret spazzing is gone and I’ll feel so comfortable and secured whenever he’s in one room with me. A lot of things have happened to us before getting here and it really is no joke. There’s this crazy fangirls scratching and hurting you, the media feasting on you, third wheels that attacks BIG TIME (yeah, I’m talking about dear Lauren here, who is still in a mental institution by the way). These bumps and humps made us strong and it really made us realize what we really are for each other.

Have you ever felt so tired but you can’t even sleep for another minute because a lot of things are going in your head already and you know that these things are much more important than that one minute sleep that you want? I am really sleep deprived nowadays for I have work to attend to, a husband who needs my best sanity and kids who needs to be taken care of. I don’t even have a time for myself anymore.

“That’s mine! Give it now!”

“Mum! Mum! Mum!”

“I want that!”

What a sweet way of waking up. Mornings will never be the same without their petty fights and shouting.

“What’s going on here?” I asked with my messy hair, un-brushed teeth and totally tired body.

“Mum…Gabby borrowed the bag that I will use in school today” Isabella whined and I sighed.

The first two kids are always fighting to think that they’re five years apart from each other. Jiyong and I always talk to them about their issues and they will end up saying nothing. I don’t know if it’s normal or they’re already in a sibling rivalry this early.

“Gabby…dad bought you a new bag last week…right? Why not use it?” I asked and she sighed.

“But mum…I borrowed this bag to Isabella yesterday and she said yes…I don’t know why she’s acting like that now” Gabby defended and Isabella stuck her tongue out at her sister.

“Girls…please! Why would you fight over a bag? You’ve got a lot of them in your closets…if you want…you can use mine” I said in annoyance (Did I just say that they can use my bags?)

“You know what? Just have it! I’m going to use another one instead” Isabella give in and I smiled at the two of them.

This is what I can’t really understand between sisters. I mean, why even start a fight or an argument when in the end you’ll be giving in as well?

“Run! C’mon! RUN!” the twins shouted at their brother while wearing their Star Wars masks.

“OK guys…that’s it! R2d2 and Obi wan Kenobi will have to stop running already” I told the twins while grabbing their lightsaber to make them stop.

Boys will really be boys. I’ve already stopped them, but they kept on going like I wasn’t there. Puh-lease! Give me some powers to make these kids stop.

“Danny….stop it now…don’t play with the twins anymore” I said desperately with a lightsaber in hand.

“Mum…just sit there and let us play…we will not break another jar…don’t worry” Danny said and I feel like an adult is talking to me.

“Guys…c’mon! It’s still so early to run around and hurt each other” I said but they just ignored me and continued slashing themselves with their fake swords and lightsabers.

“Where is DK?” I asked and searched around the room for my third child.

As expected, she’s inside the nursery, playing alone and having a little tea party with some stuffed Panda’s and bears. This little girl will choose peace over war.

“Hey baby girl!” I greeted when I walked in the room.

“Mum…why is Karielle always smiling?” she asked randomly while looking at her baby sister who is staring at us while giggling.

“I don’t know…maybe she’s happy because you’re here?” I answered (Truth is, I don’t even know what the answer to that question is)

“Is dad already awake?” she asked again while pouring tea to her panda friend.

“Not yet…he went home late last night and was really tired…why?” I asked curiously.

Whenever the kids ask this question, I already know that Jiyong has promised them something or is going to bring them somewhere.

“He told me that it’s my special day today” she answered.

Well, Jiyong and I have this family thing called “SPECIAL DAY” wherein we date each of our kids once a week. For example, today is DK’s special day which means, we’ll be spending some time with her and bring her somewhere she likes.

“But baby girl…aren’t your special day supposed to be this coming Wednesday?” I asked (This is totally not possible today for I have a lot of things to do in the office and I cannot afford to be absent)

“Dad is not free on Wednesday” she answered and I looked at her while strangling Jiyong in my mind.

OK. I don’t know why Jiyong is not free this Wednesday, but we have talked about DK’s special day for a week already and he was even the one who planned the things that we will do. And now, I’m the one being put in this stressful situation for I have to choose between a full work load and my daughter.

“I’ll just go see if dad is already awake” I told her and went out of the room with my mind almost liquid.

Jiyong went home super late last night and I can see even from his sleep that he’s dead tired, but I have to clear things with him so I woke him up for I need to do something about that sudden change of Special day schedule.

“Babe…babe” I said while shaking him by the shoulders (this is what he hates, but he cannot get mad at me so it’s just fine)


“I need to talk to you right now” I told him and he faced me with one eye opened.

“DK told me t

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ