Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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“Are you preg….”

“Kwon Jiyong!” I shouted at him, making five pairs of eyes look at us.

“Seriously babe….what are you feeling?” he asked and I smirked.

“I’m in pain…IN DEEP PAIN” I answered and he sighed and shook his head.

“Aside from that….are you feeling weird? Nauseous? Be honest please” he said, making me laugh so hard.

Here goes Mr. Kwon once again. His mind can really be so imaginative, extreme and completely out of shape sometimes and I’m telling you, this will drive you crazy!

“Babe…I’m just feeling a little weird…but that doesn’t mean that another Kwon baby is inside me…I’m so sure that the reason why I’m having eating issues is because of stress…and that’s just it” I told him and he shook his head.

“I don’t believe you” he said and I sighed.

“And why is that?” I asked while looking at him intently.

“Because you are already delayed for days now babe…actually…two weeks to be exact….I was about to ask you what’s really going on…but this thing came up and yeah…so now…I’m gonna ask you…are you pregnant? You can’t hide it from me…you know” he said as if he’s already sure that I’m pregnant.

Is my husband your typical husband? There are times that I think of him as an ordinary partner who doesn’t care whether I have my period or not, but with what he just told me, I’m really impressed for he knows when my period is and he’s counting (this is so weird but at the same time, cute).

Actually, he had me thinking there. It is true that I’m delayed for weeks now but it’s a bit normal for me coz I’m not having my period in a regular basis. This is also one reason as to why I always have false alarms.

“Babe...there are times wherein I’m really a week delayed…it can even last for weeks…right? So stop thinking about baby number eight coz I will be the first one to know if you have hit the jackpot once again” I winked at him and he reached for my hand.

“Can you at least do a test later?” he asked and I can really see in him that he’s got high hopes about this.

“I’ll do it tomorrow morning” I said and he nods in agreement.

I know that even though this topic has ended already, in his mind, something is really going on with me and I’m betting my whole life in this. He will really call all the Gods in heaven just for that test to be positive (that’s how bad he wants another baby).

After eating, we head to Seoul already for we miss our kids badly. Being away from them even just for a night is so hard and I’m so sure that they are all having a fit for Jiyong and I are nowhere to be seen. According to Jiyong, when he called Dami-unnie last night, the girls are fine with us being away but the boys are really having tantrums (I kinda expected it).

“Where are the kids by the way?” I asked and took a sip of my milkshake.

“They are with Omma and Appa…we’re heading there now” he answered and I nod.

“Gosh! I miss them so bad!” I said and Jiyong chuckled.

“Aigoo…that is the consequence of you running away” he said and I looked at him and pinched his cheek.

“Yah!” he protested and I smirked.

“I’ve said this a million times already…but I’ll say it again….I won’t be running away if it weren’t for you” I told him and he glanced at me.

Jiyong hasn’t asked me about the reason as to why I ran away from him. I guess, it’s not important to him anymore since he has found me in the end and now we’re in good terms again.

“By the way” he speaks out after a long silence “What happened to your phone? I found it on the floor in our bedroom…all crushed and totally broken” he asked and I sighed.

“Well Mr. Kwon…I threw my phone away coz I’m so annoyed …did you know that I’ve waited till six in the morning for you? You didn’t even bothered to leave a message ….I’m so dead worried about you that even if I’m so exhausted that night…I still waited for you patiently…and here you are….telling me that you slept in another girls’ apartment” I answered and he kissed my hand and intertwined his fingers to mine.

“I’m so sorry….I’m really worn out that night as well…that’s the sole reason as to why I fell asleep there….don’t worry…I will not make you wait for me anymore” he said and I smirked.

Honestly, I’m so used in waiting for him until he comes back from work. You see, even if I’m this crazy kind of wife, I can also be a normal one at times. Believe it or not, there are even times where I prepare ramen for Jiyong to eat once he arrives and this simple thing is always well appreciated by my husband.

The moment we arrived at my in-law’s house, my heart skipped a beat for I’m really excited to see our kids already (I’m not exaggerating). Omma welcomed us with her ever sweet smile but the moment she noticed that I’m limping, she got so worried.

“OMO! What happened?” she asked while helping me to the couch.

“I’m fine Omma…this is nothing” I told her and she shook her head and went to get a medicine kit.

Jiyong has cleaned my wounds already before we head for Seoul and Omma cleaned it again when we arrived. There was a difference between Jiyong and Omma’s way of cleaning a wound (Omma’s hands are really light and she knows what she’s doing unlike Jiyong who is a bit harsh).

“Yah! Jiyong-ah! What happened to your wife?” Omma asked while putting cream on my wound.

“I tripped Omma….that’s why” I answered instead and looked at Jiyong nervously.

Even though I hate lying, I have to do it now for I don’t want my in-laws to know about our fight last night. I’m pretty sure that once they know about the truth behind these wounds, they will worry and Jiyong would surely be dead meat.

“But these wounds are too much….are you sure you only tripped…these are serious cuts ________” Omma said and I looked at her in shock.

Seriously, I fell dead nervous the moment she said that. I felt cold all of a sudden and my palms are sweaty. I don’t know if it’s really a skill that you develop once you’ve been a mother for so long already, that you know all kinds of wounds. I can also feel that she can sense that I was lying.

“Omma….those are glass cuts” Jiyong said all of a sudden.

What the heck! I’m doing my best to hide it and here he is saying it like it’s not a big deal at all. Gosh! He will surely receive a lot of scolding and I don’t want that of course. I’m covering his mess up for I don’t want his parents to get mad at him AGAIN.

“Mwo? How?” Omma asked while looking at Jiyong then me.

“Omma…” I said but Jiyong cut me off.

“We had a fight last night Omma” he said while looking at me and all I can do is sigh.

“MWO?” she asked in shock and she pressed on my wound so hard that made me shriek so loud.


“OMO!” she said and started it lightly.

“You had a fight last night….OK…that’s fine for it’s just normal….but for your wife to have these wounds YAH! What did you do to her?” she asked in anger and I jerked up for Appa walked in the living room to check what’s happening.

I swear! This is hell time for us (well, for my husband). Once my in-laws know about this “Jiyong nearly cheated on me” thing, they will surely go ballistic and I don’t want that to happen for they will make their son suffer so much. The last time that Jiyong played around, they have discovered it and the kids and I were forced to move with them and leave Jiyong for a month to teach him a lesson.

“What is happening here?” Appa asked in his not so good English.

“Look at this yeobo” Omma said, a pitch higher than her usual.

“OMO!” Appa said upon seeing my wounds.

OK. I know that my legs are not a good sight for it has a lot of small cuts all over. Appa’s reaction is enough to tell me that he’s not letting Jiyong slip away without any beating. My nerves shoot up and all I can do is pray that he’ll go easy on him.

“YAH! KWON JIYONG!” Appa shouted and I looked at my husband with fear.

“________...tell us….what happened?” Omma asked in a calm tone and I just stared at her.

“Yeobo…she’s not going to tell it to us because your son is here…of course…she’s afraid of him” Appa said and I shook my head.

“Appa...Omma…this is nothing” I told them but they just ignored me.

“What happened?” Omma asked Jiyong in a very scary tone.

“I screwed up once again….she got so angry and began breaking plates” Jiyong answered and I just looked at him and shook my head.

At that point, I can already feel the tension in the room and my in-laws rage level going high. Jiyong is seating across from me and as much as I want to move beside him, I can’t, for Omma will surely stop me from getting up. The reason why I want to transfer seats is because I want to block Appa’s hand from the sure beating that he will give to his son.

“What is that again?” Appa asked in total anger, making me so damn worried.

“Appa…Omma…I’m sorry…I screwed up again…but…it’s just a simple kiss…and it happened weeks ago already” Jiyong answered and Appa nearly slapped him but thankfully, Omma was able to stop him.

“Tell me…where are you last night?” Appa asked and Jiyong got shocked upon hearing his father’s question.

I remember telling my in-laws yesterday that Jiyong didn’t come home last night. Shoot! They will think that he is once again playing around and if he’s going to be so honest to them now, they will really think that he’s having an affair with another girl.

“He’s….” I said but Jiyong cut me off again.

“We had a fan date two nights ago and I offered to drive my date and her son to their apartment…coz it’s already late and the kid begged for me to stay even just for a while…I gave him what he wanted coz he’s really begging me…next thing I know it...it’s already morning and that I’ve fall

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ