Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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“Have Jiyong called already?” Railey whispered to me.

“Not yet…he’s not answering any of my calls” I answered.

At that point, all I want to do is cry for I am the one hurting for my daughters. Fine, I know that Jiyong don’t want this to happen, but he should’ve told the kids the truth than make them believe and expect that he’ll show up this afternoon.

“Mrs. Kwon” a woman called me.

“Yes?” I answered and I excused myself to go near the woman who looks like a teacher.

“Hi ma’am! I’m the kids’ ballet teacher…Ms. Lee” she introduced and I smiled at her.

“Hello…nice to meet you” I said cheerfully and shook hands with her.

“uhmm…we’re having a problem with Gabriella” she said and I looked at her in worry.

“Huh? What’s happening to her?” I asked worriedly.

“Her performance is near already and she doesn’t want to go out on stage…it seems like she’s not in the mood” she answered and I sighed.

And with that, I have no choice but to go backstage with Ms. Lee. I know so well that the reason why Gabby is not in the mood to perform is because of her dad for she’s waiting for him to arrive but as usual, he’s not here.

“Baby girl” I called and she hugged me right away.

“Mum!” Isabella called out and the two girls ran towards me.

“I’m so sorry for being late girls” I said apologetically.

“It’s all good mum…at least you’re here” DK said and I smiled at her.

“Where’s dad mum?” Isabella asked and I looked at her and slightly shook my head.

“I don’t want to dance without dad!” Gabby whined (I don’t know what to do anymore for this is the first time that the girls whined like this and I know that no words can comfort them).

“Gabby…let’s just do this…I mean…everybody’s here…Halmeoni…Harabeoji…Aunt Dami…Railey and Daryl…the kids and mum” Isabella told her and Gabby shook her head.

“Unnie’s right Gabby unnie…they’re all here to watch us” DK followed.

“I want dad!” Gabby shouted and I carried her to a corner.

I’m telling you, that was the hardest moment of my life for I really want my kids to be happy that day but because of Jiyong’s promise, it’s totally ruined. One more thing, I am also busy but I really tried my best to get here.

“Baby girl” I said and forced her to face me “I know that you’re so disappointed with dad...and I want to say sorry in his behalf…you see…dad is really busy now and he just cannot leave work just like that…but if you only know how much he loves to watch you guys” I told her and she shook her head.

“But he promised!” Gabby said and I sighed.

“OK…uhmm…I’ll call dad and tell him to go here immediately…but…promise me that you’ll go out there and dance…and I want you to give your best for we are all watching” I said and she gave out a pout.

“Baby girl…I’m so sure that dad will be here in time for your performance” I told her and she nods.

In the end, I was able to convince Gabby to perform even if I know that Jiyong won’t make it. I hate lying to my kids, but at this point, I don’t have a choice.

“What happened?” Daryl asked when I went back to my seat.

“Gabby had a little meltdown” I answered and sighed.

“That’s expected” Railey said.

“This only proves that you can never underestimate the predictability of stupidity…I mean…what Jiyong did is totally stupid…how can he promise the kids that he’ll be here when he knows that it’s even far from possible” Daryl said in anger.

“I don’t know what to think anymore….all I want is for the kids to finish their performances” I said and they nod in agreement.

After six performances, the MC introduced DK already. I don’t even know how to react when I saw my daughter on stage with oozing confidence, not to mention, she really looks so beautiful.

“And now…for the finale performance of the Buttercup level….please welcome….Daniella Klaire Kwon!” the MC introduced and the whole crowd cheered for her.

“FIGHTING DK!” FIGHTING!” the girls cheered while raising their placards up in the air.

“UNNI!” the kids cheered as well.



To tell you the truth, I am really dying inside because of nervousness. I don’t know, maybe it really is a mum thing but seeing my daughter on stage is really making all my nerves twitch and it’s just so crazy!

“DK really improved” Dami-unnie told me and I smiled at her.

“I’m happy for her” I said and she patted my hand.

I became so emotional after DK’s performance for I know how hard she prepared for this (I guess, watering plants to shake of some nerves really helped).

After the Buttercup ballet level performances where DK belonged, the Orchid ballet level is coming next. This is really making me more nervous for Gabby belongs to this group and I just found myself praying to all the Gods in heaven that she will show up on that stage and just give out a performance.

“Oh! Big Bang!”



During the ten minute break, the crowd became a little noisy all of a sudden and we keep hearing them say Big Bang, 2ne1 and YG family. We even looked around the area if any of them are there, but we cannot spot even one Big Bang or 2ne1 member.

“Ladies and Gentlemen…we introduce to you our first Orchid level performer…this talented ballerina was given an award last year for being the best performer in her age level…here she is now…Gabriella Kwon!” the MC introduced and the whole auditorium seemed to shake because of the screams and cheers of the people.



What can I say, Gabby rocked her performance because of her gracefulness and every move is perfect. I can’t believe that my daughter is already this good for the last time I’ve watched her perform, she did so many mistakes and now, it’s the other way around.

“GO GABBY!” the whole family cheered while holding Big Bang lightsticks.

“This is so fun!” Railey said and I nod in agreement.

“I didn’t know that ballet can have a touch of rock as well” Daryl said because Gabby’s background music has a rock feel in it.

“She’s so good” I told them proudly and they nod in agreement.

It took me some time to get over Gabby’s performance for the next performers seem to not matter to me anymore. All I can say is that, I’m really one proud mother and I will brag about my kids everywhere and anywhere.

“Jiyong is still not here” Daryl told me and I hissed.

“He’ll regret all of this sis” I said and she hugged my arm.

“Don’t get mad at him sis…he doesn’t want this to happen as well” Railey said and I sighed.

Actually, it’s just fine if he didn’t get to watch for I know and I can fully understand that he’s so busy, but what I’m going mad about is that, he promised to the kids that he’ll be watching their performance which made them expect and now that he’s nowhere to be found, it left our kids in total disappointment.

“The next performers are what we call the Red ballet dancers and this is the top level” the MC said and I looked around the area once again hoping to spot Jiyong already.

The show is going on for almost three hours already and he’s not yet here. I was actually expecting that even in the last minutes of the show, he’ll at least show up but he didn’t which disappointed me as well.

“And our next performer can already be called a true ballerina for her excellence in dancing…ladies and gentlemen…let’s all welcome…Isabella Kwon!” 



When Isabella came out, all I can do is cry for I’m so proud of what she has achieved. I can’t believe that our eldest daughter is making a name all by herself in many fields of entertainment already.

“Isabella! Isabella! GO! GO! GO!” we cheered and she gave us a cute smile and a wink.

Her performance is a bit long than her sisters and like them, she’s totally making the stage hot (I know, I know. I’m one heck of a stage mother,

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ