Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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What a day! What a morning call! Well, this is very normal already but I’ll never get used to it. My seven kids are just so good in waking me up and knowing that I’m not really a morning person, it takes pros to be able to wake me up and my kids are those pros coz they can make me get my out of bed just by jumping in bed all at the same time.

“Aigoo” I grabbed Karielle by the waist and hugged her.

“NO! NO! NO!” she squirmed and even bit my arm.

“Yaaaa….when did you learn how to bite a person?” I asked and she just giggled.

“DAD!” Gabby jumped on top of me, making me groan in pain.

This is what I call, the ultimate torture by the Kwon kids. I don’t know, but my kids are the only ones who can pretty much do some damage to me, without me going ballistic. Well, of course, they are my kids and I can’t even hurt them, but seriously, when it comes to them, I’m the softest person you’ll ever know.

“Where is mum?” I asked when I noticed that my wife is not beside me anymore.

“She’s in the living room with Aunt Railey…they are working” Isabella answered and I nod.

Today is YG RUNWAY’s Ball and as usual, the girls are once again on a roll and my wife’s nerves are shooting up for sure. ________ has been preparing this for weeks now, and it’s definitely going to be one of the best parties this year.

“Why did you wake dad up this early?” I asked and my sons stopped from wrestling me.

“Dad” Danny looked at me with narrow eyes “You promised us that we will swim this morning” he continued and I gasped in surprise.

“As usual…you forgot about it” Isabella said and sighed.

“NO! I didn’t! I’m about to get up already” I sat up and their faces lit up.

“But before that” I said and looked at my children “You have to kiss dad first…ONE BY ONE” I looked at my sons coz I know that they will not kiss me.

“That’s it?” DK asked and kissed me on the cheek.

“Make it two” I said and she kissed my other cheek as well.

Surprisingly, my sons also kissed me and the sweetest of all is Gabby because she kissed me on the lips and said “I love you dad!” after. This is life! I’m being showered with so much love and it’s the greatest feeling on earth.

The moment I walked out of our room, Youngbae is the first one I saw together with Daryl. Aigoo. As expected, the girls are being giddy once again for their upcoming event and we (the husbands) are obligated to calm them down a bit.

“Morning Ji!” Railey greeted the moment she saw me and the whole gang just looked at me, including my wife.

Ottoke? I can really feel _________’s stress just by looking at her and the sight of her dark circles is an indication that she wasn’t able to sleep well last night, which means that she has been thinking of many things once again. I do understand that this event is really important to her, but I really hate seeing in t  his state.

A kiss will surely make her worries fade away and I’m so sure of that, coz the moment I saw a smile appeared on her face, I already know that she’s somewhat calmed down. This is how powerful I am when it comes to my wife and I’m so proud of that.

“Aigoo Jiyong-ah…how can you drag me in this” Youngbae said while changing to his swimwear.

“Mianhe….I just have to have someone to accompany me” I told him, earning a smirk.

“Yuan will not even get envious in seeing the kids swimming because he doesn’t even like to take a bath” Youngbae said, making me laugh so hard.

“Seriously?” I asked and he burst out laughing as well.

“He will not take a bath unless the water is heated up…he’s so much like Daryl….they hate cold water on their skins” he answered, more like complaining.

 I dragged Youngbae to swim with me and my kids coz I just want someone to talk to while watching over the kids. It’s kinda boring to just stare at them while playing and practically doing nothing. Actually, Youngbae needs to thank me coz I pulled him out of the girl zone.

“So…have you heard about the plans for YG RUNWAY?” Youngbae asked while squirting water using his hands.

“I have…but…I asked YG hyung about it last night and he told me that nothing is sure yet” I answered.

“But if it gets finalized….________ will surely be given the highest position in the company since she’s a pioneer of the brand” he told me and I sighed.

“I know…but I don’t really want her to have a high position…coz I know that it’ll just make things busier and hectic for her” I said and he nods in agreement.

Well, there are rumors around the company that my wife is one of the few chosen staffs that has the possibility of being given the position as the newest CEO for YG RUNWAY. It is really a good news, but if she’ll be chosen, her life, more like, OUR LIVES, will surely change because her schedules will definitely be doubled and not only that, she might even be based in America.

“Daryl told me that the reason the board of members didn’t chose her and Railey is because _________ is really their only one point…it’s just fine with the girls because that just means that they don’t have to worry about being so busy…but then again…they are worried for _________ coz she’ll surely have big responsibilities once these whole rumor gets finalized” Youngbae said and I nod in agreement.

“I know that…well…________ knows that…I don’t even think that she will accept the position if ever….I mean…the brand will have its expansion and that only means that she has to work away from us for I don’t know how many years coz she’ll be based in the States…and that will kill me” I told him and he sighed.

“Don’t worry…I can feel that __________ will not even think of accepting the position…why? Because she will not leave you and your kids here plus…she cannot even afford to leave Railey and Daryl….we know those girls…where one is…the two should follow” he said and it enlightened me a bit.

My wife and I haven’t talked about this promotion actually and it is because, we know that it’ll just flood our heads with so much thoughts and worries. ________ knows what will happen to our family once she accepts the position, and it’s not going to be that good.

“Breakfast!” the girls walked towards us with food trays in their hands.

“PANCAKES!” the kids shrieked and got out of the pool right away.

Aigoo. Our kids really never get tired of eating their mum’s pancakes and I will NEVER get sick of it too. Railey and Daryl were impressed of my wife’s pancake cooking skills, for they have eaten a lot.

“Seriously….we are going to die already” Daryl said while munching on some pancakes.

“Why is that?” I asked.

“Because we still have a lot of things to do…and…our outfits haven’t came in yet” Railey answered, earning a smirk from me and Youngbae.

Girls will really be girls. I was expecting for their worries to be majorly big, but it turns out that they are being problematic because of the un-delivered gowns that they ordered. Actually, I can’t wait to see my wife’s couture gown for I’ve heard that she’s about to rock the night with an Alexander Mcqueen ensemble.

“Your assistant is already here...shall I let her in?” one of our bodyguards told ________ and I jerked up upon hearing the word “assistant”.

I don’t know but, my wife and Anne are really in good terms with each other already and it’s just so unbelievable. I know that ________ can easily forget and she never really keep grudges, but this whole thing is surely awkward coz being in one room with her and Anne is totally making me so uncomfortable.

“Good Morning” Anne and Ae sook noona greeted when they walked in the pool area.

The way Anne looks at me is really the same look when we were in Japan. Those eyes are the ones that almost drowned me into a pool of sin. Why do I feel like she wants to tell me something, but she just can’t voice it out?

“uhmm…let’s eat breakfast first” ________ told the two girls and they sat on the chairs across from us.

Once again, I met Anne’s heavy stares and it’s making me really awkward. I know that everything is already clear to her, and she will not even put her job at stake just because of her feelings for me (if she still has).

“So…where were we?” Railey asked after the girls settled on their seats.

“Our outfits” _________ answered and I chuckled.

“Please girls…don’t wear dresses that are too showy” Youngbae said and I nod for a million time in agreement.

“Darling…our bodies are not made to be kept under layer of clothing” Daryl told him, making the two girls chuckle.

“Girls should always have gowns and leg showing dresses once they hit the red carpet…why? Because that’s what makes the whole walk interesting…the more skin you’re showing…the more interesting you are” Daryl added, making Youngbae sigh in defeat.

If you’re going to ask me, I will not even let __________ wear something that shows off her curves or even her shape. I know that I’m exaggerating once again but I’m so sure that once sh

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ