Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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Anne and her son already drained my patience and as much as I just want to let things pass, I can’t, for I’m so sure that Yuri will once again ruin my kids’ wonderful day. I’m pretty sure that he will cling on to my husband as much as he could and that will get our kids jealous of him once again. Gosh! Jiyong almost kneeled in front of our kids just for them to forgive him and now that they’re in good terms already, this kid will show up and mess their relationship up for the nth time again.

The moment Anne and I reached my office, my heart started  beating fast and my nerves are all shooting up and it’s all because of anger and annoyance. I don’t even know why I suddenly decided to confront her, but what I’m sure of is that I want this whole thing to stop. I want her son to leave my freakin husband alone and not bug him anymore.

“uhmm….take a sit” I said, trying to sound calm.

“Is there something wrong ma’am?” Anne asked nervously.

“There is” I answered and looked straight into her eyes.

I can see fear and worry in her and she’s giving me this feeling that I can knock her out anytime, but I won’t do that for I don’t want to be the bad guy here. All I’m going to do is tell her what my issues are and it’s already up to her if she’s going to do something about it or not (she really has to do something or else…).

“What is it ma’am?” Anne asked and I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a while.

This is really going to be hard for I’m not the kind of person who will confront someone and tell whatever problems or issues I have with him/her. I’m the type of person who will just shut up and let things pass, but this is really different for it is already damaging my husband’s relationship with our kids.

“Anne…I know that we are both mothers and we get really sensitive when it comes to them” I started and she looked at me curiously.

“I think you know so well that I’ve got issues with you and your son…right?” I am totally playing it cool for I don’t want this conversation to heat up.

“Yes ma’am I’m aware of that…Jiyong has talked to me about that matter already” she answered and I got a little shocked when I heard her call my husband by his first name.

Last time I remember, she’s addressing my husband as Mr. Kwon and now, it seems like they are already in a first name basis. Things are bugging me once again and I’m brushing it all off for I know that if I’m going to think about it too much, it’ll result to a bigger problem things will once again get ed up.

“OK….I’m going straight to the matter already since I don’t have much time for this” I said and sighed.

“Anne…your son….he’s getting on my nerves already….why did you even have to bring him here?” I asked with my slightly y tone.

“I’m sorry ma’am…I know that Yuri is still bugging Jiyong even if I already cleared things to him….I brought him here because he doesn’t want to go to the day care center anymore….but don’t worry ma’am….I’ll distance my son from Jiyong….so that he can work without any disturbance” she answered and I shook my head.

“Actually…I’m not talking about today only….look….Jiyong and I have kids and they are really protective and sensitive when it comes to their dad….your son has been damaging their relationship and as their mother…it’s so hard to see my kids getting jealous over a kid who doesn’t even have any connection with us….your son is totally making my kids sad and it annoys me because let’s face the truth….he is squeezing himself in my husband’s life…yes…I know that he’s just longing for his father’s love….but….Jiyong is not the right person to give him that” I told her and she just stared at me, with a blank expression on her face.

I’m trying my best to filter my words for I know that there is a huge possibility that I might hurt her with whatever comes out of my mouth. Actually, I’m not good in sugar coating words most especially when it comes to these kinds of things. But then again, she’s a mother and of course, in her mind, her son is not doing anything wrong.

“Ma’am…I apologize in behalf of Yuri…..I know that he’s really pushy and stubborn….but…I just want you to understand that he is harmless and all he wants is to feel…even just a few minutes the love of a father…I tried explaining everything to him but whenever I see my son smiling because Jiyong is playing with him…it’s just priceless and it’s the most wonderful feeling in this world” she explained with tears pooling in her eyes.

“But Anne…this is not right….Jiyong and I have seven kids and there are instances wherein he can’t split his time with all of them…and here comes your son….asking for some time from a man that doesn’t have any responsibilities to him…what’s annoying is that he’s really demanding and totally insensitive….yes…he is just a kid….he doesn’t know what’s right or wrong …but…you can basically teach him those things for you are his mother…I guess you haven’t explained and cleared things to him that well because if you did…he won’t be bugging my husband and my family anymore” I said and I can feel that I already hit a nerve.

There is no room for sugar coated and filtered words. Why? Because I can sense that Anne is just like her son. They are two pushy human beings who are messing up our family. This girl wouldn’t even listen and all she knows is what her mind is telling her and her ears are just for display coz they don’t really function coz she’s not a good listener at all.

“I’m sorry for saying this…but…it seems to me that you are degrading my son already….no…you’re degrading not just my son but the two of us….ma’am….I know that we are being a burden to you already but I actually thought that you would understand my son’s situation….that kid has no father and he has found a father figure in Jiyong…yes…it is already going too far…but I’m telling you….I am doing my best to talk him out about this matter….he’s just a kid…he’s FIVE years old and it’s not that easy to pick up such explanations….it is so damn hard for him and he’s really in denial….why? Because in his in mind….your husband is his father and that will be a difficult thing to erase already” she defended with anger in her voice.

All I can say is, Anne’s son is really the most annoying person in the whole wide world (next to Lauren). Yes, I know that I’m really being Cruella Dev il already but this girl’s reasons are not making any sense at all. I can even feel that she’s using her son to get close to my husband. I’m telling you, if that’s the case, I’ll be the one explaining everything to that little kid and I will make sure that every word that comes out of my mouth will stick on that little brain of his.

“Gosh! You are just like your son! How can you not understand my point? Anne…I hate to tell you this…but you and your freakin son is really getting in my nerves already….you seduced my husband and nearly broke us up….but I just let that pass…then your son freaked the hell out of me when he started clinging on to my husband like he’s some kind of a human Koala…and once again…I played it cool….why? Because I’m not the kind of wife who will snap easily….I actually thought that everything is clear to you and your son now….Jiyong even told you personally that he wants you and Yuri to stay away from him….but what? You and your kid is still hanging on to that thin thread like you’re a second family waiting to be noticed….and please…be honest with me” I said and I can see her hands shaking.

“What?” she asked in anger.

“Are you just using your son to get close to my husband? Are you really this desperate? You know so well that the guy that you are eyeing already has a family….A HUGE FAMILY and yet…..you are still pushing your way in his life when truth is….he’s pushing you away” I said and next thing I know it, my cheeks are burning in pain already.

She (that freakin girl) slapped me, so hard that it left finger marks on my cheek. At that point, all I want to do is curse the hell out of her but no matter how much I want to talk and shout, I can’t find my voice for all I can hear is air whenever I try to speak. My blood is boiling but I can’t fight for I don’t know how. I just found myself crying while staring at the girl who hurt me.

“I’m sorry ma’am….I’m really sorry” Anne said frantically but all I just did was look at her.

“What the have you done!” a guy said angrily while walking towards us.

“Sir” Anne said in fear and I looked at the man beside me.

It w

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ