Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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“It was really fu…..”

“OTOSAN! OTOSAN!” a little boy keeps on shouting while running towards us.

“OTOSAN! OTOSAN!” he ran to Jiyong and hugged him.

I’m not that familiar with the Japanese language at all, but I do know the basics and as far as my brain is concerned, the word “Otosan” means father or dad. The only question that is running in my head that moment is; Why is this kid calling him otosan out of the blue?

“Why is that little boy calling you dad?” I asked Jiyong curiously while he’s still processing the whole situation.


“Oh gosh!” Daryl said while looking at me as if she’s telling me to give out a reaction that will kill the hell out of my husband.


“Know what Jiyong…..there’s no need to be nervous…why are you sweating so much?” I asked while wiping sweat on his forehead.

“Hyung! Are you alright?” Seungri asked and I looked at Taeyang and TOP, trying to get an explanation.

“Yuri!” the creepy waitress who has been staring at us since the moment we stepped foot in the restaurant shouted and grabbed the little boy’s arms away from Jiyong.

“Oh wait!” I said while holding the kid.

Gosh! She’s so harsh! I cannot believe that she can grab that innocent little kid just like that (I swear! If you can only see it, I know so well that it’s really a hard tug). Things are getting more twisted for me and all I want is some explanation on why this little boy calling my husband his dad and if they already know each other even before.

OK. There’s this freakin thought playing in my head and it’s not good at all. Why? Because I’m doubting Jiyong once again, that maybe he had some affair years ago here in Japan and that little boy is the product of their illegal love (this is really enough to kill me).

“There’s no need to be that harsh” I told the girl while holding the boy’s arm.

“I’m really sorry….my son is not that well mannered….he calls random guys his father and it just happened that he tripped on Mr. G-dragon…I’m sorry once again Mrs. Kwon” she bowed while apologizing.

So, the boy is her son. Gosh! I didn’t even expect her to be the boy’s mother though. At that point, all I want to do is hug that little boy and give him a little love. I mean, from the way it looks, his mother is a bit hard and it totally shows with the way she handles him. Not to mention, he’s fatherless and it’s just sad to know that he’s calling random strangers his dad (that really hit home and just by thinking of it makes me wanna cry).

“It’s OK…just let him stay here….even for a while….my husband’s good with it” I told the waitress and she looked at the whole gang then at Jiyong.

“It’s fine” I told her again with a smile on my face.

I can only imagine the hardships that she’s going through. I know that being a single mother is not easy at all and it takes a lot of courage to even wake up every morning thinking that you’re going to raise a kid on your own without anyone (except if her parents are with her) to help you. And just by thinking that the little boy will grow up without a father to guide him, is really sad.

“Come here Yuri” Jiyong reached out his hand to the kid and the little boy cheerfully took it.

“But…” the boy’s mother protested.

“Don’t worry….your son’s in good hands” I told her and she looked at me worriedly.

“Thank you….for being kind to my son” she said with a shy smile on her face.

“That’s nothing” I said and smiled at her.

The moment the waitress left, I got to stare at the little boy and my eyes keeps on scanning his face then at my husband, trying to find some resemblance between them (I know it’s like the weirdest thing of all), but aside from their eyes, I can’t see any same features anymore.

“Mum!” Gabby shouted from another table where she and the other kids are playing.

“Yes?” I asked and she gestured for me to come near her.

“I’ll just go to the kids’ table” I told Jiyong who is busily playing with the little boy and he gave me a nod.

When I came near them, I noticed that my boys looks like they’re going to a fight and it really scared the hell out of me, for I can feel jealousy in the air (this is the first time that my boys ever got jealous of someone and I totally understand them). I can handle this for I know that my kids are not that narrow minded.

“Hey guys!” I said while sitting beside DK.

“Mum…why is that boy sitting on dad’s lap?” Danny asked while pointing at their dad.

“Babies…don’t get jealous at him…OK? He’s a friend of your dad” I told them.

As much as I want to explain everything to them, I just can’t, for things are a bit complicated and it’s so hard to tell the kids that their playmate is fatherless for they haven’t encountered kids who are in the same situation as him yet.

“Is he a fan?” Isabella asked while munching her food.

“Well…not really…he’s a friend” I answered and she looked at me weirdly.

“Mum….how can he be friends with dad when he’s just a child?” DK asked while looking at me curiously.

“uhmm…it’s really a long and complicated story…but to cut it short....he’s dad’s friend and there’s nothing bad with that” I told them and they nod.

“I don’t want kids coming close to my dad mum…look at them!” Russelle spoke out and pointed at their dad, who is all smiles to the boy.

I don’t know if it’s because of the kids’ energy that made me a little jealous as well, but the smile on Jiyong’s face is priceless and I can see that he’s enjoying the kid so much. Truth is, I only see that smile on him whenever he’s playing with our kids.

“I’m just going out” I told the kids and zoomed out.

This is really a bad thing. I don’t want to think negatively and fall into conclusions again, but then, there’s this weird feeling that something is going on behind my back and I need to find out what it is as soon as possible for it will surely hit me BIGTIME the moment I discovered it. My paranoia along with a lot of what if’s came back to me and it’s just horrible for all I want is to enjoy my last hours here in Japan and it’s going the other way around for me.

“Sis” Daryl called with Railey behind her.

“Hey” I said while wiping my tears.

“OK….we know that what just happened inside really freaked you out….come here” she sat beside me and gave me a hug.

“Oh sis…that’s nothing….don’t think too much” Railey said while rubbing my arm.

“How can I not think too much when it’s really rare for this to happen? I mean…it’s not always that a boy will come running to him while calling him otosan…and knowing that he had stayed here for a long time…it’s not impossible that he has had hook ups here and I’m so sure that he has played here and there…what if that kid is his son and that waitress is his ex girlfriend? I don’t know how to take that…I will surely break down” I told them in between sobs.

“Look…that’s impossible…I’ve stared and observed the girl awhile ago and yes…I did feel like she’s got something for Jiyong…but…it doesn’t involve her son…I don’t know…but I’m so sure that the little boy isn’t Jiyong’s for they don’t look alike at all and I can’t see any chemistry between them…get me?” Daryl said and I shrugged.

“That’s true…the kid looks like a full bred Japanese…and how can Jiyong have another kid? I mean…he’s so loyal to you and I don’t think he can cheat on you up to this level” Railey said and I sighed.

“But what if? What if he just knew about that boy now? Gosh! This is so bad!” I almost shouted.

“OK…I need you to calm down first” Daryl grabbed my hand “C’mon” she pulled me up to stand and dragged me inside the restaurant again.

At that point, I don’t even know whether it’s good for Jiyong to see me in a very confused situation. I know my husband, he can read whatever’s on my mind just by looking at my eyes (it’s one of Jiyong’s powers)and I’m so sure that he will see how scattered my mind is.

“What’s happening?” TOP asked, almost in a whisper when he saw me and the girls walked in.

“Where have you guys been?” he asked, his eyes never leaving me.

“Ow! Just somewhere” Railey answered and hooked her arm to her husband’s.

“Babe!” Jiyong called out when he noticed me standing (I actually chose to stand than sit beside him).

“Hey” I said, wishing that my eyes will not give me out.

“Why are you standing there? Come here” he said and moved the little boy to give me space beside him.

“uhmm…I’m fine here…I’m watching over the kids actually…so yeah” I told him awkwardly and from there, I know that he’s starting to feel me already.

And he let me be. I’m so sure that he’ll talk to me later about this whole thing and I don’t know if I’m ready to hear any explanations or worse, big announcements like: “Hey babe! Guess what? I have another kid!”

Time passed by and my husband is still occupied because of that little boy. I’m fine with it though, for I’m the one who made him stay, but I’m starting to feel jealous already and as much as I want him to let go of that kid, I can’t, for the little boy will surely cry once Jiyong let him go and it’s as if you can just set him aside.

“I really think that we should go now” Taeyang said and I think I’m the first one to agree with him.

“Good idea!” I said, making the girls look at me with their I-know-y

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ