Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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I really have a feeling that going with Alfie for lunch is wrong for I’m being bugged by something. Well, my husband entered my mind the moment we settled on our seats at the cafeteria. I don’t even know why, but I suddenly thought of Jiyong like there’s something that I have to do instead of eating lunch with Alfie.

“So…how are you?” Alfie asked while we’re waiting for our food.

“Fine…cannot be better” I answered awkwardly and he smiled at me.

“That’s good…how’s your kids?” he asked again, it’s already pissing me.

“They’re all good…healthy and hyped…as usual….hmm…how about your daughter? How is she?” I looked at him and he just gave me a blank face.

“uhmm…did I say something wrong?” I asked worriedly.

“No…it’s just that…I suddenly remembered my daughter….I haven’t seen her since I went here and every time I try to call her….my ex-wife would be telling me that she’s already sleeping…or…she’s in school…it’s like…she’s hiding her from me” he answered in a very sad tone and I can’t help but to feel for him.

What kind of woman is that? I mean, why would she hide her daughter from its father? OK. I don’t know the whole story behind their separation, but as a mother, not letting your child see her father is like depriving her love. It reminded me of the time when Jiyong and I got divorced and I brought Isabella and Gabriella in New York. I’ve always been clear to my husband that he can borrow the kids anytime he wants and that’s what his family did (since he’s in the military at that time), they bring the kids to Korea for a week and then bring them back to New York after (Omma and Dami-unnie even visits them every three months). I really think that Alfie should fight for his right to his daughter.

“You should tell her…clear things to her…after all…she cannot hide your daughter from you forever” I told him, and he reached for my hand and I pulled it towards me right away.

“I really picked the wrong fruit…huh?” he asked and I chuckled.

“Well…I can’t say that you chose the wrong fruit…c’mon! You loved her…don’t tell me you don’t have any feelings for her anymore…coz if that’s the case then…you’re really one heck of an abnormal human being” I said and he laughed so hard.

“Seriously…I still have a bit of feelings for her…but…other than that…there’s nothing anymore…truth is…I love you more than her now” he said it like it’s a normal thing to say, which in my part is very awkward and straightforward.

“uhmm…Alfie…how many times will I have to tell you that what you’re feeling about me is just crap?” I asked and he sighed.

“You know what? The moment my feelings for you came back…I’ve come to realize that sometimes… what you love the most is what you have to fight hardest to keep” he said and I’m just so thankful that our food arrived, and lessened the awkward atmosphere.

I don’t know what to do with Alfie anymore. I got alarmed right after he said his crappy realization. Yes, I know that this man can be dangerous if he feels like it, but I’m praying to all the God’s that he won’t do anything stupid once again (trying his hardest to break me up and Jiyong before is enough), and I don’t think he can break up a family that is just so happy.

“Actually…your realization is really true…I mean…for me it is…I’ve fought my hardest just to end up with Jiyong and even faced death just for him” I said and he stared at me.

“Jiyong is really lucky to have you…he’s got a wife who loves him more than anything in this world…how I wish I can be him…but…of course…that thought is really pathetic” he said and I just gave him an awkward smile.

“Wow…it’s amazing how you can handle so many emotions behind a smile” he added and I looked at him curiously.

When Alfie said that, I started doubting his psychic abilities for I’m feeling a pool of emotions at that moment and I cannot even think straight. I’m trying to change this man’s feelings over me and I cannot even shake him.

“I didn’t know that I’m that transparent” I told him and he laughed.

“_________ Kwon” I heard my husband called and I looked behind me and saw an angry Jiyong.

Seriously, he looks so angry and even the veins on his temples are showing. At that point, all I want to do is get him out of the cafeteria and talk things out. I know that once he gets near Alfie, the poor guy’s face will surely meet my husband’s fist.

“Babe!” I said nervously.

This is really crazy! His eyes are so scary that I cannot even look at them straight and I feel like fainting for my mind cannot process the whole situation already.

“Haven’t I told you that we will have lunch together?” he asked and I was reminded of our lunch date all of a sudden.

Oh gosh! That’s what’s bugging me awhile ago. I have forgotten about my lunch date with him and now I’ve proven that I am one heck of a stupid woman.

“Babe…I’m sorry...I have forgotten it…uhmm….let’s just go out” I touched his arm and he removed it away from me.

“Babe” I called and he just stared at me for I don’t know how long.

From there, I already know that he will not settle with just a simple explanation for his eyes nearly produced fire from anger. And he’s hands are shaking once again and I know so well that he’s just controlling himself to not beat the hell out of Alfie.

How stupid can I be? I feel so bad for forgetting our lunch date and now, I can clearly see that Jiyong is raging in anger and it will take a lot of time for him to even talk to me.

“Babe…please” I reached for his hand and he squeezed it so damn hard that I heard my bones crack.

“Jiyong…I….I pleaded her to come with me…she was hesitating actually” Alfie defended and my husband smirked.

“How desperate can you be? Huh? Why will you beg just to make her go with you?” Jiyong came near him and asked.

“I’m sorry…I just want to spend a little time with her” Alfie answered and Jiyong gave a fake laugh.

“Are you really like this? Are you really fond of going in between a perfect relationship? Why would you have to always ruin things for us? Remember Alfie…you have wrecked and messed things for me and _________...and no matter what you do…no matter how kind you are now…and no matter how much you tell me that you have no intentions of breaking us up…I don’t and I won’t trust you…be thankful that we’re inside this building…coz if not…I’ll be beating the hell out you right here…RIGHT NOW” Jiyong said with so much anger in his voice.

“Jiyong…OK…I’m sorry for entering your life once again…but…things are clear to me….I know that I’m nothing compared to you and I will not even argue with that…what I want is to be friends with ________...only friends…yes…I have feelings for her and I’m doing things that are not so appropriate…and I’m sorry for that…I just can’t bottle everything inside me for I don’t want to explode one day…coz I know that once that happen…I might do something that is really stupid and I don’t want to hurt you or ________ and even your kids” Alfie explained and from that point, I know that Jiyong’s anger doubles.

Why would Alfie even have to be so honest? This guy doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into. He has dug his own grave and I’m just waiting for Jiyong to throw him down there.

“Look…the woman that you have hots on is MY WIFE…we have KIDS…SEVEN KIDS…WE ARE HAPPY…PERFECT…I’m telling you… whatever that you do…you will not succeed…if you’re going to make my life miserable again….GO AHEAD…I don’t care…for I know that my wife is going to be beside me all the time…you know what? If you’re looking for some substitute for your wife….I can introduce you to some girls…just tell me your ideal girl and I’m going to be your match-maker…just stay the out of my marriage” Jiyong told him and Alfie looked at me and smiled.

“Ideal girl? OK…I want a woman who is exactly like your wife Jiyong” he said and Jiyong was about to punch Alfie already but my reflexes are just too fast and I was able to get hold his arm, making him stop.

“You’re really lucky…my wife saved you” Jiyong said with his index finger pointing at Alfie’s forehead and pushed him with it.

After that, Jiyong stared at me for a while and sped off. It’s really breaking my heart to see my husband like that and I’m the one to blame for if I didn’t forget about our lunch date, he wouldn’t be like this. Now, I don’t know what to do to patch things up with him.

“I’m sorry” I told Alfie

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ