Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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“Hey Kwon Jiyong!” a girl called out, making a lot of people to look at us.

Now I’ve already proven that life is pretty ironic and it’s not fun at all. What the heck! I was so happy all morning and then this freakin witch enters the picture. Is someone playing a prank on me? I mean, C’MON!

“What the!” I said in a whisper and squeezed my husband’s hand.

Jiyong is actually in a state of shock upon seeing who called him and I’m telling you, I nearly banged my head on the wall because I’m already going insane!

Well yes, Lauren is the one who called Jiyong and now I’ve proven that she really has a super radar for she can track us anywhere we go. We are in disguise and all, for the people not to recognize my husband’s beaten face and here she is, shouting to the whole world that G-dragon, THE G-DRAGON is in the freakin building.

“Hi Mr. and MRS. KWON” Lauren said when she reached us, making my blood boil at its highest point.

“What the are you doing here?” I asked and she smirked.

“uhmmm…I’m sorry…is this your mall already? Have you bought it? _________....as far as I know….people are allowed to come here…oh! I almost forgot! You’re really a special person…a VIP…you should’ve asked them to make this mall exclusive for you” she answered in a really y way, making me shake from anger.

“Babe….let’s go” Jiyong said and tugged me.

“Wow Jiyong! Since when did you become a snob? Wait…can you still remember me?” she asked and I sighed.

“Lauren....why would I even forget you when you are the person who almost ruined my life” my husband answered and a take-that-! smile appeared on my face.

The witch’s face cannot be drawn or painted for she’s just too shocked with how Jiyong answered her. This is really making me crazy! There are a lot of people surrounding us already and it’s just so hard to even pretend that things are just fine because the three of us looks like we are in a who-will-you-choose?-me-or-her position.

“What happened to your face Jiyong?” she asked while staring at my husband.

“uhmm….this is nothing” he answered coolly.

OK. At that point, I’m all ready to run for I don’t want Lauren to know that Jiyong beat her brother up. Why? Because I have a feeling that it will just make her angry and once she gets angry, the monster inside her will once again show up and that is the most dangerous thing ever.

“You know what? My brother also have bruises and wounds on his face….obviously someone beat him up…is this just a coincidence or are you the one who beat him?” she asked as if she’s just asking for directions.

“You have a brother?” I asked, pretending that it’s my first time of knowing it.

I really have this feeling that she’s still not aware that we already know about her relation with Brady. I can also sense that she’s once again planning something to wreck us up and it really shows on her face. Gosh! This woman will not stop from bothering us!

“I do…actually…I think you guys know him” she answered and I looked at Jiyong who is staring at her intently.

“Really? I thought you’re an only child? How will we know him?” Jiyong asked and my heart is beating so fast already.

“What a shock right? I do have a brother and his name is Brady….does that name ring a bell? _______?” she asked while looking at me.

“Brady?....uhmmm….my assistant editor’s name is Brady….but his last name is different from yours” I told her and she smiled.

“Well…to tell you the truth…that Brady is my brother….and I’ve heard that he is already resigning because you are making him an outcast in your department…Gosh _______! How can you bully a person who is not even doing anything to you?” she asked and I took a deep breath to calm me down a bit.

“For your information Lauren…I’ve been in this business for years already and I have never bullied any of my staffs …have you asked your brother about the things that he did to our department? Coz as far as I know…he is the one doing stupid things here and there…making everybody hate him and that results to him being a total outcast” I answered and she looked at me as if she’s going to eat me raw.

To tell you the truth, I’m really scared of Lauren while talking to her because I know that once I hit a nerve, she will just go ballistic and will not even mind if she’s in a public place. God knows how badly I want for her to just disappear.

“FOR YOUR INFORMATION MRS. KWON….my brother is much better than you….he can actually replace you and next thing you know it…your name won’t even be remembered by people anymore” she said in a very cocky way, making me really angry.

“Lauren…please stop the crap….we’re here to shop for our kids and not to argue with you” Jiyong butted in and tugged me away from the witch.

“I’m not done with you two! See you soon!” Lauren called out and those words nearly killed me.

I can sense that there is something behind those words and there’s a threat in it. Lauren can really bug the hell out of you and your mind up in just a snap, and she’s perfectly doing it to me now.

“Babe…don’t mind her” Jiyong told me while we’re buying cupcakes for the kids.

“How can you not mind her? Huh? Jiyong…tell me…how can we ignore that when we both know so well that she’ll be doing evil things to us once more….now that we’re already sure that she’s out from rehab…the possibilities of her damaging us is so big and just by thinking that we’ve got seven kids to protect from her…it’s enough to make me go insane” I said and he pulled me closer to him.

“Don’t think about it….OK? I’m here and I won’t even let Lauren touch a strand of your hair or the kids….we have surpassed her hell game before…and I’m sure we’re going to surpass her games again if she’s planning of something….why? Because we’re much stronger now” he said and I just stared at him and sighed.

I don’t know, but when I heard him say that we’re much stronger now, I kinda doubted it for a second. I mean, just by thinking about the things that happened to us these past few weeks, I don’t think that it’s a sign of being strong. Yes, we patch things up easily, but the mere fact that we can do stupid things to each other especially when we’re too emotional is a sign that our relationship is becoming weak little by little.

And with fear and worry embracing my whole being, we head to my in-laws’ house to fetch our kids. We got a call from Dami-unnie telling us that she’s at the salon with the girls and of course, Jiyong reacted so much about it once again (he still can’t accept that our daughters are growing up and they are learning the wonders of a salon already).

“Omma!” I said the moment my mother in-law opened the door.

“Aigoo….it’s so good to see you two” she said and I just smiled at her.

Of course, Jiyong is once again the star of the day because of the bruises and wounds on his face. Well, Appa is in his You-are-going-to-get-another-beating-from-me-again mode and it’s scaring the hell out of me (I swear! After seeing him go ballistic a few weeks ago, I’m a bit traumatized with it already). My husband explained everything to him, but filtered his story. Actually, he lied to him and I can feel that the reason why he did that is to cover me up, coz he knows that our old man will definitely go wild once he learns that I also did what his son did a few weeks ago.

“You have to change your set-up now Jiyong…._________....I really think that you should lay low on your work and focus on your marriage…get me? What you need is time for each other coz you keep on having problems and every time that your Omma and I think about all of those…we can’t help but get scared because we know that our grandchildren will be the ones suffering once things mess up” Appa told us and I can get his point.

What Appa said really makes sense and that thought also came in mind as well. I know that I’ll be the one who needs to sacrifice my work because I’m the girl and I earn less than Jiyong, and as if he can stop.

“MUM! DAD!” our kids called out while running towards us.

“Aigoo” Jiyong said when the girls hugged him all at the same time.

From the looks of it, our kids really missed us and it’s such a joy to be hugged and kissed by them. We gave them the things that we bought at the mall and they are all smiles upon receiving it. Isabella got her most wanted jacket which costs a lot (Jiyong can really be an over spender sometimes, all the time), Isabella has a new ballet outfit, DK got a hair ribbon (as of last week, her ribbon collection has reached fifty already and she will add one once again), Danny got a shirt which Jiyong also have, Russelle got a hat, Gabrielle got a lot of candies and a stuffed animal, while our baby girl, Karielle got a bubble sword (I don’t even know if she knows how to use it, but I’m just really thankful that she’s not attempting to drink it).


“Dad! What happened to you?” Gabby asked in shock.

“aaa….this? uhmm…” Jiyong said and looked at me as if he’s asking me to rescue him.

“That’s part of your dad’s work kids…don’t worry…he’s fine” Omma answered instead, making me and my husband sigh in relief.

“Yes…that’s part of your dad’s work” I said and they just gave out a nod.

“Mum? You told us that you’ll fetch us last night….why didn’t you arrive?” Isabella asked and I pulled her to sit on my lap.

“Sorry babies….actually…mum went here last night but you’re already sleeping so Halmeoni asked me if you guys can just stay here for the night and I agreed because Halmeoni and Harabeoji wants to spend more time with you” I answered and she smiled at my in-laws.

“Dad…the noonas went with Aunt Dami at the salon…look at their nails!” Danny said while pointing at DK’s colorful nails.

“Aigoo…noona….why did you let my daughters color their nails?” Jiyong asked his sister who is so busy feeding Ice cream to Karielle.

“Jiyong-ah….there’s nothing bad with that” Dami-unnie answered and I nod in agreement.

“But they’re still kids!” my husband countered and I just stared at him and sighed.

There are times where I pity my daughters because I know that their father will be so strict to them

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ