Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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Brady rushed to the filming site where his sister is, leaving tons of paper works in his office and canceled a couple of meetings. Watching over Lauren is much important to him than his job, and protecting _________ is really his main focus. The woman that he accidentally fell in love with is in a very delicate state as of the moment and he will not forgive himself if something happens to her baby because of his sister.

“Where are you noona” he thought to himself while looking for Lauren in every nook and crannies of the studio.

“Brady” G-dragon called.

“Jiyong! Where is my noona?” he asked right away, earning a weird look from G-dragon.

“I don’t know…their filming already ended a few minutes ago” he answered.

“Where is _______?” he asked, confusing G-dragon more.

“Why? What do you need from her?” G-dragon asked.

“Where is she?” Brady pushed.

“Her filming ended…she’s in the waiting room I guess” he answered.

“Is she with her bodyguards?” Brady asked once again, totally pissing the hell out of G-dragon.

It turns out that all of the Kwons’ bodyguards are staying outside the studio and ________ is left alone in the waiting room. At that point, all Brady can think about is his sister. If her filming already ended, she should be going home by now but according to the people in the studio, they haven’t seen her come out yet.

“Noona!” Brady called out, earning a strange look from his sister.

“What are you doing here?” she asked in surprise.


“What? You’re here to watch over me?” she asked, making her brother sigh in defeat.

“Noona…I’m sorry…but I have to be sure that you will not bring the Kwons any trouble” he honestly told her.

“Damn you Brady! You’re really loyal to those two?  I cannot believe that my own brother….has changed sides…love can really make wonders” she told him, earning a sigh from Brady.

“Noona…you are important to me….this is not about my feelings for _______...this is about you….I want to help you….please don’t do anything that will surely bring you trouble in the end” he reached for his sisters hand “Noona…I really think that you should just end this revenge…all of this will just result to nothing…actually….this can really be the end of you…always remember that evil never wins and in this are taking the evil role….so give up now…please noona…please” Brady said.

Brady has to be honest with her. He knows that this is the only way that to make his sister realize that what she’s doing is really wrong, and there are a lot of people who are going to suffer once she continues seeking for justice, the justice that she don’t deserve.

“You know what? Why don’t you just forget that we are siblings...huh? I really think that there is no point for us to treat each other like we’re related…after all…you are really supposed to be on my side…but now that you’re on the enemy’s side already…I guess you should just forget that you have a sister” Lauren told him, she looks like things are that easy.

“Noona” Brady said in surprise.

“What? You will not see me already…I will leave you alone in your martyr world….but always remember this….You were once the most important person in my world and I’ve loved you so much….you are the one who ditched your own sister and the reason why our brother-sister bond has been cut…all I want you to do now is leave me alone….from now on…you don’t have me anymore…don’t worry…I will not meddle around your business…good luck in waiting for nothing…goodbye” she said and walked out.

Lauren’s heart is breaking because she cannot believe that her own brother can leave her in the dark and go to the other party’s side. All she wants is some support from him. Yes, he did gave her every support that she needs before but now, just because of _______, the Brady that she knows is already dead and a new, and more kind Brady has been born. This is one reason why Lauren wants ________ to disappear. That girl got everything that she wanted. Love, Family, Fame and Fortune.

All Brady can do is brush everything that his sister told him, simply because he knows that she cannot stand on her own two feet yet. She’s un-employed and will continue being one because he had called numerous modeling agencies just to tell them that his sister is still not in her right mind. Yes, you can call him a bad brother, but this is the only way to sabotage her plan coz once Lauren starts earning money, she can pretty much do a lot of things, unlike now, Brady is the one financing for her.


“HELP! PLEASE HELP ME!” a girl who sounds so familiar keeps on shouting.


“________!” Brady said to himself and barged in the girls’ washroom.

“HELP ME” ________ begged while sitting on the floor with a few drops of blood.

His heart nearly broke and his mind went totally blank. He knows that she’s in a critical situation and he has to rush her to the hospital.

“Come” Brady lifted _______ up and rushed her out.

“Please save my baby….save it” ________ keeps on saying while they’re waiting for the elevator to reach the first floor.

The moment the elevator doors clicked open, he rushed out to the exit and found the Kwon’s bodyguards at the parking lot.

“OMO!” the four big guys said in shock upon seeing Brady and ________.

“Let’s bring her to the hospital” Brady said and they all scrambled to get her inside the car.

“Tell Jiyong that we are on our way to the hospital…NOW!” he ordered one of the guys.

“GO!” he told the driver and they went off.

_______ is already out of her element and all she can say is “Help me and my baby…please”. At that point, all Brady can do is pray that nothing will happen to the baby. He’s worried about _______ because she seems so shocked and scared, her body is shaking and she can’t stop from crying.

“She’s pregnant” Brady told the nurse the moment they attended to her.

“OK…we got this sir…just wait here” the nurse told him and he just can’t let go of ______’s hand.

“We got this sir…..don’t worry about your wife” another nurse said and when he heard the word “wife” his whole body went cold.

He has a strong feeling that Lauren is behind all these because when he saw her, she just came out of the washroom. It’s just so stupid of him coz he doesn’t even thought about checking the washroom first before roaming around the whole second floor.

Minutes passed by and the doctors are still nowhere in sight. He keeps on calling Railey and Daryl but he can’t get through at all. His last hope is _________’s assistant, Anne and thankfully, she answered.

“Hello?” she answered after a few rings.

“This is Brady….are you in the office?” he asked right away.

“Yes sir….is there anything you want me to do?” she asked.

“Kindly tell Railey and Daryl that _______ was rushed in the hospital…Anne…I want you to tell this to them as soon as possible” he told her, shocking Anne.

“What happened to her sir?” Anne asked worriedly.

“It’s a long story…I’ll hang up now…just do what I told you….please” he pleaded.

“OK sir…I got it” she said and hanged up.

“Brady!” G-dragon called out, panic and worry is all he can see in him.



I still can’t believe that I’ll be having my eighth baby in seven months time. I don’t know, but this pregnancy overwhelms me and I just can’t hide my happiness because I’ve been praying to God for ages already to give us another baby and now that it’s already here, I can’t ask for anything more.

I know my wife, she’s the kind of person who will still do the things that she’s used to doing even if she knows so well that she has to limit herself because of her sensitive state. In all fairness to _______, she’s not the kind who has extreme symptoms and morning sickness. She’ll get nauseous once in a while, there are mornings that she’ll be like a puking machine but other than that, everything is already smoot

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ