Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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Life has been cruel for Lauren or better say, she made her life so cruel to her. There are a lot of reasons to move on but to her, she can only move on once the Kwon couple goes in ruins and with how things are going now, she can already feel success, or that’s what she believes it is.

Her plans are going well and each one of them is being worked upon carefully. Anne is on her side now and she has totally brainwashed the poor girl. Now, all she’s got to do is make her do all the dirty work and basically make her as her puppet.

“What’s up little brother!” she greeted Brady when she walked pass him in the kitchen looking shocked and as if his soul just went out of his body.

She’s so cheerful and happy today for a new batch of rumors about the Kwon couple, specifically about _________ was released and spread all over the world. Yes, she’s the one behind all these.

“Why is this happening? I thought it has already died down?” Brady seems to be asking himself.

“Brady! Are you going crazy as well? Why are you talking to yourself?” Lauren pretended that she doesn’t know anything.

“Look at these” her brother showed her different gossip sites.

If only Brady knows that his sister is the one behind all these rumors, he would surely drag her to rehab and stuck her there forever.

“What’s the matter with this? I mean….rumors are actually true...right? Celebrities like them are just so good in denying that they can turn tables in a swish...look…there are pictures to prove all of them….that girl is really evil…I’m telling you….she works silently but deadly” Lauren told  him, making her brother shook his head in disbelief.

“I know ________....she’s not the kind of person who will go ing around just like that….noona…that woman has class and she’s well educated….she can’t even hurt an insect or talk crap even if she’s so mad at you….these are just rumors” Brady defended his boss and is hoping that all that he had said is still true.

People can change, most especially when you’re given too much problems already. In _________’s case, Brady knows that she’s not going to go bad just because of non-sense and definitely false rumors. He still believes that his former apple of the eye cannot be violent at someone.

“I’m with Anne everyday and I haven’t seen her with bruises…nor scratches…this article is total bull!” Brady said in anger.

“Haven’t you talked to her? I mean….as her boss you have the right to ask her about these things…right? And is YG even making a move to make all these stop?” the crazy but happy woman asked.

“I haven’t talked to her coz I’m dead busy about a lot of things in the company….but I can assure you that all these rumors are false….Anne doesn’t look like she’s deeply hurt….not at all….and as I’ve said….I didn’t saw any bruises on her body….not even a scratch so I’m sure that nothing physical happened to both girls” he answered his sister who’s mind is going off somewhere again.

Lauren has thought of something to make things more intense. She doesn’t know how to do it yet, but she’s so sure that once this plan is made to reality, __________ Kwon’s name is going to be the dirtiest of all.

“Where are you going by the way noona? Why are you all dressed this early?” Brady asked suspiciously.

“I’m going to meet Missy…she’s got a job and she wants to treat me out” Lauren lied, making her brother more suspicious.

“You and Missy are really good friends now huh? As far as I can remember…you hate that girl to the core….it’s just a little weird that you’re already friends….not only FRIENDS but CLOSE FRIENDS” he’s trying to catch his sister for he can sense something is going on with  her.

“You see….people change and being close to someone who you don’t like before is normal…these things happen” Lauren said and winked.

“Just make sure that you’re not doing anything behind my back noona…I’m telling you….once I learned that you’re into something…I’ll be the one dragging you to the mental institution with my two bare hands” he threatened but it seems like it’s not working at all.

“Whatever….as if you can really do that” she walked out of the kitchen already.

If only Brady has some free time, he would follow her sister around. The youngest amongst the two is suspecting his older sister once again and it’s making him crazy. Actually, it’s a good thing that __________ and her kids are so far away from Lauren already but then again, he knows that his sister can still attack them in any other way.

“Hey baby” Lauren hugged her new man from the back and kissed his shoulder.

“You’re already here!” the man turned to face her with a wide smile on his face.

Lauren got herself a new guy to use and play with and yes, the guy is G-dragon’s friend. He’s married with three kids and is now living a sin for hooking up with her. Lauren is the true mistress and she’s going to stay where she is up until she succeeds. She’s going to kiss this man’s for him to let her use him and once she’s done, he will be thrown in hell by the woman who he’s going crazy for.

“By the way…what did you do to all those press numbers? Is your friend done with her project already? Has she promoted her business successfully?” the director asked curiously.

“hmmm…she haven’t but she’s really thankful of you coz you’ve given her a lot of connections….she’s been calling the press non-stop and I’m so sure that they will release something about her business already” Lauren lied and it seems like her man is believing everything that she says.

“I’m so happy to help” he said and leaned in for a kiss.

How can Lauren survive this? Well, she thinks of him as G-dragon that every time they make love, the superstar’s face would always appear in her mind. She doesn’t mind using her body for success after all, she’s so used to this even before she was proven to be crazy.

“Have you seen these?” her boyfriend showed her articles about G-dragon and she just shook her head.

“I haven’t….gosh! Your friend is really being attacked by the media” she sounds so convincing that you can never really point a finger on her.

“He is…the press is just so mindless and totally insensitive….they’ve attacked him days ago and now….his wife is the one being attacked….those two are the most wonderful couple I’ve ever met and I can’t even imagine _________ being violent…she can go mad but she’s not the type of person who will hurt somebody” he said and it made Lauren’s blood boil.

She’s getting sick of the people who keep on defending G-dragon’s wife. In her mind, all the things that these people are saying are the opposite and she’s going to prove them all wrong. She’s got to unleash the devil inside that woman, in that way, the people who love her dearly will loathe her already.

“Is she really kind?” she asked pretending that she doesn’t know anything about G-dragon’s wife.

“She is…to the point that she will endure everything just for Jiyongie….that girl has been through a lot…she almost died just to save her family” he answered with a smile on his face.

“Almost died?” Lauren asked but she clearly knows what happened.

“Yeah…there’s this mentally ill woman who is so obsessed with Jiyong and it messed them up….that woman is actually just a nobody…she’s a party friend…you know what I mean? They are friends whenever they party in clubs but other than that….Jiyong doesn’t even care about her….well...he kinda hooked up with that girl because of sadness when _________ left him….but it’s a non-serious thing and it’s all clear to the girl…thing is…sh

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ