Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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Being a father is not as easy as what people think. I may have the world under my feet, but my reality is really different from what people see on television. I’m your typical father, I spoil my children more than their mum spoils them. I work so damn hard to give them what they need and want, I scold them whenever they’ve done something bad and I comfort them in times of pain. And now, I was given a challenge of a lifetime and that is, to get my daughters trust and hearts back. Yes, it sounds so easy but these Kwon girls are not your easy girls. They can crush you in a split second or they can forgive you in just a snap of a finger.

I’ve decided to take a leave from all our concert preparations and follow my wife to America. Well, I know that this sudden trip is really unfair for TOP hyung coz he’s been dying to visit his family in the States for the holidays as well, but because of his jam packed schedule he can’t go with me. YG hyung gave me four days to fix things with my family and I’m going to use it wisely. I’m going to woo my family, spend time with my children and maybe talk my wife out on our four months space thing.

“Jiyong-ah….we’ll be leaving in a few minutes…how about you?” TOP hyung asked when I called him.

“I’m on my way already hyung” I answered.

“Arasso…we’ll see you there” he said and I nod as if he’s in front of me.

The members and Daryl are the ones sending my wife off and the girls don’t have any clue about my plan. I told the members not to say anything to them for I want everything to be a surprise. Yesterday after _________ and I parted ways, I immediately called YG hyung to ask if I can have a few days off from rehearsals coz I want to go to America and luckily, he approved. I called the members to ask if they are just fine with it and they’ve agreed as well. But my greatest challenge is getting plane tickets on that day. I called the airline company and they told me that first class seats are already full and the economy seats have a few more left. I have no choice, I went for the economy seats at the same plane as my wife.

“Hyung!” Seungri called out and rushed towards me.

“Aigoo….don’t be so loud!” I said and he giggled.

“Where are the girls?” I asked while looking around.

“They are at the waiting area…your wife is crying because she wants to be here for Daryl’s delivery” Youngbae answered and I felt so bad coz I know how much __________ wants to be there for her best friend.

“They are really dramatic….they actually look like they’re not going to see each other anymore” TOP hyung said, making us laugh so hard.

“That’s what you call girl thing hyung….they are so good in being dramatic” Seungri said and the husbands smirked.

“It can be freaky sometimes you know” Youngbae said and I laughed in agreement.

The members stayed with me while waiting for my plane. They told the girls that they will just eat something for they are starving. Aigoo. Why am I feeling so emotional? I get teary eyed when maknae was telling me that I should do my best to get my family back.

“Jiyong….you really have to work so hard to get them back…most especially your daughters” TOP hyung said and I sighed.

“Hyung….you can do this….I know that your girls will understand you…after all…you’ve done nothing wrong…you just have to prove to them that they are the only family you have” Seungri said and tears started pooling in my eyes.

“I have done something wrong maknae-ah…thing is….what they’ve read on the internet are not true…the only truth there is I’m living with Anne but having an affair is totally ridiculous” I told them and they smirked.

“Of course they will always think that you’re having an affair…..I mean….I’ve always been rumored for that before…right? That’s one reason as to why I don’t want to roam around with girls or be around girls coz once someone takes a picture of me…it’ll spark a rumor and I’ll be doomed” TOP hyung said and I chuckled.

“But seriously just have to be honest with them….and don’t only think of your daughters….you still have your in-laws to explain to…remember this…your father in-law is scary as hell and even though you two are the best of friends…he can go ballistic in just a flash...and I’m so sure that he won’t even spare you” Youngbae said and I suddenly felt scared.

Well, my in-laws are really kind and loving. They take good care of me and treasure me the way they treasure _______. Thing is, from the very start of my relationship with __________, they have been clear already that they will get the out of me once I screw things up which happened for so many times already. My father in-law’s greatest punishment is when he talked me to divorce my wife.

“I have to go inside first before _________....I don’t want this trip to get screwed” I told the members and they all nod.

“Alright…have a safe trip…just give my gifts to Railey and the kids” TOP hyung said and I nod with a smile on my face.

“Don’t worry hyung….I’ll give this to them right away” I said and he hugged me.

“Hyung…come back safely arasso? We still have a concert coming up” Seungri said and I nod in agreement.

“Hyung…fighting!” Daesung said and I playfully punched his chest.

“You’ll do well Jiyong….I know your family will take you like nothing happened” Youngbae said and I hugged him.

“Thank you so much! I’m going to come back in a few days…and hopefully….I’m with my family already…coz I badly want them to watch us in concert” I said and they nod.

My journey home is really killing me. All I want is to arrive in America already to see my children. I cannot even sleep for I keep on thinking of a good plan to get my girls’ hearts again. I know that Isabella and DK are the easy ones for they will listen to you even if they don’t want to, but Gabby is totally a different story for when she’s mad, she’s really mad and she won’t even give a damn on you unless she has proven that you’re not guilty.

At last! After hours in the plane, I’ve already arrived in New York. My heart is thumping matched with sweaty palms and flipping innards. This is my moment, I have to get my family back this Christmas.

“Merry Christmas sir…where are we going?” the cab driver asked.

“Merry Christmas too….Nightingale-Bamford School please” I said and he gave me a nod.

I’m heading to the kids’ school for they are having their Christmas program right this very minute. _________ told me that the boys are going to participate in their school play and they have good roles, while Isabella will sing her self written Christmas song. My eldest daughter is showing her good skills in writing and I’m really glad that at least one from my kids is interested in what I do best. She asked me to help her and of course, I’ve given it my all even though a Christmas song is really not my kind.

The moment I arrived at the kids’ school, I rushed to the auditorium right away for the security said that the show has started already. I’m praying that I can still see my kids perform.

“Aigoo” I said when I entered the auditorium.

It was a full house but the moment I looked at the stage, I saw Danny right away and my heart jumped for it only means that their play is still on. I scanned the room for any signs of my family but found nothing, so I just went to the empty seat at the far back of the auditorium and watched my boys with a smile.

“Jiyong!” someone called me and I got shocked when I saw my wife.

I don’t know how she found me and it’s a bit freaky coz the auditorium is dark and it’s just so impossible for her to spot me. Not to mention, she doesn’t know that I followed her here.

She asked me the usual question of “How did you get here?” and I told her everything. _________ looks thrilled and happy to see me. I know that I’ve shocked her and I’m just so glad that she’s talking to me.

“We are sitting there…c’mon” she said and I held her hand.

“Jiyong” she said and tried removing it away from mine but failed.

The moment we reached our family, my heart beats like a drum once again for my father in-law looks like he’s not happy to see me. Yes, I know that this is not a good time to smile but I smiled at him and he just shook his head and sighed. Omma is shocked to see me as well and she cannot stop from looking at me. Of course, my three girls along with Karielle looks thrilled as well. Our baby girl showered me with kisses when I got her from Mum. As expected, my three big girls are in their cold treatment once again but DK is still being kind for she gave me her seat and is the first one to talk to me. I know that it’s really hard to act like nothing happened, but I have to put this mask on for I don’t want to spoil their night.

“Dad….are you good with mum already?” DK whispered in my ear and I shook my head.

“But why are you together…aren’t you supposed to be in Korea right now?” she asked again.

“I’m here to spend Christmas with you guys” I answered and she gave me a warm smile.

The two of us are like gossiping girls for we keep on whispering on each other’s ears. Gabby who is in between me and _______ keeps on glancing at us and she looks like she’s about to eat me raw. As I’ve expected, my daughter will always and forever be the tough-y amongst the kids and I have to blame my wife for it. Our daughter got her tough side from her mother.

“Ladies and gentlemen…..our next performer is only seven years old but has a voice of a professional singer….she’s born with it coz her dad is into music….and according to her….he’s her inspiration….I present to you….Daniella Klaire Kwon!”

Hearing my daughter’s angelic voice is really heaven

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ