Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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It’s just now that I realized how much I took my wife for granted. For these past few years, I’ve been drowning myself with work, that I don’t have time to catch things up with her. Yes, our intimacy is always there and it never faded, but there is more to making love.

Now that we are fixing our nearly breaking marriage, I am more eager to bring back the old me. The Kwon Jiyong that _________ has met thirteen years ago. I never saw her coming and I didn’t even picture my life to be this way. What I only know before is that I want to get married and build a family early. I prayed to God to give me the best girl this world can ever produce and he gave me more than that. I’ve got me an innocent lad, whose life revolves in the four walls of her house and office. We share the same perfectionist trait and she made me fall for her in just a snap of a finger. Her innocence embraced her whole being and it made her more beautiful. I made her run to the wild and somewhat, opened a new world for her to wander. What I didn’t know is that, I’m going to run with her and a world of love and challenges awaits me. We have made it through every storm, from her miscarriage to her being in a coma, at that point, I thought it’ll be the end of all of it, but I didn’t expected it to have more. After her kissing incident with Brady, I have seen her worth, reality hits and all of a sudden, the confidence that I have towards my wife has been washed out. Yes, I’m afraid that she might leave me if I continue making stupid things and that’s the sole reason why I’m relieving our past feelings for each other because in this way, we are going to see each other in a different angle once again. There is more than the label of husband and wife, it doesn’t end there. We say I love you to each other every minute, hour and day, but what we didn’t know is that, we are just saying that because we need or have to. Actually, I’ve planned this trip because I want us to find ourselves again. I want us to get out of the noise and chaos of our world and be in peace with each other.

Looking at my wife while she sleeps is always a good time for me. She looks so innocent and serene, the pain and fear that she’s feeling is not being seen. ________ is a blessing from above, an angel that was sent here from heaven to take care and watch over me. I’m really stupid for even taking advantage of her.

“Hello? Yes…this is Mr. Kwon…I would to make reservations for two……”

Since we are on a honeymoon, I am planning to surprise her. I know that she’s so used to surprises and romantic whatnots for I give her that almost every week, but this is really going to be different, this will have more heart and sincerity in it.

“Hyung…I need your help” I told TOP hyung over the phone.

“Yah! I’m a plane away from you…how can I help you?” he asked and I chuckled.

“You brought Railey here in Macau already…right?” I asked and went out to the balcony coz my noise can wake _________ up.

“mmmm…wae?” he asked.

“Can you recommend some romantic spots here? I’ve been looking on the internet but I can’t decide where to go” I answered and he smirked.

“Aigoo…you know so well that I’m not as romantic as you…right? To tell you the truth….I’m not the one who planned for our date…it’s Railey…but as far as I can remember…we rode a Gondola…it’s pretty romantic” he said as I take down notes.

“Yeah…I’ve been thinking of taking her there as well” I said and continued looking for a good place on the internet.

“Jiyong-ah…is everything doing well between you and your wife already?” TOP hyung asked and a smile appeared on my face coz I was reminded of the things that we’ve done earlier.

“It was hyung…we are having a blast here and this honeymoon is more than a honeymoon….we are soul searching as well….my mind is being refreshed and I’m seeing the things that I haven’t seen about my wife for so long already…..we are still trying to get that fire back and right now…we are doing a great job” I told him and I know that my hyung is happy for me.

“Jiyong! Kiss ________ for me!” I heard Railey shouted, making me giggle.

“Arasso…I will!” I replied.

“I want a French kiss!” she joked, making me laugh harder.

“Yah! Are you a lesbian? Why do you want Jiyong to kiss ________ in that way when you’re the one sending it to her?” TOP hyung asked with his deep voice.

“You know what to do Jiyong!” Railey said, completely ignoring her husband.

“YAH!” TOP hyung said and it made me laugh harder.

“Hyung…I have to go now…give your wife some French kissing to stop her lesbian tendencies” I joked, making TOP hyung laugh so hard.

“Arasso…I will…take care and go home right away….you’ve got a lot to do here” he said.

After an hour of planning and making calls, I head to the bathroom and freshen myself up. I dressed in my best outfit, wrote a note for my wife and kissed her while she’s still sleeping. I know that she’ll wake up in just a few minutes coz she will feel that I wasn’t there beside her anymore.

“Yes…that’s pretty” I said while watching some of the restaurant staffs arrange my romantic surprise.

I am pushing boundaries once again and it’s just so crazy. I know that _______ will get mad at me for not using my money well, but this is for her and she knows that I’m going to give my best just to make her happy.

“Sir…the flowers are already here” a staff said and I got really excited upon seeing the flowers that I’ve asked to be arranged.

This is going to sweep her off her feet. I’m about to give her the greatest date ever.


Well, I kinda expected this already. I know that my husband will be up to some surprise knowing he is really into romantic things, which is also one reason as to why I really fell in love with him. He shows a different side of him in every surprise and his creativity can really blow you away.

“Wait” I said and ran to the closet frantically.

This is the hardest thing when you’re not the one who packed your own luggage. I don’t even know if Jiyong brought me some dresses for all I saw last night was lingerie’s and it ended there.

“Brought you this. It’s actually from your old closet, but babe, this is so beautiful. It’ll suit you perfectly. This also shows how much of a shopaholic you are. Its price tag is still there, which means, you haven’t used it even once and it costs three big cans of Karielle’s milk. Anyway, I love you- Mr. K”

Gosh! I cannot even remember that I have this dress! Oh well, my husband is into recycling now and I cannot believe that he said something about the price (it really costs a lot, but I bought it years ago already. Now, I’m thrifty).

“You are really a bunch of love Jiyong” I said while looking at my outfit.

After taking a bath, I looked at my long forgotten dress and saw another note on my shoes. 

“This’ll match your dress. Love you- Mr. K”

Gosh! He really planned this well coz he’s got everything packed. He also brought me a purse that goes well with my outfit and my accessories also match.


“Open me” a cute box was inside my purse and I had a shock of my life upon opening it.

There’s a diamond necklace inside the box and it’s SO beautiful! I cannot even gather myself up upon seeing it. OK. This is not the first time that he gave me a necklace (this is the third time in thirteen years but our daughters are wearing all three now). 


“I’ve had this made in a rush,

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ