Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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As expected, happens, and it happens fast and smooth. I haven’t seen this coming and I can clearly say that I was shocked to the core upon learning that there is a possibility for me and that sushi girl to work AGAIN (I actually thought that it’ll end after the anniversary magazine got fully translated, but I’m wrong, for I’m going to see her everyday and even night for eight months).

“Sis…If I were you…just go with it…don’t show that girl that you’re still intimidated by her” Railey told me when I dropped by her cubicle before going to President YG’s office.

“But that’s a bit impossible sis…how can I go with it if my heart is telling me not to even make her an option…I’d rather go solo without a secretary at all…than be with her every single day” I said and she sighed.

“Gosh! This is really destined to happened….I can feel it…I mean….President YG doesn’t know anything about your issues with that sushi girl and her son Naruto and here comes this sudden hiring….don’t you think that maybe…this is really bound to happen?” she asked and I rolled my eyes at her.

“If this is bound to happen…well then…I’m going to change it….for the first time in my life…I will break whatever destiny have for me” I answered and Railey just shook her head and chuckled.

After our short talk, I head to President YG’s office with a firm decision that I will not hire Anne as my new secretary. I know that my boss will surely question my decision, but if I have to tell him the real reason as to why I despise the girl that he has chosen for me (Jiyong told me that he doesn’t want to involve his hyung in our problems anymore that’s why he doesn’t know anything about our kissing incidents), I will tell him just for him to not hire her.

The moment I reached the office’s front door, I nearly backed out coz I’m torn between accepting and not accepting Anne. I mean, I am in need of a secretary because Ae sook can’t run around the place alone, she’s Railey and Daryl’s secretary and a lot of things are in her hands as well, she will die if she’ll continue working for me because of exhaustion. But then, I don’t want to hire someone whom I’m not comfortable with, I don’t want to go to work every single day with an awkward feeling surrounding my office (that’d !).

“OH! You’re already here!” President YG welcomed me.

“I’m sorry I was a bit late” I told him and he led me inside.

I don’t know, but the moment I saw Anne, I can’t take my eyes away from her (this sounds a bit mushy, GOSH!). I can’t take my eyes away from her because I want to see if she really means to accept the job, and if she’s just fine with it.

“Cho hee has asked for my permission a month ago and as much as I want to keep her…I can’t because she’s one heck of a sensitive pregnant lady” I said, earning a laugh from President YG.

“Aigoo…I cannot believe that she’s just starting while you’re already in the process of making your eighth child” he said and the moment I heard that, my eyes shifted from him to Anne.

I can see sushi girl’s reaction and she looks shocked with what she heard. I guess she’s not expecting me and Jiyong to patch things up again. Oh well, in her dreams maybe we’ll break, but in reality that’s so far from possible.

“It’s just funny that I’m on my eighth and most of my staffs are only in their first” I told him and he laughed again.

Seriously, we’ve got a total of five pregnant ladies in our team right now and they’re due dates are near each other (if Railey and I will come next, there’ll be seven of us already. YAY!)

“Jiyong is really fast…he’s really eyeing for a baseball team” President YG joked and laughter filled the room once again.

Well, Anne was a bit out of place for a while there, and I can see that she’s just observing us. She’s smiling all throughout and I don’t even know if that smile is real or not.

“I want you to meet your new secretary…Anne Amori” President YG said and I stared at Anne.

Honestly, I haven’t decided if I’m going to accept her or what, but with the look of it, it seems like President YG has already made a decision and I don’t have a choice but to follow it (It’s a bit hard to go against him).

“Wow! So this is the reason why you called me Sir?” I asked, pretending that I don’t know anything.

“Yes…I’m really sorry for not informing you earlier…but I just thought of this a couple of days ago” he answered and I just give out a nod.

As I’ve expected, I won’t have a say on things anymore for he handpicked Anne and I’m impressed coz President YG is not the type of guy who will pick someone without even seeing what he/ she is really capable of.

“Why her?” I asked, with the knowledge that my question is a bit off.

“She works really well…she knows how to take directions and I can already feel that you’ll have a wonderful time working together” President YG answered and I just laughed at him.

OK. I laughed basically because I find it really insane! I know that life is pretty ironic, but mine is way too ironic. How can President YG say that he has a feeling that Anne and I are going to have a wonderful time working together? I mean, C’MON! We can be counted as secret enemies and here’s our boss, seeing the total opposite of everything.

Things are just going too fast and I’m slowly losing my grip on things. I mean, I’m pretty sure that I don’t want Anne to work for me, but she looks like she’s so ready to be under me and that alone is challenging (I want to show her that I’m not affected by all our issues anymore, coz that’s what she’s showing me now).

 “Well…I don’t even know if what you’re seeing is true…but….I’m good with it…I’ll hire her since I don’t have any choice” I said and the smile on President YG’s face is enough to tell me that he is really happy that I accepted sushi girl.

Things will get really crazy and I can already feel that we are going to clash in the long run (I just hope that this won’t happen coz I’m not really in the mood to add another problem to my long list of problems).

“Thank you for this Sir” I told him before we leave.

“That’s nothing…I know that you’ve got a lot of things to think of…and this is the least that I can do to help you” he said and I smiled at him warmly.

In all fairness to President YG, he’s really eager to help in any way possible and him, finding me a secretary is really a big thing already. For these past years, he has played a role as our third father. He’s the one giving us advices if ever we need one and Jiyong will always run to him whenever he’s got worries about our relationship. Their bond gets stronger as the years passes by and I’m just so thankful for people like him, because they are the ones making us realize what reality really is.

Anne and I head to the magazine office after that and the awkwardness started. This is what I hate about elevator rides, it really is awkward and I just keep fumbling through my phone, just to lessen the awkwardness.

“Thank you for accepting me” Anne spoke out all of sudden, shocking the hell out of me.

“Ah that! It’s nothing” I said and went back to my phone again.

So, she’s really fine with all these things, huh? Oh well, maybe our issues are nothing to her already and she has moved on. If that’s the case, I will not have to worry or think about her too much.

The moment we reached our office, seventeen pairs of eyes (including Railey and Daryl’s) are looking at us. It is more awkward coz all of them are aware about my issues with Anne.

“Guys! I just want to introduce you to someone!” I shouted and they all stopped what they’re doing and looked at me and Anne.

“You all know that Cho hee is on maternity leave and I’m left with no replacement…but now” I put my hand on Anne’s shoulder “I already have one and she’s handpicked by President YG himself” I looked at her and she looked at me with a smile on her face.

“Really?” I saw Daryl mouthed and I gave her a nod.

“Her name is Anne Amori…I’m sure that you know her already coz she’s been working with us for the anniversary magazine” I continued and all my staffs are smiling at her.

“I’m so pleased to meet you all” Anne said and bowed.

“Welcome dear” Railey said and I know that she’s playing around.

No, we’re not bullies and I don’t even have a plan to be one. Railey and Daryl will surely tease me about all of this, but I’m used to it, so it’s just fine.

“ he.....hmm….my world” I walked in my office, followed by her.

Well yes, I’m about to say hell. Good thing my mind is fast and I’ve realized that saying that would just her mind up. Actually, it’s really hard to breathe knowing that the woman who nearly got your husband to cheat on you is in one room with you.

“I want you to check everything and make sure that things will run smoothly…I don’t want a secretary who takes work as if it’s just a piece of …I need a working buddy here…not a girl who will just complain about the work load” I told her and she seemed to be frightened for a bit there.

I’m in my wo

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ