Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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May 31

Love knows no reason, rhyme or boundaries. It doesn’t take a reason to love someone, but it does to like someone. You don’t love someone because you want to; you love someone because you are destined to. It’s because you fall in love with them, that you then try to find a reason, but you always come up with no reasons at all.

This weekend is a total blast and my decision of coming to Japan is really good (I actually thought before, that I just wasted my time), my family and I have bonded so much and my husband is the happiest of all for he got to spend time with his children alone and I have to give him credit for being good in taking care of them.

Yesterday was really a very wonderful day for all of us, including the girls and their husbands. I still cannot believe that I got my wish of taking a sumptuous bath using Evian water (Jiyong doesn’t want to tell me how much it costs but I searched it this morning and yeah, it’s not a joke, it costs three pairs of Louboutins already). But then again, I’m thankful to my husband for pushing boundaries just to give me what I wished for.

Waking up after that spa treatment is total HEAVEN! I’ve realized that I’ve overworked my body for these past few months that I’ve forgotten to relax and pamper it (I swore to myself that I’m going to give time for some massage once a week, how I wish I can keep up with it).

The kids woke up late than usual and the sole reason for this is because they’ve been so exhausted and worn out from running around Disneyland yesterday. I can’t believe that Jiyong and I have survived seven kids in a big theme park (I’m telling you, chasing hyped kids are not a joke for it can really drain all of the energy that you have in your body).

“Good Morning!” Seungri greeted me the moment I walked out of our room.

“Good Morning!” I sat down beside him on the couch.

“Waaa…._______....is it me or are you really glowing? Did you put something on your face just now?” he asked while staring at me.

“You’re weird…how will I glow?” I asked in confusion and he chuckled.

“Aigoo…maybe it’s just me…but….AISH! Wait here” he stood up from the couch and came back with a mirror in his hand.

“Look...you’re glowing….right?” he put the mirror in front of me and I, myself was shocked when I saw my face glowing madly.

I don’t even know if it’s because of the gold facial treatment, but seriously, I feel like my face can pass as a sun shining brightly. It’s actually alarming for it is really weird to look at.

“Wait…I’ll call the girls and ask if they are having the same glowing face” I said and Seungri, who has been controlling himself not to laugh, just burst out laughing.

Seriously, this unexplainable glow cannot last till later for it doesn’t look good at all. I feel like, I’ve been scrubbing my face with car wax that made it squeaky clean (I swear! It’s not fun to look in the mirror).

“Hey!” Daryl answered cheerfully (It’s a bit weird to hear her so cheerful in the morning, I bet something good happened that’s why she sounds so happy).

 “What can I do for you sis?” she asked, making me more curious as to why she sounds so lively.

“Sis…have you seen yourself in the mirror already?” I asked while looking at my face in the mirror, still beside Seungri on the couch.

“I haven’t…I’m still in bed with Yuan coz I just woke up” she answered.

“That’s so odd” I muttered.

“Huh? What’s odd?” she asked curiously.

“You….I mean…you’re always grumpy in the morning….what’s with the lively and hyped greeting?” I checked my face in the mirror again, hoping that the glow isn’t there anymore.

“Well…I’m going to have a baby soon” she said and my jaw dropped with what I heard.

Daryl and Taeyang have this pact that they will make baby number two after Big Bang’s concert tour that will end next year. Oh well, maybe my sissy’s mind changed once again and she has tripped on being pregnant already.

“Are you pregnant?” I asked excitedly with my heart thumping like crazy (I don’t know, but I’m really looking forward to the girls getting pregnant again).

“Not yet…but Youngbae and I have decided to screw our pact and make another baby” she said and I sighed in disappointment (I’m already assuming that she is pregnant).

“O….K…..how did you come up with that decision?” I asked.

“Well…I’ve realized that Yuan is a big boy already and sooner or later….he’s going to hang out with Youngbae more….of course…that will leave me in massive sadness for my little boy will be choosing his dad over me” she answered and I chuckled.

“Sis…it’s really a normal thing for sons to be close to their fathers…just take my sons for example…they look up to Jiyong like he’s Superman while they see me as Joker…you have to accept that they have more things to do together…you’re still lucky that you can still bring Yuan whenever we go shopping or in our girl bonding moments coz when Danny is the same age as him…he cries whenever he sees a salon” I told her and she laughed.

“Oh well…I’m wishing for my next baby to be a girl…in that way….I can relate to you and Railey…and have a breathing Barbie too” she said and I laughed so hard (Daryl always wanted a  baby girl to play with and I’m also wishing for her to have that little girl soon).

“Anyway…what’s with the early call? Why are you asking me if I have seen myself in the mirror already?” she asked curiously and I gave out a sigh coz I was reminded by my glowing face once again.

“Just get your lazy up in bed and look at the mirror” I instructed and I can hear her moving.

I know that wishing for my girls to have the same glowing face like me is bad, but all I want is for them to be in the same boat with me, in that way, I will not think of myself as one hell of a freak show.

“Sis….seriously….are you dreaming or what?” Daryl asked.

“Sis….have you noticed something?” I asked, still praying that she has the same glowing face like mine.

“I’ve noticed that I’m more beautiful today more than yesterday” she answered confidently and from there, I felt chills on my spine for it looks like I’m the only one having this glowing face.

“Aren’t your face glowing?” I looked at my face at the mirror once again and it’s still the same.

“I’m always glowing sissy” she answered in her usual Daryl tone.

“I’m serious! Mine was like waxed a trillion times!” I almost shouted in rage.

“What? Are you even damn sure that you didn’t put anything on your face last night?” she asked and tears started rolling down my face.

“No! I didn’t even put one damn thing” I cried like a baby, shocking Seungri.

I don’t even have a clue on where my husband is when I badly need him. I cannot even believe that Seungri is the one comforting me during these moments.

“OMO! Yah! Seungri-ah!” Jiyong walked in the room all of a sudden.

“Hyung….I didn’t do anything to her” Seungri said, sounding so scared.

“Why is my wife crying?” he asked and I can hear Daryl laughing like crazy with the little drama that she’s hearing on my end.

“What’s the matter?” Jiyong bent to meet eye level and I just continued crying like a little kid.

I can’t even stop myself from crying because I feel so horrible. I don’t even know why my freakin face is glowing. All I want is for it to tone down.

“What’s happening?” he grabbed my phone from me.

“Daryl? What’s happening to ________?” he asked while wiping my tears.

“OH!” he stared at my face right away, I guess Daryl already told him about my dilemma.

“OK…thanks” he said and hanged up the phone.

From the way Jiyong looks, I know that he’s thinking that I am one damn psycho from crying and making a big fuss over my glowing face.

“Babe” he said and I covered my face with Seungri’s mirror.

“Aigoo…my baby’s being a baby” he got the mirror from me and looked at me intently.

“I’m glowing like the sun” I whined and he laughed so hard.

“Aigoo…the sun is beautiful babe…so no need to whine” he said and I pushed his face away from mine.

“Maybe it’s that gold facial treatment” I said, making the boys look at my face once again which totally made me uncomfortable.

“I’m going back to the room now” I excused myself.

The moment I entered the room, the kids are already awake. The girls are so busy with something on the laptop while the boys are playing on the floor. Karielle on the other hand is just sitting quietly on DK’s lap.

“Mum!” the boys ran to me and hugged me.

“Hey…Good Morning “I hugged them back and kissed them on the cheek.

“Morning mum!” the girls greeted one by one as I joined them in bed.

“Oh gosh!” Gabby said while looking at me.

“Mum...something changed” she said while looking at my face intently.

“I know…mum’s face is glowing” I said and all my kids stared at me like I’m a museum display.

“But why?” Isabella asked while touching my freakin fa

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ