Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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She’s rolling! Lauren is once again messing with our lives and her approach is much bolder and scarier now. If before she’s working alone. Now, she was able to use a lot of people just to ruin me and _______. Why? Why does she have to do this? I thought we’re already done with her? Why is it all of a sudden she’s attacking and worse is, we aren’t prepared for her at all. Yes, I know that she’s really dangerous and can sneak up slowly and secretly but why does she have to do her revenge now when my wife is really in a sensitive situation? She can mess with me anyway and just leave my wife alone.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Is it true?” a man asked and my heart raced.

It’s my father in-law and I can tell from his voice that he’s raging in anger. This is what I fear for. I know that he challenged me and wants me to prove to him that I can protect my wife and family from any danger but once again, I failed and this can be the end of me.

“Dad” I said nervously. I can hear mum crying in the background.

“We called Railey for we have seen articles about _________ and her infidelity….Jiyong….what is going on? Why is our daughter being accused of cheating? Be honest with me” he asked and I sighed.

“Dad…all of those are lies….believe me….________ hasn’t cheated even once and she’s just being dragged in this…don’t worry about a thing coz we’re doing something about it already” I told him and I can feel my father in-law’s anger.

“I’ve warned you already young man...one more stupid rumor and I’ll make you disappear in my daughter’s life whether you like or not….and here’s your last rumor…what do you want me to do now?” he asked in a very scary tone and my mind is being clouded once again.

“Dad….give me one more chance….I’m going to fix this….please….__________ needs me and I need her….I can’t live without my family….dad…please” I begged and I heard him sigh.

“Where is she? I want to talk to her” he asked and I nearly banged my head on the wall.

How can I forget? We are still in the police station with my wife in detention for something she doesn’t even do. Now, how will I tell my raging father in-law that his daughter is behind bars? Is this really the end of us? This man would kill me.

“Jiyong! Where is _________?” he snapped me back to my senses.

“Dad….I need to tell you something” I said and gathered all my strength and prayed to God that my in-laws will take my news lightly even if it is really heartbreaking.

“What is it? You are making me nervous with all this hanging….I’m just asking for my daughter” he said and I sighed heavily.

This is the right thing. I have to be honest for I know that sooner or later they will know this as well and even if I get my wife out of this filthy place, I cannot tell her to not say anything to her parents. It’s going to be much worse if they’ll hear it from other people, so it’s much better if the news will come from me.

“Dad…._________....she’s….she’s in jail right now” I finally spit out and there was no response from the other line.

This is really making me insane and I’m already preparing myself for some cursing and extreme scolding. My in-laws will surely hate me now and I know that it’ll take a long time after they accept me again. I’ve put their daughter’s life in danger once again when they really made it clear that I cannot make any mistakes anymore.

“What did you just say? Are you serious Jiyong?” he asked in rage as I try to normalize my heartbeat.

“Y….Yes dad…..we are now in the police station” I answered and I can feel the tension building up.

“Young man…I’m telling you….this is not the time to lurk around” he said and I sighed.

“Dad….________ was arrested awhile ago for attempted murder….it was said that she hired some men to beat up or kill the complainant....we were all shocked as well for we are not even expecting such thing to happen….I mean….we’re talking about my wife here…she cannot even pinch a person what more hire people to hurt somebody” I said and mum’s cries are getting louder and louder.

“That is BULL! What is happening to the both of you? Why is she even being accused of such thing and who is complaining?” he asked.

“It’s Anne…the one being rumored as my mistress…she was beaten up by some men awhile ago and the first person who came into her mind is _________....unfortunately….__________ have admitted that she threatened Anne and that is really a strong proof dad…..but don’t worry….I hired the best lawyers already and we’ll bail her out this morning” I told him and he sighed heavily.

“Kwon Jiyong….you better get my daughter out of there….I want her to go back here in America the moment she got out….I don’t care if she still has a case going on….I’m going to contact our family lawyer and ask him about what to do….we might go there if things really gets screwed…for now…please….I’m begging you….watch over my daughter intently…she’s pregnant and being in jail is really ridiculous….and if it’s possible…please keep her out of the public’s eyes….we don’t want her name to be associated with the word criminal” he said and I nod as if he’s in front of me.

Now that my in-laws already know about it, I don’t have to think about them anymore. I’m actually thankful for they are going to help us for my father in-law is a retired lawyer and he’s got a lot of wonderful lawyers under his sleeves. I know that if we’ll team up, there’s a huge chance of winning.

“Jiyong” Hyun shik woke me up and I immediately looked for my wife and saw that she’s sleeping inside the cell.

“What’s up?” I asked while gathering my thoughts.

“We’ve got a huge problem” he said and I looked at him curiously.

“There are a lot of press outside the police station…it seems like they have heard about ________’s arrest already” he said and my soul just went out of my body.

“What? !” I said and called my manager right away.

Hyun shik has stayed with me through the night and we came up with a plan on how to catch Lauren. He was shocked as I am when I told him that the woman he’s been going crazy for is a psycho and she’s the one chasing after me for years already. According to Hyun shik, she changed her name into “Patty” along with her identity. This woman is really good at this and her evilness is going too far already.

“Have you called her brother yet?” Hyun shik asked.

“I haven’t for my father in-law called awhile ago…I’ll call Brady now” I answered and he patted my shoulder.

“This will end soon Jiyong…don’t worry…I’ll help you in this…that girl will really get it from me…I’d rather do a revenge for _______ than do it for myself….after all…that is just good in bed” he said and I laughed.

“Thank you bro!” I said.

Brady doesn’t know anything yet and I’ve promised myself that I will let him fix this mess, but it seems like we really need to work together for his sister is just too much for him to handle. That guy is afraid of her and she can just make a out of him anytime.

“It’s Jiyong” I said and heard him yawn.

“What can I do for you Jiyong?” he asked and I sighed.

“Where is your sister?” I asked.

“I saw her arrive last night….why?” he asked and I peeked outside and saw a lot of cameras.

“She is the one behind all these….I bet she’s using Anne as well…._________ is in jail right now for attempted murder and it’s Anne who brought her here” I said and he gasped in shock.

“I’m going to check noona and then go there” he said and my tears suddenly fell.

I’m damned as hell right now and I don’t even know what to do. I’ve been getting strength from my wife and the people who have been helping us but it’s not enough, I have to come up with a plan that will surely nail Lauren to death.

“What? We’ll go there now” TOP hyung said when I updated him with what’s happening.

I am now disturbing everybody for my wife’s name is already at stake here. I know that these people will soon know about this mess but I can’t even take to see my wife being feasted upon and being called as a criminal.

“Mr. Kwon…the press is really pushy….they wanted to get any information from us” an officer said and I sighed.

“If it’s possible….please…don’t give them anything…I’m just waiting for our lawyer and we’ll be out of here” I said and he gave out a nod.

After an hour or so, my wife woke up already and it’s obvious that she wasn’t able to sleep well. Actually, I stayed up with her all night for she cannot sleep at all. We didn’t even talk or anything. The whole time she was just staring at me and crying while I cry with her. It’s really hard to see _______ in this state, with cold bars separating us.

“Babe” I said and she came near me as I reach out my hand in between the bars.

“Am I going out now? I’m already getting bored here” she said coolly, making me smile.

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ