Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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I think I’m going crazy now, in a good way. Well, I’ve got my family back once again and we’re living like nothing big happened to us. My wife and I are in good terms as well and we are much sweeter now than before. Aigoo. Not being with them for months is really pure torture and what happened to us days ago nearly killed me. Good thing, my family understands and they still accepted me even after the things that I’ve done.

Yesterday was a blast for I brought my family out for a date. At last, after months of not going out with them, I was able to spend the whole day with my kids and wife. We roamed around New York City and ate a lot. The kids are still pigging-out till now and I’m telling you, they are munching on those Magnolia cupcakes non-stop. Gabrielle even complained on having a toothache already because of too much sweets and my wife on the other hand is trying to control herself from eating but she fails for she has eaten almost a half box of it already.

“It smells good in here” I said the moment I walk out of our room.

“Mum is cooking dad” Isabella said and pulled me down to her level and kissed me on the cheek.

“Morning dad!” she said and I kissed her back.

“Good Morning baby girl” I greeted back and she smiled at me.

This is life. My daughters are sweet once again and I can never be happy enough. I still feel guilty sometimes though, but they assure me always that they’re already good with what happened and they just want to put it behind them and move on. Well, that’s what my wife is doing and she’s really not talking about that said matter anymore.

“Wow” I said upon seeing _________ in front of the stove.

“Your wife is cooking…isn’t that great Jiyong-ah?” Omma asked and I chuckled.

“Omma…are you sure this is safe? I don’t want our house to burn down you know” I told her and my wife turned and glared at me.

“Aigoo…Jiyong-ah…I’ve taught her well…she knows when to put the fire up and when to put it down….she has a timer as well…you’ll see…she’s going to make the most delicious Kimchi Fried Rice in the whole wide world” Omma said and I shook my head at her.

I know that my wife is really trying her best to cook but after our daughters told me that their mum tried cooking for lunch weeks ago and almost burned the house down coz she forgot to lower the fire, causing the food to burn kinda alarmed me.

“I’m telling you babe….I can cook…just wait and see” she told me and I smirked.

“Aigoo…arasso…I will look forward to that” I told her and she sticks out her tongue at me.

While waiting for my wife to finish, I went to the play room where all my little kids are. I’ve noticed that the boys and Karielle are going along well with each other. My youngest daughter already knows how to hold a sword and even carries a toy truck everywhere she goes. Omma is quite alarmed by this already for she wants her granddaughter to be as girly as her sisters, but it seems like Karielle doesn’t feel like playing dolls and putting make-up.

“Cut!” Karielle ran towards me right away and hit me with a long sword.

“aaaahhhh!” I pretended to be cut and fell down on the floor.

“Oh! K! What did you do to dad?” Russelle came and his sister just stared at me as I continue acting.

“I CUT HIM!” Karielle answered excitedly.

“K…remember what we told you….mum and dad are not part of our world…they are not warriors like us…that only means…you cannot cut them” Russelle said and I chuckled because of their cuteness.

“OK….I’ll heal him” Karielle said and rubbed my chest gently.

“You’re already healed dad…get up now” she said and I sat up while laughing.

I guess this is how children play nowadays. They have their own world and in my kids’ case, they are warriors who are wearing funny costumes. Russelle is wearing his buzz light year costume, while Gabrielle has this big star on his head which I believe is DK’s hair accessory and Karielle has this crown on her head that came from a fan of mine. 



“Where is your hyung?” I asked the twins while we’re playing legos.

“He’s in our room dad….he doesn’t wanna play with us anymore because he’s playing a different game already” Gabrielle answered and I looked at them curiously.

“Danny hyung seldom plays with us already dad….according to the noonas the reason why he’s like that is because he’s sick of playing kiddie games coz he’s growing up” Russelle added and I can feel their disappointment.

Aigoo. Is this really normal? I mean, my daughters aren’t like that at all. The three girls still stick with each other no matter what and they still have the same interests, why are the boys different? I guess I have to talk to my son about this coz I don’t want my three boys to have their own little worlds. They have to be intact for they are brothers.

“I’ll just go check on your hyung…OK?” I told the three and they nod.

It seems like Danny is really having a good time in playing on his own for he doesn’t even noticed me walk in their room. He’s too absorbed in playing video games and I can see in him that he’s somewhat addicted to it like any other kids his age.

“Baby boy” I sit beside him and he just glanced at me and went back to playing again.

“What are you playing?” I asked.

“Tekken” he answered plainly and I find it a bit weird for he’s really not like this before.

“Danny…can you stop playing first? Dad wants to talk to you for a while” I told him and thankfully, he obeyed.

I know that if there’s someone who can really talk to my sons, it is me for _________ cannot relate to them in some matters and it goes the same with my daughters for I can’t relate to them in many aspects as well.

“Your brothers are playing with Karielle at the playroom….why aren’t you with them?” I asked and sighed.

“Dad…I’m not a kid anymore…I don’t wanna play swords and robots….this is what my friends in school play as well” he answered and I just stared at him for a while.

“Baby boy…it’s just fine to go with what’s new or trending…but…I just hope that you will also find time to play with your brothers….before…the three of you are so close that you cannot even last being away even just for a few hours and now…here you are….locked inside this room while playing alone….dad is not telling you  to stop playing and I’m definitely not forcing you to play with your brothers and sister…thing is…I don’t want you to distance yourself from them….you can play video  games together you know…they might not get it fast but they can learn…..your brothers are missing you already” I told him and I can see in his eyes that he’s seeing my point.

“I’m sorry dad…I didn’t know that I’m already forgetting about my brothers…don’t worry….I’ll ask them to play with me later….but…Karielle is really like a boy dad….she plays trucks and cars and robots when she’s supposed to be playing dolls like the noonas…I always get my toys from her coz she’s not a boy and she’s not suppose to be holding or even playing boy toys” he said and I chuckled.

Is it really a big deal? I mean, is it really a big thing to see a girl playing with trucks and guns? I know that it’s not that good to see a little girl holding a toy gun or sword but that’s what she wants and I have this dad rule that I will not go against whatever my children wants. If Karielle wants to hang out with the boys more than the girls, I don’t care for as long as she’s happy. After all, almost all women have this tomboy side in them so it’s no big deal.

After that short father and son talk, Omma called us for breakfast already and I am beyond excited to taste my wife’s cooking. Yes, I’m really looking forward to it. Thing is, I’m not really putting high hopes that it’s a success.

“Wow! This looks so go…..Aaaaah!” I said upon walking in the kitchen but cut myself when I felt a hard thing hit my most precious twin (you know what this is).

“OMO!” Omma said in shock.

“AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!” I almost curled myself into a ball on the floor because of pain.

“Gosh babe!” _________ rushed to me right away and I can feel panic in her voice.

“It’s so painful!” I said and all of them are now surrounding me.

“Should we call 911 mum?” Isabella asked and I shook my head.

“No need” Omma said and I was still hurting.

I don’t even know what hit me, but it really is painful. I feel like I’ve lost it already and I got afraid for I might not be able to make babies again because it was really a painful and solid blow.

“Who did this?” _______ asked and the kids pointed at Karielle who is holding a baseball bat.

“Karielle accidentally hit dad with a baseball bat mum” DK answered and ________ gasped in shock.

“Do you want me to bring you to the hospital?” my wife asked and I shook my head.

“I just want to lie down in bed right now” I told her and she helped me to get up from the floor.

My wife led me to our room while our kids and Omma eat breakfast already. I don’t know, but I suddenly felt weak after that accident and I still haven’t recuperated for the pain is still there and it’s freakishly painful.

“Gosh babe! I cannot believe that our daughter just hit you with a baseball bat on the….you know…on your twin” she said and I smirked.

“Just imagine how hard that baseball bat is babe…aigoo….I feel like it broke already” I said and she laughed so hard.

“Was it cracked that badly?” she asked and I looked at her in disbelief.

“No babe…I can still feel that I can make another baby…so no worries” I told her and she sp

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ