Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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June 2

It seems to me that the best relationships - the ones that last - are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship. You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than you did the night before. Like a switch has been flicked somewhere and the person who was just a friend is, suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with.

I don’t know if it’s just me having a weird body, or  some people are also experiencing this, but I’m having a massive hangover to think that I’ve only drank four glasses of margarita last night (I didn’t even got drunk AT ALL). Oh well, maybe this is the after effect of it and first of all, my body is not used to alcohol for I don’t drink often so maybe this is just normal.

“Babe” I woke Jiyong up by shaking him by the shoulder.


“We need to get up now…we’ll be having a LONG day babe” I told him while rubbing my temples.

Gosh! This hangover is really hitting me BIG TIME and it really is no joke. I have had hangovers before but this is just too much. I feel like my head will crack up any time soon and my brain is being toasted. Good thing, my eagerness to work and my responsible blood is kicking in, or else, I’ll just screw all my appointments up and just rest (well, I have done that once and I regretted it).

“Babe…I’m going to prepare breakfast first and I’ll call you once I’m done” I his arm and all but I didn’t even get any response.

“My head!” I whined while heading to the kitchen.

The moment I walked out of our room, I’ve noticed that a lot of toys are scattered all over the living room floor and there are even chocolate and candy wrappers on the coffee table. It looks like the kids’ nanny slacked off last night and didn’t even bother to clean up. Oh well, I cannot do anything now for she’s not even around. Maybe I am a bit drunk last night for I haven’t even noticed all the mess or I’m just too focused on helping Jiyong walk to our room.

“What do we have here?” I asked myself while looking at our pantry.

I don’t know what’s gotten into me, but I feel like changing our menu for breakfast today. Instead of making pancakes, I made French toasts with strawberries and sweet syrup and cooked sausages. I have realized that I need to rest my family from eating pancakes for the mean time for them not to get sick of it (although none of them are complaining).

“This is easy” I told myself while dipping the sliced bread in my batter.

French toasts are easier to make than pancakes and it only took me a good thirty minutes to finish it all up. My only problem is, I don’t have people to share it with for all of them are still sleeping (it’s only six in the morning and the kids usually wakes up around seven).

And because we’ve got a lot of things to do today (again), I woke the kids first before their father for they are the easiest to wake (except for Russelle and Danny).

Surprisingly, it seems like my kids have smelled the sweet and delicious aroma of the French toast for they are already up when I entered their rooms. The girls are already making their bed (they are really neat and organized, so much like Jiyong) while the boys are still motionless while sitting on their beds with their souls out of their bodies (another Jiyong trait).

“Good Morning babies” I greeted the girls when I walked in their room.

“Morning mum!” they greeted and continued straightening their duvets.

“How was your date yesterday mum?” Isabella asked while combing her hair.

“Well…it’s not really a date for the Aunties and Uncles are with us…anyway…it’s all good…we had so much fun” I answered and she nods.

“That’s called a triple date” Gabby said, making me chuckle.

“Not really…for Uncle Seungri and Uncle Daesung are with us” I told her.

“That’s what you call hangout unnie” DK spoke with her raspy morning voice.

“More like that” I said and they all nod.

This is how my little girls and I talk to each other. I don’t know, but I’m good with them thinking maturely for they are being open to a lot of things in an early age, what’s important is, they know their limitations and I always remind them that they are still kids and they have all the right to play and just have fun. I guess bringing them to all our girl bonding days is really a big factor in their early maturity (this goes with Tabitha as well).

After talking with the girls, I head to the nursery where Karielle is and found out that my baby girl is already awake as well so I brought her out and head to our room to wake the head of our family. Well, Jiyong is a different story though. If our kids are easy to wake, he’s the most difficult one (and I mean it).

 “Go wake dad up baby girl” I whispered to Karielle who is looking so excited upon seeing her dad.

“Go” I placed her down in bed and she crawled on top of Jiyong’s back, making him groan.

“Aigoo…so heavy” Jiyong said, making Karielle giggle.

“Wake up now sleepyhead” I said while watching our daughter bounce up and down on her father’s back.

“Aigoo” Jiyong groaned and I stopped our daughter from her fun time.

“Come here baby girl” Jiyong said while reaching out his hand to Karielle.

Seeing our youngest daughter with Jiyong is really a sweet moment for they don’t bond that often. I know that my husband doesn’t even mind if he’s wakened by our daughter (even if I know that he’s still dying to sleep).

“How are you? Huh…baby girl” Jiyong cooed while tickling Karielle.

“Babe…get up now…let’s eat” I told him.

“Arasso” he said and got out of bed and carried Karielle “Aigoo…why are you so heavy?” he asked.

“She’s eating a lot and drinking milk non-stop” I answered instead, making Jiyong smile at his daughter.

All of them were shocked when they saw a different dish for breakfast and I can say that they are a bit unsure if the new dish tastes good.

“Mum…what’s going on?” Isabella asked.

“Nothing…I just feel like changing our menu” I answered and she took a bite of the sausage.

“LOVE IT!” she said and the rest of the kids took a bite of their sausages as well.

“Let’s taste this toast” DK said and munched.

“Yummy” she said while nodding at her siblings and as if on cue, all of them took a bite of their toasts at the same time.

“Babe…why do I feel like I’m being critiqued?” I asked, making my husband laugh.

“That’s how the Kwon kids work babe” he said and I laughed.

Well, from the looks of it, I can say that my French toast and sausage combo is a hit. The kids emptied their plates in just a blink of an eye and the boys even ate four slices of toast in one seating while my husband is munching on his fourth slice as well.

“Oh by the way!” I snapped “Babe…did you know that the kids have schedules today?” I asked and he snapped his fingers.

“Yeah! Isabella will be filiming a CF…then a photo shoot with DK for YG RUNWAY…right?” he asked and I nod.

“Yep! Manager Kwon…how can you forget your talents’ schedules?” I asked and he chuckled.

“Mianhe…I’m whacked last night and it seems like my brain is still clogged” he answered, making the little girls giggle.

“Mum…does that only mean that Gabby unnie will be left here with us?” Danny asked with his how-I-wish-you-can-just-bring-her look.

“Why can’t she have a photo shoot too?” Russelle asked and from the way the boys looks, they seem sad that their big sister will be left with them.

“Mum…dad…the kids don’t want me to stay here because they know that I’ll be very strict to them later” Gabby said and stuck her tongue out at her brothers.

“Gabby” Jiyong called and she lowered her head.

“Sorry dad” she said, making me look at Jiyong with a smile on my face.

It’s a good thing that

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ