Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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November 19

Friendship is the best thing that comes to life. Your friends can make the bad times good – and the good times unforgettable. Life isn’t a destination, it’s a journey. We all come upon unexpected curves and turning points. Everything that happens to us shapes who we are becoming. And in the adventure of each day, we discover the important things in life and why they’re important. If you are alive, you have reasons to be happy. If things are really bad, they can only get better. Everyone has a purpose on this planet and you can find yours. Somebody out there needs you and is thankful that they know you.

All this time, I thought that I’m the only person alive who has big problems. Well, looking back through all the things that had happened to me all these years, I can be counted as one of the world’s problematic human being and I’ll proudly admit it. But what I didn’t know is that, there are A LOT of people in this world with bigger problems than mine and is taking things coolly, they are not even thinking about it too much and all they want is to enjoy what life has brought them.

Railey and Daryl are more than bestfriends to me, they are my sisters. They molded me into who I am today. The three of us have been together forever and we are still going strong. Our relationship is as solid as steel and nobody can break us. We have been together through thick and thin and all that we do and say are influenced by each other (this is one thing that our husbands cannot understand but is totally amazed about). We are one, and even if we contradict each other so much, at the end of the day, if one decides on whatever, the other two will follow just to make that one person happy.

Maybe it is true that once a person that you love falls sick, you will be dragged to hell and you’ll look for ways just to get that one person out of misery and pain. Now I can say that, I am already in hell and it’s all because of Railey. She’s sick and I don’t even know how to make her feel better.

Last night’s welcome party was a blast for all of the people that we love welcomed and celebrated our homecoming. Everybody had so much and we are all laughs and smiles all throughout.  Well, I can say that I faked my laughter and smiles last night. I don’t know if this is really meant to happen, but it’s just so painful to know that one of the most important persons in your life is going through an illness and worst is that, all the while you thought that things are normal. The whole discovery shocked me, but what shocked me the most is the fact that Railey herself isn’t being bugged by it at all.

I woke up with a heavy feeling matched with a massive headache. I don’t know how I got home but I have a strong feeling that I passed out somewhere.

“Oh! Careful” Jiyong ran to me and helped me to sit up.

“I’m fine babe” I said and he sat beside me.

“How are you feeling?” he asked while caressing my cheek.

“My head is banging…but other than that…I’m all fine” I answered and he sighed.

“Did you know that you passed out last night…good thing…the company’s physician is still around and she checked on you….and did you know what she said?” he asked and I shook my head.

“You are fatigued and you really need a lot of rest” he answered and I smirked.

“Do I have to be shocked about that? If doctor Banks is here…he’ll tell me the exact same thing” I told him and he chuckled.

Gosh! Why do I have to be this sensitive when all I want is to be so active? I mean, I want to move normally and enjoy Korea as much as possible.

“Don’t tell me that you just want me to bum around here all day…Jiyong…I’m sorry to tell you…but….I’m not going to obey anything that you say” I said and he hissed.

“I know that this will happen” he said and I just stared at him.

“Babe…maybe the reason why I fainted is because I got so tired from our long trip…trust me…I’m fine…I know my body….and I can take care of it as well” I said and he kissed my hand.

“I know that…but babe…we are talking about your health and the babies already….as much as I want you to roam around the streets of Seoul…I can’t…for I know that the possibility of you being in danger is so high…not to mention…Lauren is just around the corner” he said and I sighed.

I have totally forgotten about Lauren actually. I don’t care about her at all and I really think that she’s not going to do anything to me and the kids already for Brady told me that she’s taming bit by bit and believe it or not, she’s trying to move on (she’s attending psych therapy and I’m so sure that it’ll really help her).

“Babe…I’ll be a good girl…promise…I will not tire myself out that much and these babies are in good hands…don’t worry” I winked at him and he leaned in for a kiss.

We are kissing like we’re so hungry for each other and I’m feeling a bit awkward for when he lifted my shirt up, my baby bump is all I can think of and knowing that I’m not that comfortable with my body as of the moment made me feel so awkward. Of course, my husband feels different for he keeps on looking up and down my body like I’m one of the most beautiful gold sculptures he ever saw.

“We have to figure out how this thing works” I told him when we can’t decide on what to do next.

We are both and is so hot for each other. Thing is, we don’t know the do’s and don’ts of what we’re about to do. Nope! I don’t read books about during pregnancy (I always forget to buy one).

In the end, we were able to release the heat in our bodies and I can really say that Jiyong is one happy bunny. Believe it or not, we haven’t touched each other for months (unbelievable, right?). I’m also a happy bunny for I feel like a fulfilled woman coz my husband still makes love to me even if I have this huge baby bump already.

“That’s hard” I said and he laughed while running his fingers on my back gently.

“It is” he said and looked at me “Babe…we have to figure out how to do this…coz I’m telling you….my mind is about to explode already awhile ago” he said and I looked at him in confusion.

“Why is that?” I asked.

“Babe….I don’t even know if our position is right…I’m being really careful…I don’t even wanna go deep because I might hurt the babies” he said and it cracked me up.

“Oh gosh! That deep thing is really hilarious!” I said and he kissed my forehead “But…in all fairness to you Kwon Jiyong…you still satisfied me” I told him and I can see that he’s really proud of what he has heard.

I can say that having during pregnancy is a bit hard and it takes a lot of risks. Jiyong’s fears also came in mind, that’s why I keep on telling him to just take it slow and don’t rush (I keep on whispering in his ear so that he’ll be reminded of it in case he gets too absorbed). To wrap it all up, we enjoyed it but it’s not the greatest on earth (not . It’s lovemaking).

After that, Jiyong decided to get up already to make breakfast and I didn’t hold him back at all for I feel really exhausted.

“Mum” I heard Isabella call and I immediately opened my eyes.

“mmm?” I stretched my sore body and sat up.

“Breakfast’s ready” she said with a smile on her face and it really made my day.

The moment I went out of our room, I became emotional for I’m seeing our kids playing around once again like what they used to do before we moved in America. Well in the states, they can’t play that much for our house there is not as big as our house here in Korea.

“Let’s eat now mum!” DK said and led me to the dining area.

Seriously, my husband is in a really good mood for he cooked a lot for breakfast (Jiyong is a bit lazy when it comes to cooking and there are times that he’ll just cook one dish for two meals).

“Dad’s pancake is sooooo goooood” Isabella said while chewing.

“I know right!” Gabby followed and they exchanged high fives.

“It looks like someone’s mood is oh-so-good” I and he smirked.

“Why aren’t you eating dad?” Danny asked, making all of us look at Jiyong.

“I’m full already” Jiyong answered and I looked at him weirdly.

“How can you be full? You barely even touched your pancake babe” I told him and he gave me a sweet but meaningful smile.

“I’ve had breakfast already…inside our bedroom” he winked and I slapped his arm so hard.

How can he say that when he knows that all our kids are around? Gosh! What will I tell the kids once they ask about the food that their dad ate? “Mum…what did dad eat for breakfast?” then my answer would be “Me”. Oh gosh! Jiyong is killing me!

“What did you eat dad?” Gabby asked while pouring almost the whole bottle of maple syrup on her pancake.

“mmm…pancake…a different and sweet kind of pancake….a stuffed one” he answered and we all looked at him as if he’s a freakin psycho.

“Stuffed pancake? What’s in it?” DK asked and I waited for Jiyong to answer with an eyebrow raised.

“Babies…just finish your food…OK? Dad ate the tastiest pancake this world ever produced” I winked at them and they giggled.

“Why do I have a feeling that dad ate the opposite of what he said? I can feel that he ate a nasty pancake” Gabby said and I looked at her in disbelief.

This pancake talk is really freaking the hell out of me. If only I can tell our kids that the pancake they’re dad is talking about is me, I’m so sure that they will not call it nasty.

Our crazy and noisy breakfast ended with Karielle’s happy dance and it’s all because Jiyong promised them that he will bring them to the YG building later (I don’t know how he’ll manage seven kids, but we’ll see. I have a feeling that he’ll call for help after an hour or two).

“Ah! The girls called awhile ago” Jiyong said while I’m braiding Isabella’s hair.

“What did they say?” I asked.

“They’re going here this afternoon” he said and my excitement builds up but at the same time, I’m not that ready to face Railey yet.

“Is Railey coming to?” I asked and Jiyong looked at me as if I said a lame joke.

“Babe….Railey is actually the first one to call before Daryl…she even told me that you guys will have fun today” he answered and I sighed.

How can I handle this? I mean, I don’t even know if Daryl is aware of this already. What I’m sure of is that, none from the boys knows about this and I’m slowly dying inside for I know how much pain Raile

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ