Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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After years of being stuck in a place where only screwed people are, is really a nightmare for her. She has endured all the pain, the loneliness and left the life that she was so used to. Her name was tainted, it was heavily shattered by the people who basically made her life a living hell. She was called a psycho, a seriously mentally ill woman that nobody would even dare to love. She was lost and is still lost up till now. Her anger is once again building up and she’s ready for revenge. 

“Wow…you’re really living a good life” Lauren said when she and her youngest brother walked in the apartment.

“I have worked for this noona” Brady told her and she wrapped an arm around him.

“I know you would really succeed” she said, earning a warm smile from him.

Lauren and Brady are biological siblings. Thing is, they were sold by their real parents when they were still young which made them not see or even talk to each other for a long time. Lauren was five when their parents gave her to a Korean-American couple who brought her to the states and raised her there. But when her “mother” passed away, her “father” got married again and neglected her for his new family, which made her go back to Korea. Brady on the other hand was four and was raised by a Korean family in Busan. They are just average and not as rich as his sister’s adoptive family, but unlike her, he was showered with so much love. Brady was the first one to know the truth when their biological mother went to visit him one summer day and told him the truth. At that point, the youngest of the two, started looking for his sister only to find that she’s in a mental institution because of depression. Lauren cannot grasp the truth at that time so he just introduced himself as a friend and from there, they got close to each other and clicked in just a snap. He learned that his sister is supposed to be in jail because of attempt murder, but was transferred in rehab because of her mental stability.

From being friends to being real siblings, Brady got to know his sister well through a good friend of hers. She told him that Lauren was an aspiring model who got a lot of potential and was given a chance to be seen by the whole fashion industry once, but she met a guy whom she fell so crazy in love with and from there, her life just turned upside down. She chased him and even if that guy pushes her away, she didn’t stop. Then one day, this guy got himself a serious relationship and it started crushing the hell out of his sister. She started doing things that even the most powerful person on earth wouldn’t even do. She used a lot of men to get money, she kissed gold asses just for power and practically wasted herself because of depression. She teamed up with a powerful guy to make her plans a reality and they have succeeded. His sister’s rival left Korea, leaving the guy that she loves alone and hurting. They hit it off and had an open relationship. Three years passed by and her rival came back with a kid which changed everything. The guy left her and married her rival, she was in the dark and left with so much hatred in her heart. Lauren fought till the end and it brought her in jail. She got her rival in coma for months and when they caught her, they didn’t let her pass. Lauren’s friend didn’t tell him who this guy is up until his sister said it. And the name Kwon Jiyong came out from .

All Brady can do is be angry at this popular man for making his sister the woman she is now, his wife is also to blame here as well. If it weren’t for them, she wouldn’t be a mental patient and her life will be beautiful by now. He strived hard to get his sister out of that mental institution and was even able to bring her home, but after a few months, she started having attacks once again and it forced him to bring her to a mental institution where she stayed for three years.

“I want you to help me” Lauren told him one day when he visited her.

“Help you with what noona?” he asked curiously.

“Help me get justice…I want to have a good revenge on them” she said with tears flowing down her cheeks.

“Noona….stop thinking of that….just let them be” he said but she just shook her head and gritted her teeth.

“I can’t just let them slip away and be happy while I’m here in this filthy place!” she snapped which scared him.

“If you really love me and you want me to be happy…you will help me…please Brandon…help me!” she begged, almost kneeling in front of him.

“OK…OK…I will help you…but noona…I will not do things that will affect other people aside from Jiyong” he said and she just smiled at him.

“You will not hurt Jiyong….I want you to hurt his wife….I want you to give _________ the pain that she has given me….I want her to crawl and plead for me to stop messing her life” Lauren said in anger and it rattled her brother’s brain.

And with that, Brandon applied for a job in YG RUNWAY as its assistant editor, using the name Brady Lee, the name that his adoptive parents gave him. In his head, all he wants to do is do some damage on Jiyong’s wife but he doesn’t want to involve other people, most especially, her children. He will play this game till the end and he will play it real hard.

“No…you can’t” Brady told himself after ________ confronted him about being a big pain in the .

He has always hated Jiyong and his wife, but when he entered the company and saw how wonderful she is, he was smitten and next thing he know it, he has fallen in love with her and this time, it’s not only an act. Brady is ready to brush his sister’s plans just to not hurt _______, that’s also one reason as to why he just let her do whatever she loves to do and he never contradicts with her. It’s the reason why he stayed quiet during the joint project with Vanity Fair and he was fine with breaking his promise with Lauren just for ________ not to get hurt.

“This is where you’ll sleep noona” Brady said when he opened the door to his sister’s room.

“I love it here” she said and curled herself in bed.

Actually, Lauren is not that well yet. Her doctors are still requiring her to visit them twice a week for counseling and knowing her, she will just brush it all off as usual, her stubbornness is still going to take over her.

“You rest now noona…goodnight” Brady said and kissed her sister’s forehead.

It was a wonderful day for Brady coz he got his sister out of the mental institution already. He can’t imagine how she lived there for years, knowing that there are a lot of crazy people around her. He promised himself that he will watch over Lauren for her not to damage others life anymore.

Morning came and Lauren is feeling the sun striking on her skin. For years, she has been locked up in a white building, surrounded by mentally ill people. It is true that you will also be carried away by them and you will find yourself one day already blending with them as well. Yes, she got really ill and sick in the head, but now that she’s out and free, she will do all of the things that she has planned in the past.

“I’ll go to work now noona” Brady told her while packing his things for wor

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ