Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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Hey guys! I've read all  your comments since yesterday and all I can say is....WHOA! I feel so guilty for you're hating on Jiyong because of all the things he's been doing here :((  I just want to remind you all that his birhday is coming up and we all should love him...hehe...anyway....I want to thank each and everyone of you for supporting the Sequel. I know that you're all there since the Diary of a Fan Girl days and I can't thank you enough. It's so sad for me to say this but, wer'e already nearing the end and we're only counting a few days but don't worry, i'll give you a packed last days and I'll make sure that you'll enjoy every chapter. I love you guys and take care! Mwah! -CIAM24


I don’t know if what I’m doing is right, but I don’t have a choice anymore. I have to face my greatest challenge and wish that I’ll have the last laugh in the end. I know that this is not going to be easy, that facing them is like digging my own grave but I’m already here. After all, this is the sole reason why I even came back to this place. I have to clear things up and somehow get confirmations or clearances.

“__________!” my mortal enemy number two said in shock upon seeing me.

“Hi there” I said coolly, as if we’re good friends.

Anne is in the house! This is so unexpected. I feel like God really planned this to happen. I think, this is his way of telling me that I should face whatever fear I have and I should just go with what I’m feeling. Because right now, all I want to do is beat the hell out of this girl and pour all of my bad feelings on her. She deserves it anyway.

“Hey there girl friend!” I said to snap her back to her senses.

My little friend seems to be so shocked upon seeing me. Her eyes are glued at me and she looks like she has seen a ghost. I can’t even understand why Jiyong hit on her. I mean, fine, she’s a little cute, her body is not that bad but I can really say that I’m far much better than her. I may have given birth to seven kids already, but I look more fresh and young than her. Gosh! Why am I even comparing myself to this girl? The mere fact that she’s hooking up with a married man is already a turn off and that alone is a big thing.

“Wow! You’re looking so good and chic…I must say…I’ve taught you well” I told her with a bit of cockiness on the side.

“Ma’am…I….I….” she stuttered and I gave her a fake chuckle.

“You what?” I asked with my arms across my chest.

“Oh! I’m really sorry for barging in…mmm…I’m just checking the place coz I kinda missed it….you don’t mind at all…right?” I asked and she shook her head right away.

“Ma’am…you’ve totally misunderstood everything…..I can explain” she said and I shook my head and hooked my arm on hers.

“Come...let’s talk like we’re the best of friends” I said and led her to the living room.

I’ve realized that I can be the best in town in these kinds of circumstances. I’m actually shocked that I was able to all of my emotions up and be all cool and calm. But deep inside, I’m dying to get my hands dirty for I can really rip Anne’s head off already.

“Ma’am” she said and I faked a smile.

“Sit here madam…I’ll just get you some poison” I said and she looked at me in surprise “I’m just joking! I’ll just get us some snacks…you know…I missed you and we haven’t seen each other for a long time….it’s just right for us to chat about our lives and the things that are happening to us now” I told her and went to the kitchen.

If only I can make her drink some poison, I’ll certainly pour a whole bottle into a glass and not care if she’ll die or what. I know that I’m being so bad to her right now and I’m working slowly but painfully. What can I do? I have to at least fight a bit so that they can’t step on me or think that I’m an easy one.

“Here….I made you the most delicious tea and got some expensive cookies especially for you…I’m sorry….but I checked on your pantry and saw this…well…as a matter of fact…these are my comfort food and I’m shocked that it’s untouched” I said and she just looked at me in disbelief.

“Anyway…how are you? How’s life…work and LOVE?” I asked and she sighed.

Am I being too harsh? Oh well, she needs this. I have to make her realize that she’s getting the out of me and in return, I’m gonna get the out of her as well. I’ve waited for this moment to come and now that I’m in front of my husband’s “woman” already, it’s like a dream come true.

“Ma’am…I can explain everything…Jiyong and I do not have a relationship…we are not together and all the rumors are not true…please ma’am…believe me” she said, earning a loud laugh from me.

“Why do you look so nervous and guilty? You know what Anne? Lying is the most fun a girl can do without taking her clothes off…in short…you can lie and tell as if you’re just eating…and right now…I can say that you’re lying and I’m not believing you at all” I told her and she reached for my hand.

“Believe me…Jiyong let me and Yuri live her because my son’s father is hunting us…he’s here in Korea and is trying to get my son away from me…it just happens that your husband is the one who saw me and him fighting and he’s such a kind heart for he saved me from danger…I swear ma’am…there’s nothing between me and Jiyong” she continued explaining but my heart is not even getting soft.

“Wow…you’ve got a whole story made just for this…well Anne…I must say…you can now be a good writer…I cannot believe how fast you have made a story…and you even involved your son’s father….good…no…it’s so great…I nearly believed it” I told her and she started tearing up.

“Oh please! Don’t start with me” I removed her hand away from mine. “If there’s someone who has all the right to cry…it’s me….but unfortunately…my tears are now drained and all I can show you is my y and wicked attitude” I said and she just continued crying.

She’s a great actor I must say. Her tears seem so real and she’s a bit convincing. My mind is telling me that what I’m doing is just right, but my heart is telling me to stop already for I’m hurting this person to the core in every word that I say.

“Ma’am…I’m sorry for even accepting Jiyong’s offer for me and Yuri to live here…I know that it’ll spark a misunderstanding…don’t worry….we’ll leave today...I’m really sorry….please don’t get this all wrong…there’s nothing between us and your husband stays loyal to you….in fact…he’s missing you so much already…I’m really sorry….I’m sorry” Anne keeps on repeating those two words and it’s annoying me.

“Anne…if there’s someone who needs to say sorry…I really think that it should be me….I’m sorry about it all…I’m sorry we ever got married…I’m sorry he cheated on me with you and I’m sorry that I pretended to ignore it for a long time…I’m sorry I found you in my house” I said and she just stared at me.

“Now…not only have you ruined my life and my marriage…but you have ruined my family as well” finished with a shaky voice.

I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore. All I know is that my heart is the one talking for me and my whole being is now covered with hate. This woman is acting like she didn’t do anything wrong and is even coming up clean, but she can’t fool me. I know that she’s enjoying every second of her stay here.

Tell me, how will I believe her explanation when it’s all twisted and I have this feeling that she just made it all up? I mean. C’mon! Your son’s father hasn’t been there since day one and now you’re telling me that he showed up out of nowhere and is now bugging the hell out of you. Then here’s the worst thing, out of all people, my husband became her savior for he’s the one who got her out of danger. Wow! What a story!

“I’m going now….this house is beginning to smell like a dead mouse has been living here” I stood up from my seat and walked to the door without even waiting for her to talk.

“AH! Please tell MY HUSBAND that I dropped by…enjoy your day! Bye!” I pretended to be cheerful and walked out of the house.

The moment I stepped out, my heart sank and I just found myself crying like I’ve never cried before. I feel like I’ve been shooed in my own house and it’s not mine already. Now that I’ve confirmed that Anne and her son is really living in my house, it’s already enough to wake me from my fairytale. There’s no such thing as fairytales and a happy ever after doesn’t exist for I’m living in a low budget drama movie now.

After confronting Anne, I went back to Daryl’s and Taeyang’s house with my bloodshot eyes and tired body. I feel like fainting but I’ve pushed myself to at least reach the house. I swear! I cannot even walk normally already for my vision is getting blurry and I feel like someone is stepping on my chest coz I can’t breathe well.

“Oh gosh!” Daryl said upon seeing me.

“Sis…help me” I said and she hugged me.

“Wait…sit here first…I’ll get you water” she said and the boys came out from Taeyang’s mini studio.

“OMO! You look so pale” Taeyang said upon seeing me.

“I’m fine” I told him and he touched my forehead.

“Yaaaa….she’s burning…Darling!” he called out to Daryl and the boys are now in a frantic mode already.

“What?” Daryl rushed to where we were and I keep on telling them that I’m fine.

Well, it seems like I’m down with a fever and I’m brought to the hospital once again. I don’t know, but the moment the doctors and nurses sa

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ