Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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This is what you call the sweetest revenge. Well, I was able to work my way up to the jackpot and is now a few inches away from winning. This is truly what I’m aiming for and I’m totally rejoicing now. At last, __________ will be out of my life and I might get Jiyong to want me again. You know, I can feel that he’s got something for me even if he’s already married. He’s just saying that he hates me but as the saying goes, “The more you hate, the more you love” and I can feel that Jiyong hates me but deep inside him, he loves me more than he loves his wife.

“You fooled me….how can you do this? I thought we’re friends” Anne asked while crying a river.

“Well…..we are friends….but we are friends with benefits…first and foremost….you are not really a part of my plan….but then destiny brought us to where we are right now and tada! We have succeeded already….our enemy will rot in jail forever” I told her and she shook her head.

“I cannot believe that I let you use me!” she said and I laughed.

“That’s how it goes…this is really your role dear….your game is already over and thank you for saving me….because of you …I don’t have to put my freedom at stake….they weren’t able to track me down….I was able to work silently and BAM! Here I am….winning and you as my muse made it all possible….thank you darling” I move closer to her but she pushed me away.

“Wow! You’re in right now….fine! Go ahead and hate me….I don’t care….from now on….you are nothing to me after all…I already got what I want from you….you’ve done your job and don’t worry….I’ll do mine as well…just don’t speak out to the Kwons or to anyone who has a close connection with them….one more thing….don’t you ever pull out that case….coz once you do….your son will be kissing you goodbye and you’lll be left alone crying” I told her and she tried to slap me but I was able to block her.

“You ! Get out of my car!” I stopped the car in the middle of the road and waited till she goes out.

That girl has been a very good follower but then again, she’s too kind to even level me. Anne is afraid of a lot of things and I can see in her eyes that she’s regretting whatever she has done. In my case, I don’t have to regret anything for I’m just getting what is supposed to be mine. _________ is living the life that is originally mine and I have to take it away from her coz she’s been living it for so long already.

“Noona….where did you go?” Brady asked the moment I walked in the apartment.

“I’m with Missy….why?” I asked.

“You are not with her….noona…I just talked to Missy and she told me that you haven’t seen each other for days now…. all the while you’ve been telling me that you are seeing each other going here and there….tell me….are you doing something stupid again?” my lovely brother asked and I just gave out a smirk.

Brady is really getting on my nerves nowadays and he’s annoying me to the max. I told myself that I don’t want anything to do with him anymore and we made it clear that he will not meddle around my business but here he is, still monitoring my every move.

“You know what? Just mind your own business and let me be….after all…I can manage my life already….I may be an ex psychopath but people change you know” I told him and walked inside my room.

My poor little brother doesn’t even know what’s happening to the girl that he once loved. Actually, it’s also good for he will not bug the hell out of me just to make me speak out if I have something to do with _________’s arrest. Oh well, I don’t wanna think about her anymore for she’s going down already. The only thing that I have to think of is how to get Jiyong back.

Morning came and I immediately grabbed my phone and started calling a lot of press people. Of course, the news about _________’s arrest should be told for the people to be aware of her bad deeds. She’s a criminal and it’s just right to tell the whole world what she has done. If only they know that I’m the one behind all of these.

“You are really good when it comes to this….thank you for the scoop…we’ll send you the money right away”

This is the easiest way to earn money and I’m really thrilled for I’m so good in this. Little details, a lot of lies and few pictures can really make you rich and because I have to have a job but I can’t even get one, this is totally perfect for me. All I have to do is make a call and make up stories that don’t even have any proof. Anyway, that’s why they called it gossip or rumors.

“NOONA!” Brady barged in my room and I can tell that he’s raging in anger.

“What? Can you knock before entering next time?” I asked and he sighed heavily.

“Where were you last night?” he asked and I rolled my eyes at him.

“What is this about? Why do you keep on asking that annoying question all the time? Do I really have to give you my schedule and whereabouts? Brady….you’re only my brother you’re not my mother….there’s no need for you to watch over me and as I’ve said….you’ve got your own business and I’ve got mine” I told him and he walked near me.

“Noona….did you know that __________ was arrested last night?” he asked and I smirked.

And he knows it now. Well, it seems like the press are really fast for they have written articles and made headlines right away. Or, Jiyong might’ve called my brother to tell him that his lovely wife is in jail right now.

“Really? Are you serious? Why was she arrested?” I asked as if I know nothing.

“There’s an attempted murder case filed on her….did you have something to do with this?” he asked and I know so well that he’s really suspecting me.

What can I say? He’s really my brother and he knows me so well. I know that he can feel that I have something to do with this but once again, I will not talk or even give him a hint. I’ll act like I don’t know anything and pretend that I don’t care. After all, I don’t really care. All I want is to see that suffering and in ruins.

“I don’t know anything….I told you….I’m so over that couple already….I’ve got a new guy and my full attention is on him…so if  you don’t have  questions anymore….you can go now” I said and lie back in bed.

“Noona…I just want to tell you that if I found out that you are the one behind all of these….I will be dragging you to the mental institution whether you like it or not….trust me….I can do that” he threatened and I laughed out loud.

If Brady thinks that I’m afraid of him, well, he’s got to think twice. I’m not even frightened. The mere fact that he can’t even handle me is enough proof that he’s a weakling and I can still make him go round and round and round.

“Hello?” I answered a call with a good mood and a smile on my face.

“Sweetheart” Hyun shik said and I rolled my eyes.

This man is really so into me that I’m so sick of him already. But in all fairness to him, he’s really useful or he’s the one giving me a lot of connections and that just means, a lot of money will come my way.

“Can we meet? I’m missing you already” he said and I smiled.

“If only you know that I’m just using you….poor guy” I thought to myself.

“Alright….where do you wanna go?” I asked.

“Let’s meet at the coffee shop near the COEX mall by nine” he answered and I looked at the clock.

“OK…see you there” I said and he hanged up already.

He’s a bit weird today. Hyun shik is always sweet to me and he never ends a call without saying I love you. Oh well, as if it matters to me. If he’s Jiyong, that’s the time that I’ll really appreciate those three words.

“Where are you going?” Brady asked upon seeing me walk out of my room.

“Here we go again….fine! Just to shut you up…I’m going to meet my boyfriend and I’m kinda running late so bye!” I said and walked out of our apartment right away.

I can tell that my brother is suspecting me big time and I have to be careful from now on. I know that he’s too busy to even spy on me but I know him, he can surprise you anytime for he pops out of nowhere and you’ll end up explaining and completely lying to him.

The moment I arrived at the coffee shop, Hyun shik is already there waiting for me. I’m telling you, I’ve got this man under my sleeves and I’m pretty sure that he, like other men is surely going crazy over me. That just feels so good, for I know that I’m worth all the craziness.

“Hey sweetheart….how are you?” I asked and leaned in for a kiss.

“I’m good….REALLY…REALLY good” he answered and I smiled at him.

“So….what do you want to do t? Do you wanna play in bed all day again?” I asked in my seductive tone and he smirked.

“Actually….I have a surprise for you….and I know that you’ll truly love it” he said and my excitement suddenly built up.

“ooohhh…..that sounds so interesting” I said and he looked at me intently.

“Tell me….PATTY….do you really love me?” he asked randomly and I just find it weird.

What is this man talking about? Why is it all of a sudden he’s talking like he’s doubting me or something? This doesn’t feel good but I’m going to observe him and once I feel like something is really not going right, that’s the time that I’ll do what I have to do: Break up with him.

Hyun shik is being too cold to me and the moment we pulled up in front of the police station, that’s the time that I panicked. Why did he bring me here? Actually, I’m not supposed to be here.

“Wait…what are we doing here?” I asked in alarm.

“Woah! Wait…calm down….why do you look so nervous?” he said and I looked at the people crowding the front entrance of the police station.

“I….I…I have a trauma….I’m not that good in seeing cops” I lied and he chuckled.

“Don’t worry….we will not stay long….we are just going to visit Jiyong’s wife….for she’s detained here” he said and almost dragged me to walk.

My heart is beating so fast the moment we entered the station. I was trying to escape but Hyun shik’s hold on me is just too tight that I wouldn’t even dare to move a lot for it’s just going to hurt me.

Wait. Why are they all here? Brady, Anne, ________ and Jiyong are all in attendance. Thing is, _________ is not inside the cell for she’s beside her husband when I saw them. This is insane! What is happening?

“….Yes Lauren……my HUSBAND LOVES ME MORE THAN ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING IN THIS WHOLE DAMN WORLD and it’s all because of the problems and challenges that you gave us….you’ve tried a million times to get him but I’m so sorry to say….you have failed and now….you’ve given it a shot again….but look! YOU FAILED again and this was the mos

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ