Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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“That’s a great idea” Railey said the moment her husband told her about what his mother thinks about the kids going back to Korea.

“Honey….I’m not expecting this…I mean….I actually thought that you’ll go against it” TOP told his wife.

“Seunghyun…Omma is right…she does have  a point….the kids are stuck here in New York and is not having a good time at all…well yes…they are always with Jiyong and __________’s kids but I can see  that they haven’t even embraced this place at all…in the first place…I cannot take care of them like what I’m used to doing for I cannot even move around that much…I’m also ashamed of Jiyong’s Omma already because she’s babysitting the kids or watching over me almost every day” she said with a heavy heart.

TOP and Railey has been separated for a month now and they’re already longing for each other. Thing is, they can’t see each other yet for one of them is busy with work and the other is in the middle of medications in a far away land. The distance and separation is getting the best of them primarily because this is the first time that they have been away for each other this long. Not to mention, they are battling over a major sickness.

“Honey….are you sure you want the kids to leave? This is only Omma’s suggestion….but it doesn’t mean that we have to obey her or do whatever she says” TOP said, trying to get his wife’s real thought about the matter.

“I’m telling you honey….Omma is right…the kids shouldn’t be seeing this…actually…the mere fact that they already know the I’m going through is a heavy thing and as much as I’m trying to look strong and energetic in front of them…I can’t even pull it off for I’m too weak to even play with them…I’d rather sleep than watch a movie and I can’t even help  them with their school works too…Seunghyun….they’re going to be much better there than here….believe me” she said with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Railey is still battling with Cancer and up till now she’s still in the middle of the war. Yes, she has undergone surgery already but the doctors told her that she’s not yet safe yet and she still needs to undergo major medication. Her stage one cancer has been brought up to another level in just a matter of a month and even her doctors cannot take in what just happened. The Cancer cells have spread faster than expected and she has to undergo another surgery but she has to wait for a few more months for that to be done. For now, she’s taking radiation therapy and is wishing for it to work wonders for her.

“Hye yoon will go back there three days from now honey….she can bring the kids back….it’s fine with me” she repeated again and it’s already breaking her husband’s heart.

TOP feels so helpless for he cannot even take care of his ill wife for he’s got some commitments in Korea that he needs to attend to and his wife doesn’t even want him to sacrifice his career just because of her. Railey’s sole request is for him to go with all his commitments since it’ll all be done in just a matter of days. They have agreed that after the Big Bang concert, TOP will go to New York together with G-dragon and he’ll stay there up till his wife gets well.

“Have you talked to the kids already?” TOP asked with his voice becoming nasally because he’s been crying quietly while talking to her.

“Yeah…they already know about it…believe it or not…they are excited….they can’t wait to see you honey” Railey said with a shaky voice.

“Alright…I’m good with the kids going back…but honey…we’ll go there right after the concert….I already told YG hyung that I will take a few months to a year break just for me to be able to take care of you….Railey….you are much important than my career and if you only know how badly I want to be there with you right now…you’ll go nuts….I’m just going with this for you wanted me to finish my schedules first but I’m telling you…after this…I won’t leave your side anymore” he said and it made his wife smile.

This is one thing that Railey loves about TOP. Her husband is so good in comforting her and he never forgets to show his love for her through his words. They have been video chatting and talking over the phone almost every five hours but now that she thinks she looks a bit off, she’ll just go with phone calls instead.

“Tabitha sent me pictures of them and Jiyong’s kids at central park…they are looking mighty fine honey…Raj is getting taller and taller” he said, making his wife smile.

“Our three lovely kids are having a blast whenever they are with the Kwons ….they don’t even care walking for fifteen minutes just to play with them….gosh honey! I’m dying to go out already….I haven’t seen the sun for a week now” she said and it crushed TOP’s heart.

“Don’t worry honey….once I get there…I’ll always walk you around….how are you now by the way?” he asked with a shaky voice.

“I’m good…actually….my therapy went well….my doctors are still being positive that I don’t need another surgery anymore for my body is totally responding to the medications…thing is…this whole process is eating all my energy up” she told him.

Hearing these things from your wife is not easy and it’s just so hard to take. Not even in TOP’s scariest dreams has he imagined that his wife will be under this whole cancer curse. All he knows is that they will live a blissful life but it seems like things are going the opposite way for they are now walking on a rocky road already.

“I’m gonna be fine honey….trust me…I’m gonna be fine….there’s no need for you to worry…I can take everything in…and as I always tell you….we still have our whole life time together so I won’t even loosen my grip on that forever with you” she said and it made TOP break down already.

“YAH! You have to stick with me till I’m old…I will really hate you if ever you’ll give up this fight….you’re one lucky girl for Big Bang’s TOP fell in love with you and even agreed on marrying you….so don’t you even dare raise that white flag….Railey Uy Choi…I love you….and always remember that whenever you’re in pain….I’ll be there in a few days or weeks and we’ll be making love every day and night once again like what we used to do” he said in a cute, seductive and funny way.

“Big Bang’s TOP….I’m not yet dying…why are you telling me all this? FYI…you’re the one who’s lucky for  a Railey Uy fell in love with you….this face made hundreds of men cry and this body had them drooling…you’re lucky coz you’ve got them without a sweat” Railey countered, making them laugh.

Laughing their problems off is

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
22 streak #7
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
22 streak #9
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ