Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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June 13

Love does not cost anything. Kind words and deeds do not cost anything. The real beauty of the world is equal for everyone to see. It was given by God equally to all, without restrictions. What is home? My favorite definition is a “safe place”, a place where one is free from attack, a place where one experiences secure relationships and affirmation. It’s a place where people share and understand each other. Its relationships are nurturing. The people in it do not need to be perfect; instead, they need to be honest, loving, supportive, recognizing a common humanity that makes all of us vulnerable.

Flu has been my family’s greatest enemy for these past few days and I’m just so happy that my kids are getting better and are out of high fevers already. Karielle is the first to recover, followed by DK and Isabella then the rest followed. Jiyong on the other hand, is already working for he has recovered as well and is totally back in good shape now. Gosh! Just by thinking of the days that I’ve been nursing eight people all at the same time, I feel like I’ve survived the greatest challenge of my life. I’m also thankful of the people who helped me get through it (Daesung and Seungri stayed here in our house for three days to help me take care of Jiyong along with Dami-unnie who takes care of the kids whenever I go to work). Well, if you’re asking how I’m doing, I’m still kicking and is still so strong even after all the stress. I’m actually shocked for I haven’t been infected by flu (I’ve drank a whole bottle of vitamin C just to stay healthy).

I don’t know what’s happening, but when I woke up, I feel a little dizzy and so heavy. I keep on telling myself that it’s just the effect of stress and I’m a little bit overworked for I’ve been doing things for the magazine then the moment I got home, I need to take care of the kids and I’m sleep deprived. Oh well, maybe this is just a short time thing.

“Gosh!” I said when I sat up.

Jiyong is so busy these days that he goes home so late almost every day and there are even times when he doesn’t go home at all. I didn’t even notice him arrive last night. Gosh! How I miss my husband.

“Morning babe” I bent down and kiss him on the cheek.

“Morning” he muttered and I kissed his temple and got out of bed.

I have a lot of things to do today (what’s new?) and I have to finish my first article for YGR’s anniversary issue as well. Writing for me is easy, but writing about my experiences with the company is hard and I can’t help but be emotional. Of course, why wouldn’t I be emotional? My life started to have color the moment I stepped foot on YGE ground and the boring and lifeless little girl that President YG hired is now a grown woman and is already a mother and a wife. I really owe all of this to the people of YG Entertainment for they have molded me to the person I am today (I told you, I get so emotional. Look! A tear fell and my writing is ruined!)

“Mum!” Russelle called the moment I walked out of our room.

“Hey baby boy…how are you?” I asked while pulling him up to sit on my lap and we sat on the couch.

“I’m fine mum…I don’t feel sick anymore” he answered and I kissed him on the cheek.

“That’s good…uhmm…where are your noonas?” I asked and he pointed at the garden.

“They’ve been playing outside for a long time now mum” he said and I looked outside the window and saw Gabby running while Isabella is chasing her.

“Wanna come with me little man?” I asked and he nods.

This just proves that my girls are feeling so well now and they are not sick anymore. The moment Russelle and I went out to the garden, the girls shrieked like it’s their first time of seeing me. It is totally loud to think that it’s still early.

“What are you girls doing here?” I asked while carrying Ruselle (he can’t find his slippers that’s why I just carried him).

“Mum!” they shouted and ran towards me.

“We’re playing…you know  mum…getting some sun is good for the skin too” DK answered like an adult once again and all I can do is laugh.

“Look at you! You’re all sweaty!” I said when I saw their foreheads covered with sweat.

“Gosh!” I said and the girls came near me as if they are going to wipe their face on my jammies.

“Girls! NO!” I said while stepping back.

“Get her!” Gabby said and next thing I know it, my little kids are wiping their face on my jammies already while giggling.

This is how playful the three girls can be and there are times when they can really be gross. Well, I don’t care about their sweat at all, what I care the most is that they’re already doing fine and they have bid farewell to their flu already. However, my head is still throbbing and I can feel that I’m not feeling well.



“What are you playing?” I asked and sat on the swing.

“Tag” Gabby answered while resting on the grass.

“Where are the other kids?” I asked Russelle.

“They’re still watching TV in our room mum” he answered while playing his noona’s hat.

We stayed outside for a few minutes and when I heard one of my kids’ stomach gurgle, that’s the time that I told them to go inside the house, for I’ll be preparing breakfast already. I’m still feeling a bit sick but I can still manage, after all, if I’m not going to move around, I’ll just fall completely sick and I don’t want that to happen for I have a lot of things in my basket to do today.

“Mum…can we have French toast instead of pancakes?” DK pulled a chair, placed it beside me and climbed up.

“OK” I said and she clapped.

My girls helped me prepare breakfast for everybody while the boys keeps on running around the house with their newly bought swords and guns (Jiyong bought them a lot of toys days ago and I swear! It did spark a little argument between us).

“Kids! Stop slashing each other!” Isabella shouted with her hands on her hips.

“Noona…noona…look here!” Danny said and I heard a very angry Isabella, shouting her lungs out.

And with that, I already know that a fight has started and the mere fact that my eldest daughter is involved, I know so well that she will really get the hell out of her brothers, that’s why I stopped from cooking and went to the living room to act as their referee.

“Hey! Hey! Stop it!” I said, hoping for Isabella to calm down.

“Danny…Isabella…sit there….NOW!” I pointed at the couch and they obeyed.

In our household, hitting or spanking the kids are not allowed. We can scold them but we can’t do anything that can hurt them (physically).

“What happened?” I asked and Isabella started talking so fast that I don’t even know if she’s still talking in English.

“Isabella…talk calmly and SLOWLY…I cannot even get a word” I told her and she started crying.

“OK…Danny…tell me what happened” I said and he sighed.

“I poked noona with this sword” he showed me the sword and bowed down his head.

“Where did you poke her?” I asked.

“Here” Isabella said while pointing at her cheek.

Well, I know that Danny is not even thinking of hurting his sister and it’s just all fun for him. Kids are kids, they play and they can be rough sometimes. Now, I don’t even know how to handle this situation for I don’t see the point of scolding Danny coz as I’ve said, it’s not his fault for he’s just playing around.

“Say sorry to your noona Danny” I said and he sighed and looked at his sister.

“I’m sorry noona” he said.

“What are you going to do?” I asked while waiting for his next move.

“Hug” he answered and hugged Isabella.

“Mum…why didn’t you punish him?” Isabella asked after the whole drama.

“Isabella…your brother is just playing with you…he doesn’t know that it will hurt you and he didn’t mean to hurt you” I explained and she smirked.

“But mum…look at unnie’s cheek…it has a red spot” Gabby said while pointing at her sister’s cheek.

“I’ll be the one asking for an apology in behalf of your brother…I’m sorry baby girl” I said while caressing her cheek.

This is how things end sometimes. I’m not being unfair, right? I mean, I’ve explained to Danny why his sister got mad at him and he shouldn’t be poking his siblings with that sword. He said sorry to Isabella and to me as well, and I’m all fine with that.

After preparing breakfast, the kids and I ate first and we have decided to surprise Jiyong with a breakfast in bed. I know that he’s really tired and waking him up will really piss the hell out of him, but I also have a feeling that he’s starving and can’t eat for he’s too sleepy to even stand.

“Go…open the door” I told the kids while holding the food tray.

“sshh” Isabella said with her index finger on her lips.

“Wake dad up now” I told them and they started climbing up our bed one by one.

Ok. Maybe telling them to wake their dad up all at the same time is not a good idea for it just caused so much noise and total chaos. The boys are wrestling Jiyong while the girls keep on shaking him and shouting “DAD!” and Karielle is jumping up and down the bed.

“Aigoo….ah! wait! Stop! A-pa!” Jiyong said while being harassed by our kids.

“Stop it now…girls…don’t shout anymore…dad’s awake already” I told them and they stopped shouting but they’re still calling him softly.

“Boys…don’t wrestle your dad…please…he might break a bone” I said, but they still continued.

“Gosh!” I said and stopped the boys.

“Babe…I’m sorry” I said and he sat up.

“Wow” he said when he saw his breakfast on the side table.

“Surprise!” I said and he leaned in for a kiss.

“Aigoo…my kids and wife are really sweet” he said while hugging and tickling the kids one by one.

“We have decided to bring your breakfast here…so that you don’t have to walk anymore” I said and he smiled sweetly at me.

Seeing my kids feed their dad is really the sweetest of all and I’m already near tears while watching them. Love is truly in each one of us and we are so bonded and happy. The smile on my husband’s face is really priceless.

“OMO!” Jiyong said while staring at Isabella’s cheek.

“What happened to you?” he asked and Isabella looked at Danny then to her dad.

“uhmm…Danny and I were playing and he kinda poked my cheek…but it’s all fine now dad…it bruised a little though” Isabella answered and it shocked me when she covered up for her brother.

“Next time…please

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ