Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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HAPPY 100TH CHAPTER! Actually, when I was making a draft of this fic a couple of months ago, I told myself that I'll end once I hit the 100th chapeter. I guess, I've enjoyed writing once again that I'm not even thinking of ending this fic yet. ENJOY!



August 16

To be a god human being is to have a kind of openness to the world, an ability to trust uncertain things beyond your own control that can lead you to be shattered in very extreme circumstances for which you were not to blame. That says something very important about the condition of the ethical life: that is based on a trust in the uncertain and on a willingness to be exposed it’s based on being more like  a plan that like a jewel, something rather fragile, but whose very particular beauty is inseparable from that fragility.

Trust. What does that mean? Seriously, I’m really getting the heck of it already. I know that I have trust issues when it comes to some people, but never with my husband. And now, he’s the one playing with it and it .

Today is a VERY hectic day for me and the whole YG RUNWAY people for we are going to have our anniversary ball later tonight and we are all scrambling around with last minute touches. I woke up earlier than usual just to get calls from my staffs and it’s just CRAZY! I’m about to make impossible things, possible and I’m about to go beyond limits.

Our team only had a few weeks of preparing for this event because we are just so busy with so many things and this is the first time that we organized an event in a fast track. I’m telling you, yesterday’s happenings are so intense (we had to go to plan B), and it really made me look so haggard and exhausted. Well yes, the real anniversary date of the magazine is August nineteen, but because of some valid but totally insane reasons, we have to move it earlier that caused our team total chaos.

“Hey sis!” Railey greeted when she walked in our living room.

“Good Morning” I greeted back with a cold pack on my face.

“Morning! Gosh! Are you that bloated that you had to put a cold pack on your face?” she joined me on the couch and I nod.

“I look so haggard and stressed…plus…for some unexplainable reasons…my face looks like it was blown up” I told her and she laughed so hard.

“I can feel you…I almost dipped my face in ice cold water awhile ago” she said and I chuckled.

“By the way” she snatched a pillow on my back, making me fall all the way down on the couch.

“What the heck!” I shrieked and she laughed.

“Sorry” she said and I rolled my eyes at her “Any updates from the team?” she asked and I looked at the clock and it reads seven in the morning.

The girls and I agreed upon meeting by seven here at our house for some last minute preparations and up till now Daryl hasn’t showed up yet. Yes, I can understand that she’s pregnant, but this is a crucial time for us already since we still have a lot of things to fix in terms of the program.

“It looks like Daryl overslept” Railey said when the clock hits seven:thirty.

“I messaged Taeyang and he told me that they’re already on their way here” I told her and she nods.

“MUM! AUNT RAILEY!” the kids called out and ran down the stairs excitedly.

“Hey guys!” Railey said while hugging each one of them.

“Morning babies” I greeted and they kissed me.

“Where is dad mum?” the boys asked right away and I pointed at our bedroom.

“Can we wake him up already?” Danny asked and I looked at him curiously.

“Why?” I asked.

“Because he promised that we will swim this morning…right noonas?” he answered and the girls nodded.

Well it seems like Jiyong is up for some morning swim when he’s the one who told me that he’s up to sleeping for the whole day today (it seems like he forgot about his promise to the kids).

“Go and wake your man up” I told my kids and they all ran to our bedroom.

“Gosh! Seven kids….I still can’t believe that you have them” Railey told me while checking the guest list.

“I know…there are times that I don’t even know how I was able to raise them all up” I told her and she chuckled.

“You know what sis? If I were you…I will just tell Jiyong to bury the baby number eight idea six feet underground…OK…I’m already there that you can pretty much raise twelve kids coz your financial status is oh so great and you will not even starve...but…can you still handle another kid?” she asked and I sighed.

“Honestly…I don’t know…I mean…having kids is really overwhelming and having seven is mind blowing…thing is…I also want to have one more…I kinda miss being pregnant and taking care of a newborn baby…I know that it’ll really be difficult…but I don’t care…I’ve been that road for six times already and it’s going to be a piece of cake already” I said and she just stared at me.

I don’t even know why all of a sudden Railey talked to me about this whole baby number eight plan. As far as I know, she’s good with it and now, it seems like she’s already going against it (this is how unpredictable she is).

An hour passed by and it’s still Railey and me doing all the polishing for the event later. Actually, she’s already helping me to make a speech for later and I’m telling you, just the mere fact that I’ll be talking on stage, in front of almost three hundred people is a bit nerve-wracking (no, it’s not only A BIT nerve-wracking rather, it’s SUPER NERVE-WRACKING).

“We’re here!” Daryl said cheerfully when she entered the living room and we just gave her a blank face.

“Hey girls!” Taeyang greeted with Yuan in his arms and we smiled at him.

“You’re SO late” Railey told her and she just hugged us.

“I’m pregnant and over-sleeping is just a normal thing…sorry” Daryl said, trying to sound cute.

“So…what’s up?” she straightened her bohe skirt and grabbed a pillow and leaned on Taeyang whose arm is wrapped around his wife’s shoulders.

“Well…we’re already done with the finalization of the program….thing is…we still have a lot of things to do with the arrangements of the guests” Railey showed her the seating arrangements and all Daryl can do is shake her head.

“This is so bad” she said and I nod in agreement.

“I know…we are really up for some heavy arrangements” I told her and she sighed.

In an event like this, where important people from all sides of the entertainment industry, plus moguls and high-end business men and women are going to attend, we really need to make a seat plan (table plan) and up till now, we are still in the dark because there are a lot of guests that made late confirmations which means, we have to rearrange them once again and put them in the right tables.

“You can have Ae sook and Anne to do this...after all…this is their job?” Daryl said while looking at the guest list.

“Actually…we can’t give this job to Anne because she’s just new and she only knows a few people from that guest list” I told them, earning a sigh from the two.

“Well…let Ae sook teach her! We cannot focus on this because we’ve got a lot more things to do…or if you want…we can just screw this seat plan and just let them decide which table they’ll be staying at” Railey said and I shook my head.

“That’d be a total riot sis…I can’t risk it” I said and sighed.

After our short debate, we came up with the decision that we will just let Ae sook and Anne do the job. Actually, I’m not that good with Anne being in this plan team because first: she doesn’t know how this thing works, Second: she doesn’t know a lot of people from the guest list (Believe it or not, she’s not aware that Wonder Girls is a Korean girl group), and third: I don’t think that she’ll be able to keep up with all the stress that this seating arrangement brings.

“Morning Ji!” Railey greeted the moment my husband went out of our room, followed by our children.

“Aigoo Jiyong…it’s still early…why are you already awake?” Taeyang asked and Jiyong chuckled.

“Who wouldn’t wake up when there are seven kids jumping insanely in bed?” my husband answered, making me laugh.

“Babe…you promised them something…that’s why they woke you up” I told him and he went near me and gave me a kiss.

“I love you” he said and I felt my cheeks burn.

“Love you too…Good Morning” I replied and leaned in for a kiss again.

This is what I love the most. Jiyong is not ashamed of showing affection in front of people and our friends are so used to him already. He’s just so out in telling me how much he loves me even if there are tons of people around us and as a girl, it’s the sweetest thing a man can ever do to you.

“Youngbae-ah! Do you want to join us? Yuan will surely get envious once he sees the kids swimming” Jiyong told his bestfriend.

“I don’t have extra clothes” Taeyang told him.

“Don’t worry about it….you still have a shirt and I think some pants with me” my husband said, shocking the girls and I.

“Why in the world did you have clothes with Jiyong darling?” Daryl asked curiously, making me laugh.

“I don’t know…yah! How did my clothes got here?” Taeyang asked.

“I use to borrow your clothes before whenever I stay in your house …right? That’s the reason why I have some of your clothes with me” Jiyong answered, earning a nod from Taeyang.

“Wait…if you’re going to swim…what will you wear? Briefs?” Railey asked, making us look at her like she’s one heck of a genius.

“I have tons of swim shorts…you can borrow one” Jiyong went to our room, followed by Taeyang and when they came out, both of them are half already with only their swim shorts on.


“You’re damn serious…I see” Daryl told her husband and next thing we know it, our kids and husbands are already having the time of their lives in the pool.

The girls and I decided to prepare breakfast first before continuing what we’re doing. We also called Ae sook and Anne, telling them to meet us here so that we can help them with the seating arrangements as well.

“Breakfast!” Daryl said while carrying a tray full of pancakes.

“WOW!” the kids said in awe and they all got out of the pool.

And with that, we are like a big family eating breakfast at the pool area. It’s just so nice to just be with my sisters again. Before, we usually have swimming parties in each other’s house and we’ll eat together like a big and happy fami

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ