Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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Because a lot of you are asking for the Choi family, here they are! ENJOY! <3                      



TOP and Railey have been married for five years already and still counting. Their relationship was kept hidden for a year and one day they just shocked everybody with their wedding announcement. Two totally different personalities rolled into are a bit difficult, but they were able to handle it well. Railey is very independent and mature in every way, she’s so ready for commitment and responsibilities are just a piece of cake for her, while TOP is the kind of guy who is afraid of commitments and being childish is already his nature. Destiny might’ve brought them together, and they are really thankful that they didn’t brush off their feelings to each other before coz if that happens, they wouldn’t be beside each other every night and they wouldn’t have three beautiful kids.

With the couple’s busy schedules, there are times wherein they forget about their role as parents already. Although Railey still go with her routine which is pretty hectic. She’s the one preparing the two older kids for school then drives them there. TOP is not that hands on when it comes to their children because he’s just too busy to even stay long at home. It’s one thing that he wants to change now, because he has realized that his kids are growing pretty fast and if he’s going to let this stage pass without him even enjoying them, next thing he knows it, his kids are all living their different lives already and that will really be dreadful for him.

“Aren’t you going to work today?” Railey asked her husband when she saw him in front of his computer.

“Honey!” she called once again, making him jerk up.

“Wae?” he asked in annoyance.

“I was talking to you and haven’t even got any response” she said and TOP showed her his earphones which means, he can’t hear her because he’s listening to music.

“Gosh!” Railey got out of bed and was about to get out of their room when TOP grabbed her by the hand and pulled her to his lap.

“Aigoo…the sun is so beautiful and your head is much hotter than it” he joked, earning a nudge from his wife.

“Honey” he called.

“What?” she asked.

“Let’s go for a trip” he said, earning an are-you-crazy? look from her.

“What? I’m serious” he said and she just stared at him.

Railey knows that her husband is a good joker, his pranks can sometimes be convincing and she always ends up biting the bait. Thing is, he really looks serious this time and it’s tearing her apart. She wants to believe him but at the same time, she doesn’t.

“OK…where are we going?” Railey asked, riding on his joke.

“Anywhere…if you want to go to mars …I’m all good with it” he told her and she rolled her eyes at him.

“Honey…if you happen to be joking me….you will really get the beating that you deserve” she threatened, making TOP laugh with his deep y laugh.

“Yah! I’m serious here…I know that I’m not that good in events like Jiyong and I’m not even romantic…but I can sometimes try to be one and right now…I’m really exerting so much effort already” his words really came from the heart and Railey can feel it.

“You are really serious” Railey told him and he gave her a nod.

“I’m in serious” he said and left butterfly kisses on her neck.

With TOP’s sudden decision of having a family trip, they asked G-dragon and _______ to permit them to skip work for two days. The Kwon couple immediately agreed but with the condition that once they get home, they will start working right away.

“Gosh! This is all too sudden!” Daryl said when they tripped on talking through conference call.

“I’m shocked as hell as well…I don’t even know if I have to believe him or what” Railey told her bestfriends.

“Actually…this is what you guys really need….I mean…a family trip will really tighten your bond as a couple and as parents to your kids as well” _______ said, and she’s totally making sense.

“Thing is…we don’t have any plans in hand…I mean…it’s really hard to go on a sudden trip with three kids” Railey said and _______ chuckled.

“Sis…Jiyong and I are always having sudden trips with the kids and we can handle it…you can do it! You just have to have a peace of mind and some patience” _______ told her and she nods her head in agreement.

Railey is not that good when it comes to trips. She’s not a “backpacker” like her two gal pals, and planning for a two day trip is really not her expertise. TOP on the other hand is good when it comes to travelling. He knows the perfect places to go to, but he has this extreme laziness to even go out and explore a certain place.

“Honey” Railey called and her husband who is so busy playing with his two boys, looked at her.

“I’ve already called __________ and she permitted to skip work for two days” she told him and he gave her a smile.

“Jiyong also said the same thing to me” he told her and she joined her boys on the floor.

“Honey?” she called once again.


“What’s with this sudden trip? I mean….this is really not in our schedule…I thought you’re planning for a family trip by the end of this year...I’m just curious” she asked, TOP sighed and wrapped his arm around her waist.

“Honey…I’ve realized that we need to have time for our kids…yesterday when we were in Jiyong and _______’s new house…I’ve watched their family intently and somehow got envious by how close they are…the seven kids are so open to their parents and they can pretty much say random things to each other…I just find it really cool” he started, while Railey listens with all ears.

“It’s not that I don’t find our bond strong….it’s just that…their bond is so tight that it’s almost unbelievable…________ and Jiyong’s kids are so close to them that they can hug and kiss them without even getting awkward in the end…and here I am…I love my kids so much but I’m only close with my sons…I love Tabitha very much but I don’t even know how to tell and show her….I feel like she’s growing up with me being the dad that doesn’t even care when the truth is…I care about her a lot…I want to be close to her and somewhat…reach out” he finished with his voice a little shaky.

Ever since TOP had his first child, he changed fully. The most eligible bachelor became a more mature person and he focused on being a father. Thing is, he’s gotten so busy with work that he doesn’t even have time to check on his daughter. Then one day, he just felt like she’s already distant to him and she shows affection to her grandparents and mother but not with him. He knows that he should’ve been there while she’s growing up, but things got twisted and hectic and he doesn’t even know that the first words that came out from are the words TOP and Dad.

“Seunghyun….Tabitha loves you dearly….well…you’re both just finding the right time to bond…but I’m sure that after this trip…you’ll be closer than EVER! And honey…she’s your daughter…I know that even if we’ve got the same personality and we can’t last your childishness…she loves you...don’t be too dramatic over those kinds of things” she comforted her husband who is looking at his daughter while going down the stairs.

“Aigoo…she’s really growing up” he said, still staring at his one and only little girl.

“She is…but she’ll forever be your baby…I can actually feel that you’re going to be so protective of her once she hits that crushes-puppy love stage” Railey said, earning a hiss from her husband.

“Those boys wouldn’t even have a chance on her...they will have to go through a tough test before anything else” TOP’s protective mode was on.

“Sweetheart!” Railey called Tabitha and the little girl ran to where they are.

“Give Appa a kiss…he’s feeling a little dramatic today” she ordered and their daughter just stared at her father for a few seconds, but obeyed in the end.

“Aigoo” TOP said while ruffling her hair.

“Appa! Don’t touch my hair! I’ve combed it for a hundred times awhile ago” she gave out a pout, making her parents laugh.

“You comb your hair for a hundred times? Isn’t that a bit too much? Aren’t you going bald after that?” TOP asked innocently.

“Appa…we have to comb our hair a hundred times for it to be healthy and beautiful…DK and the unnies are also doing it…even Omma and the Aunties too” Tabitha informed her father who finds combing for a hundred times a bit insane.

“Waaa…Jiyong’s daughters and ours are really the same…I won’t be surprise if Yuan is going to brush his hair for a hundred times too…poor boy…Youngbae’s next baby should really be a girl…in that way…Yuan can go out of her

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ