Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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Leaving your homeland, it’s people and basically all the things that you are used to are really hard, most especially when you are not that good with changes and adjustments. Anne will leave Japan today with her son Yuri. They will be bidding farewell to all their comforts and will try to survive in a foreign country. Time passes by so quickly, it just feels like tomorrow for Anne when she agreed to do the job that was offered to her. She can say that she is ready for it, but there’s a spot in her that doubts her capabilities. All she can do is boost her confidence and tell herself that she will be fine and there will be no problems coming up for her.

Yuri is still a bit hesitant about leaving the land where he grew up. The little boy is scared and even though his mother has already explained every positive point to him, as a kid, he wouldn’t understand all of them and no matter how intelligent he is, his young mind cannot even imagine and think about what it will be for them once they arrive in their new home. All that matters to him right now is that he’s going to be with his mother.

“I can’t really understand why you have to do this” Anne’s mother said while watching her pack their things.

“Okasan…I thought we’re done with this talk already?” she asked.

Anne’s mother is so against her decision coz for her, there’s no need for them to leave and try her luck in another country. The worried mother knows that it’ll take her daughter and grandson a lot of time to even absorb their new environment and she’s afraid that they will just suffer from homesickness in that place. For her, Anne’s jobs are paying her good and she was able to produce food for her son, he can send him to school and they have all their basic needs and necessities. In her opinion, earning just right for her and her son is enough, coz they don’t need a lot.

“We’re not yet done with this for I told myself that if I can still make you change your mind till the very end…I will do it” her mother said with hopes that she can bend her daughter’s mind.

“I’m already fixed Okasan…this decision of mine will never change…no matter how you go against it…please…just understand me” she told her, but her mother is not even open with understanding her.

“OK…you can go…but you have to leave my grandson here…with me” she said, making Anne look at her mother like she’s one bad .

“Why would I leave my son here? Look Okasan…good things are waiting for us in Korea…and I know that Yuri will love it there…if you’re worried about him and all the adjustment process…don’t think about it anymore for I’ll definitely help my son adjust and take things lightly” she said and her mother just stared at her.

Anne knows that adjustments are not easy and it would make them weak and lose their sanity, but that’s how it is and changes are good, most especially when it’s going to make things better for you.

“I’m going to make you choose….you’ll go to Korea alone and leave your son here….or….you’ll stay here with your son…choose now” her mother said and at that point, she already hit a nerve and Anne is on the verge of exploding already.

“Anne…think of it…there are a lot of opportunities here waiting for you….you have three paying jobs…it’s enough…you don’t need a bonus…you are leaving harmoniously and peacefully here…you’re just making things complicated for you…this place has sheltered you all your life and that foreign place will really take a toll on you in the long run…trust me…even if you don’t have a lot and you can’t do things that you want…it’s much better to stay on your comfort zone…there’s no need for you to leave” her pushy mother added, annoying and pissing the hell out of her daughter.

“OK…I’m already there…this place is really my comfort zone…this is where I lived all my life….but…can’t you see? I don’t want to be like you….I don’t want to be stuck in this hard life anymore…I don’t want to work till I’m old and not achieve anything…you are against this decision because you are afraid of changes and I’m not…I don’t want my son to experience the things that I have gone through…I don’t want him to eat only once a day because I don’t have money to buy even just a pack of ramen for him…I want him to finish his studies for that would be the only way for him not to be like me…actually…I am really thankful to myself for I have tripped on learning the English language even if you didn’t even bothered to send me to school…this skill of mine will bring us convenience…I will earn double the amount that I’m earning with those three jobs…I’m done with being a waitress….a babysitter…a part timer in some company…all I want now is a stable job that can sustain me and my son…and if you don’t like it…then…I don’t care about what you say anymore…coz for me…my decision’s already final…and even if you’re my mother and I love you dearly…your words will not even shake me” Anne told her mum with tears flowing down her cheeks.

The young mother of one hate being honest, she knows that what just came out of almost killed her mother. She has stabbed her heart not for a million times but for a billion or maybe trillion more. Each word is like daggers that even her not so soft heart was in pain. All she wanted is for her to accept her decision and just be happy with it.

“Now everything’s clear to me already….you’re sick of the life that I have given you…I’m sorry for being a bad mother…I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to send you to school for I need to feed a lot of mouths with my small salary...I’m sorry for being just a babysitter…for not trying to get a good job…and for being a single mother….I know that if your father and I are still together….your lives will not be like this…and I’m sorry for being afraid of a lot of things…I’ve undergone a lot of hardships…I starved myself just to be able to bring home a complete salary…I work day in…day out just to feed you and your siblings…and you’re right…this life that we have is sickening…and no matter what I do…I’ll be stuck here because I’m not like you who has a skill that can bring you places…fine…go on with your plan and I’m not going to say any word…just remember that you have a home here…and if things are not working out for you there…you can always go back to this hard life that I am in” her mother said and left.

This day will be full of tears for Anne. Truth is, she’s sure that her eyes wouldn’t stop from crying for some time, but she has to keep her word and just let things work out the way it has to.

Anne has decided to just let her mother cool down and even though it’s really hard for her to leave knowing that they had misunderstandings, she has to go and there is no time for another talk. She’ll just contact her the moment they reach Korea and assure her that they will be in good hands.

“I’m really sad right now that I can’t even look at you” Xyra told her when they arrived at the airport.

“Don’t start…please…I don’t want this goodbye to be so dramatic” Anne told her bestfriend

“How can it not be dramatic? Tell me…how?” her crying friend asked, making her chuckle.

“You can always visit us there Xy…just tell me if you want to have a vacation…my house will always be open to you” Anne said and she hissed.

“It’s as if I have money to go there…but don’t worry…I will work hard and save just to be able to visit you and Yuri” she said while pinching the little boy’s cheek.

“You said that…I’ll wait for you” Anne said and hugged her bestfriend.

Goodbyes are really the hardest thing and no matter how Anne tries controlling her tears, she can’t, for it falls automatically like waterfalls. Yuri is in tears as well and it pains her for she can feel that he is not so good with this decision but he was left with no choice, he needs to come with her.

“Good luck to me and see you again Japan” Anne said the moment she settled on her seat in the plane.



July 4

The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed. Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible – it cannot be seen or measure, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could.

Last night is heaven on earth for me. It made me realize that I’m in a relationship wherein no one can even break it. I’ve proven to myself that my husband and I are really made for each other, that God has knitted our lives together and that we are destined to be with each other. We are like the Chinese symbol Yin Yang, we balance each other, we blend together even if there are times where we just want things our own way. It’s really so magical to t

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ