Love Expiration
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“Hello?” Trish answered after a few rings.

“Hey…It’s Jiyong” I said.

“Ow hi!” she greeted.

“Hi! Uhmm…are you busy?” I asked.

“No…I’m not doing anything actually…what can I do for you?” she asked and I took a deep breath.

“uhmm…I need your help…again”I answered shyly.

“O…K…sure!” she agreed and a smile appeared on my face.

It’s actually a good thing that Trish, Charles hyung and Clarise’s mom are still good to me even after what I did to Clarise. As a matter of fact, they are the one’s helping me to get her back but unfortunately, none of them can make Clarise change her mind.

“So…what do you want to do this time?” Trish asked.

“Clarise and I talked awhile ago and it didn’t turn out the way I thought it would…she wanted to end our relationship…she even said goodbye already…but I dared her to look straight into my eyes and tell me that she don’t love me anymore….she did say and do what I told her but I can surely say that she’s lying…and from there…I told myself that I have to get her back as soon as possible…before her love for me dies” I told her.

“Well…honestly…she loves you so much….that sweet is just pretending that she don’t care…that she’s done with you and all…but the truth is…she cries herself to sleep at night…I even catch her every morning staring at your picture and she’s always saying….”Jiyong is this” “Jiyong is that”…she’s like this broken hearted girl in movies who breathes your name and thinks of you twenty four hours a day seven days a week” she said and I chuckled.

“I feel so bad for putting her in this situation…I’ve done a very stupid thing and I know that I deserve all the hate…but knowing that she still loves me made me realize that she really is the one for me” I said.

“I don’t know…but…I’m telling you now Jiyong…you will have a hard time getting Clarise again…what you did is really a big thing to her…you will have to expect a failure in this plan” she said and I suddenly felt sad.

I am happy to know that Clarise still loves me, my only worry is, how will I make her trust me again? Knowing her, she will surely make this hard for me.

“So…what’s the plan?” Trish asked.

“I want to ask for some ideas…I want to WOW her and make her feel special” I answered.

“Are you in your apartment?” she asked.

“I’m here at Taeyang’s” I answered.

“Can I go there?” she asked.

“Sure” I answered.

After a few minutes, Trish arrived in Youngbae’s apartment with a big notebook in her hand.

“Let’s wait for TOP hyung and Seungri for a while…they’re already on their way down here” I told her.

“Do you want tea?” Youngbae asked her.

“Sure” she answered.

“Aunty is on her way here as well” Trish said.

Clarise’s mom is always ready to help and when I told her that I’m really eager to get her daughter’s trust back again, she even told me that she’s up to whatever I want to do.

“HEY!” TOP hyung said the moment he walked in.

“HYUNGS!” Seungri shouted.

“”OH! Good afternoon mom” I greeted Clarise’s mom when she walked in after Seungri.

“Good afternoon…I bumped into these two boys on my way here and they told me that they are also going here” she said and I smiled at her.

This is going to be so great, I can feel it. I also have a feeling that this will be successful.

“Let’s start! FIGHTING!” Seungri said and we gave each other high fives.

“OK Mr. Kwon…lay down all your cards now” mom said and I cleared my throat.

“Truth is…I can’t think of any ideas as of the moment” I confessed.

“Waa…hyung! What’s happening to you? You’re always the one with romantic ideas before…where are they now?” Seungri asked and I smirked.

“I don’t know but I can’t think of anything right now” I said.

“Don’t worry…that’s not a problem” Trish suddenly said and we all looked at her curiously.

“See this notebook?” she asked while patting it.



“Yes” I answered.

“Well…this is Clarise’s journal…I stole it from her drawer awhile ago just for this meeting” she said proudly.

“I didn’t know that she’s keeping a journal” mom said.

“Aunty…it’s shocking right? As a matter of fact…Clarise started writing this journal when she and Jiyong started dating…..I asked her why is she even bothering herself to write a journal everyday and she answered me with her daydreamy voice that she wants her future kids and grandchildren to read it because she is proud of their relationship and she really thinks that what she and Jiyong have only happens once in a blue moon” Trish said and I just want to hug Clarise.

WOW! I also didn’t know that she’s keeping a journal, I haven’t seen her writing at night before sleeping. What I know is, she’s so fond of fairytales but I didn’t know that she’s writing her own with me as her prince charming.

“That’s so sweet” mom said and I smiled at her.

“I think you have to make this event magical” TOP hyung said and I chuckled.

“That’s right…we have to cross boundaries…the more impossible it looks…the more its interesting” Youngbae said.

“Is it legal to read someone else’s diary?” I asked and they laughed.

“Jiyong…this can give us ideas” Trish said and I sighed.

“So…are we going to open this?” mom asked and I looked at her, worried.

“What?” TOP hyung asked me.

“Fine…let’s open and read whatever is on that” I said.

“OK…I’ve been reading this secretly…I know I’m so bad but…I can’t help it” Trish said and we laughed.

“Here…this is her entry…three days ago” she continued and gave me the notebook.

“…why am I hurting this much God? Why can’t you just take the pain away and let me move on? Oh well, I’ll answer those questions myself.

Clarise, you’re hurting because you love him so much and all you wanted is him and no one else. Your pain won’t go away because he’s the only one who can take it away, only his heart and love will make that pain vanish”

Reading her diary is like entering her mind and heart. I can feel that she’s hurting so much just by reading every word and I feel so guilty.

“Turn it to the other page” Trish told me and I do what she said.

“See that list? Those are her fantasies...as you can see...she titled it as…”Things Jiyong can do to get me again” so ironic right? We’re planning something like this and here she is…giving us an easy time….And I’m telling you Jiyong…all of the things written there are doable but they’re so ing hard and extremely out of this world…plus…it’s super funny!” she said and I started reading it.

THINGS JIYONG CAN DO TO GET ME AGAIN (I know I’m stupid for writing this)

1.       He has to stand in the rain without umbrella or anything to shield him from the rain and shout I love you and I’m sorry.

2.       He has to jump off the YG building (but with a parachute, of course I don’t want my man to die)

3.       He has to sing his song heartbreaker in an operatic way in front of his fans.

4.       He has to run in our floor’s hallway while singing heartbreaker again.

5.       He has to write I love you using his in front of YG sajangnim.

6.       He has to hire a children’s chorale and sing me a very wonderful song.

7.       He has to write a song for me.

8.       He has to go out of his car and go in front of his fans and thank them for staying up even if it’s late just to see them.

9.       He has to clear some things to Eun Ae and ask for her forgiveness (I still want them to be friends).

10.   Actually, he doesn’t have to do anything crazy. Screw this list! All he has to do is kiss me passionately and tell me that he will not cheat on me anymore and I’ll accept him again with open arms.

I can’t stop laughing while reading and the boys who are reading her list are laughing so hard as well. The things that she wrote here is so funny but the last three numbers really touched my heart. She’s really thinking about our fans, actually, she always reminds me to be kind to them. I can’t believe that even after what Eun Ae and I have done to her, she still wants us to be friends. And if only I know awhile ago that a kiss will make things go back to normal, I should’ve kissed her already.

“So…are you willing to do all of those or are you going to pick only one?” Trish asked and I started to think.

“I will do all of them but I’ll revise it a little” I told her and they all smiled at me.

“GO JIYONG!” TOP hyung shouted and I laughed.

“I want to add another idea…and I think this will really help” mom said and we all waited for her to continue.

“We should make her realize how much she loves Jiyong…and how wonderful he is” she continued.

“OH THAT’S REALLY A GENIUS IDEA!” Seungri snapped out and we all got shocked.

“Yah! Do you really have to shout?” Youngbae asked and we all laughed.

“OK…we’ll help you with that” TOP hyung asked and I smiled at him.

“I can do that without shedding any sweat” Trish said confidently.

“And I can do that in a very motherly way” mom said.

“What will I have to do?” I asked them.

“You have to prepare yourself for tomorrow…prepare to waggle your in front of YG hyung and to run while singing your hit song” Youngbae said and we laughed.

In the end, ideas are coming out from us and we have thought of some things to add then we polished the plans and even though some of Clarise’s crazy things are against my will, I’ll do it just for her to go back to me again.

After our meeting, the boys and I head to the YG building already for our rehearsals but before going there, we stopped by YG hyung’s office to do something crazy.

“Oh! Why are you guys here? Do you need something?” YG hyung asked.

“uhmm…hyung…can you do me a favor?” I asked.

“What is it Jiyong-ah?” he asked.

“Hyung…can you just watch whatever I’ll do in front of you…don’t laugh” I told him and he looked at me in confusion.

“What are you saying? Are you playing a prank on me?” he asked and we all shook our heads.

“Hyung…Jiyong needs this to get Clarise back” Youngbae told him.

“And what is it that he has to do?” YG hyung asked.

“He has to write I love you using his …in front of you” TOP hyung answered and YG hyung laughed so hard that he almost fell to the ground.

“Arasso…I’ll let you use me…go! Write those three words using your …I’ll watch” YG hyung said and I bowed my head because of embarrassment.

“I’m recording it now” Seungri said and I started waggling my .

After that embarrassing moment, we all went to the studio and I told Charles hyung about our plans and he willingly say that he’s up for it and he’ll help.

Clarise dropped by the studio while we’re rehearsing and seeing her twice today is really heaven for me. She looks nervous though and I’ve heard that she’s planning to walk instead of riding her brother’s car. She also stayed until our rehearsals ended and I’m happy to be in one room with her for hours.

“Hyung…I’m going to follow Clarise” I told TOP hyung.

“OK…be careful” he said and I sped off.

AISH! It’s a good thing that I’m here for it’s already dark and dangerous to walk alone in the middle of the night. I can feel that she can sense that someone is following her for she keeps on looking behind her.

“Why is this girl running? AISH” I whispered to myself when she started running.

She is a good runner, what’s funny is, she ran without shoes on.

When we arrived at the residential building, I let her go up first before me. I can’t stop from smiling because I keep on thinking about my surprise for her tomorrow. I will really let it all out tomorrow and I will never let her go EVER again.



Why do I feel weird today? I woke up smiling and feeling so light, it’s a little weird because I’ve never felt this light feeling for days already.

“Nippy!” Trish called out cheerfully when I walked in the dining area.

“Morning!” I greeted them.

“Morning little girl” mom greeted back.

“Coffee especially for you” Trish said while placing a cup of coffee in front of me.



I don’t know what’s happening to them but this is really weird, I can smell something is cooking in their heads and I’m going squeeze them to spit it out.

“uhmm…I just tried making coffee writing…and that’s the first thing that I’ve thought of” she reasoned out and I nod but I’m not convinced.

“Oh girls! Listen to this!” mom said all of sudden.

“O…K…that’s a bit shocking…what is it mom?” I asked.

“This is really beautiful…The best relationships is when you two can act like lovers and bestfriends…when you have more playful moments than serious ones…when you can joke around and have unexpected hugs and random kisses…when you two give each other that specific stare and just smile…when you’ll stay up all night just to settle your arguments and problems…and most especially…when you can’t get each other out from your minds even if you already broke up” she said and I looked at the newspaper that she’s reading.

“Mom…you can’t understand Korean…right? That newspaper is written in their language…where did that wonderful saying come from?” I asked and she looked at me and smiled.

“I just want to tell you that what you and Jiyong have is really a good relationship” she said and I rolled my eyes at her.

Seriously, it’s funny because my mom’s little crazy things are being busted even before she starts.

“Nippy? Are you going to work today?” Trish asked.

“I am…I have to finish an article….why?” I asked and she sat beside me on the couch.

“Nothing…uhmm…what time are you going there?” she asked again and I looked at her curiously.

“Around four? I’ll go there late already” I told her and she nods.

“Ah! Wait! I’ll show you something…you have to see this…I swear!” she said and ran inside the room.

“Watch this…it’s Big Bang’s new music video…it will make you feel so hot” she said and I chuckled.

OK. So the music video is really interesting and all I

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Guys! Diary of an Idol's wife is no a sequel of Love Expiration:) It's a sequel of my first fic Diary of a Fangirl :)


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 143: Finally. Woahhh.. I finished it in 2 weeks. It’s so good. So much emotion that can make me cry. Well done!!!
sebanna2 #2
Chapter 38: I'm crying. This proposal is so sweet.
Chapter 143: amazing story...wahhhhh this is the longest gd fanfic i've ever read
and its AMAZING.....WAHHHH WAHHHHH im fangirling over your story...
good job ...
14 streak #4
Chapter 143: That was AMAZING!!! So far i read two of your stories and i cant wait to read the other ones! Theres one little problem.... i cant see the pictures.. ㅠㅠ
Chapter 143: Done reading ... oh god .. it's really amazing and very touching .. ♥♥♡♥♥ .. I enjoyed reading it ... I've already read 3 of your stories .. but this story is absolutely fantastic
pre0611 #6
Chapter 143: I'm done reading but up until now i still am wondering about clarisse nationality and what country she came from hahahahaah or dis i missed it from previous chaps
ItzJaeKay #7
Chapter 143: Holy fukk I actually finished it
It might have took me a year but.. Damn why did I forget about thi
U remember how much I loved reading you fics, they are so.. My feels I swear. You get to me so many time
Chapter 143: This story is like the combination of the 2 diaries :)))

Finally I am done reading a third story from your awesome collection authornim ;) ╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╯ GO!↖(^▽^)↗
Chapter 72: Of all things that may happen amnesia is last thing on my mind!
Chapter 143: awww love this story !! waaah ...