Love Expiration
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OK. So what am I going to now? I mean, I’m meeting his family in about an hour and I feel like I’ll be fed to the lions and my end is so near. I’m really in a mess right now and all I want is someone to talk me out of my nerves and just go with whatever.

“uhmm…Jiyong?” I called while he was in his closet.

“Yes?” he asked.

“Can I…uhmm…go to Charles’ apartment for a while?” I asked nervously.

“Is he there? I thought he’s with Seungri?” he asked and I sighed.

“uhmm…I’ll just get something...I’ll be back in fifteen minutes” I told him and he went out of his closet without a shirt on.

I’ve seen all of him already but the sight of him without a shirt still distracts me and is enough for my mind to go wild.

“Why do I have a feeling that something is bugging you?” he asked and I rolled my eyes at him.

“Nothing’s bugging me! Why do you say that?” I asked and he shrugged.

“Jiyong…I’ll be back in fifteen minutes…I promise…OK? Bye!” I gave him a peck on the lips and ran towards the door and went out.

I just need some time for myself to think of everything. This sudden meeting with his family is really making me crazy and I have so many questions in mind right now. I have so many what ifs and I just don’t know how to interact to them, I also don’t know if they’ll like me or not.

“Hello?” Trish answered after a million rings.


“What is it?” she asked but I can’t understand her clearly coz she’s whispering.

“Wait” she said and I heard people talking on her end.

“What is it?” she asked.

“Where are you? Why do I hear a lot of people?” I asked and she smirked.

“I’m actually here at your house…your new step mother just announced that she’s pregnant…in short…you’ll be having another sister or brother…you’re not the youngest anymore nippy” she said and I smirked.

“Are you freakin sure? I mean…dad got his y girlfriend pregnant? That girl is just three years older than me!” I told her.

Well, I’m telling the truth. My dad is dating a girl that is just three years older than me and she is a certified gold digger. I don’t know why I’m totally affected by this baby news but for the first time in my life, I want to save my dad from that girl.

“Oh well…that’s love…she hooked up with the biggest business tycoon in the country…she kissed your father’s and now…they’re going to have a baby” Trish said and I shook my head.

“Where’s my original stepmother anyway? Don’t tell me she’s fine with these” I asked.

“Truth is…she filed for divorce already and she’s asking millions for damages” she answered and my blood started to boil.

“What the heck is happening? Why are these ing es getting my dad’s money? I mean…fine! It’s impossible for him to run out of it…but…those girls treat him as their human ATM card!” I said in anger.

“The twins are actually fine with it…I mean…both your brothers are here and they look happy” she said.

“I can’t believe that those two is just letting all of this happen!” I said.

“Nippy…I know that you’re shocked about you getting a baby brother or sister…but…if I were you? Just let them be…OK…there’ll be five of you now that will have to share your dad’s wealth but as if you’re going to get a small part of it…you’ll still have millions or billions in the bank…so don’t give a about it anymore” she said and I sighed.

“Actually…this is more than my share in my dad’s wealth…I don’t care about it…I’m just shocked that another human being will be born under our name…and I’m actually pitying that baby this early coz he or she will be like us too” I said and she laughed.

“That’s already expected…all we have to do is wait if you’re dad’s going to have another boy or girl” she said.

“I really wish it’s a boy…coz if that’s a girl…I will really get her out of my dad’s hands…I don’t want her to be miserable like me” I said and she chuckled.

“Oh well…let’s not talk about it…what’s up? Why do you sound so worried awhile ago?” she asked and I sighed.

“OH GOSH! NIPPY!” I shrieked.

“WHAT? You’re so damn loud!” she said.

“What is it?” she asked.

“It’s Jiyong…he told me that we’re going to see his family today and it is freaking the hell out of me” I said.

“That’s just WOW! I mean…this only means that he’s damn serious about you” she said and I rolled my eyes.

“I don’t know…I’m so shocked and I’m so scared!” I said and she laughed.

“You’re totally funny! Where did my super confident bestfriend go? This is so not you” she said.

“Well…your super confident bestfriend is now on vacation…NIPPY! What will I do?” I asked frantically.

“Simple…be yourself and just don’t give a about your worries…look…this is really a good thing coz your man is opening his whole life for you to enter fully…your relationship will change after this…’re no longer just a girlfriend…you’re going to be THE girlfriend that his parents have met that means…you’re legit” she said.

Trish is actually making sense but still, my mind is running so wild and I can’t help but to worry.

“But…what if…I’m not the girl that they want for their son? You know me…I’m not the good… girl that a guy can take home to his mom…I’m a wild girl who is damaged...what will I tell them if they ask me about my family?  “uhmm…well ma’am…sir…I came from a broken family…we’re not close at all and I hate my dad…he’s an and I ran away from home…I’m an alien here in your country” Is that what you want me to tell them?” I asked and she smirked.

“You know what? You’re just over thinking…no…you’re exaggerating! And FYI…damaged people are dangerous because they know they can survive…and yes…you may be damaged but you’re slowly fixing yourself” she said and I’m still in the dark.

“You know me…my life is just a piece of crap” I told her.

“You are one interesting person nippy…you’re craziness is your asset…your i-don’t-care-about-the-world personality is enough to make people care about you…I’m so sure that they’ll like you” she said and my mind is calming down a bit.

“Fine…I’ll go with him and just let things be…if they don’t like me…then OK…after all…it’s not them that I’m gonna deal with…it’s their son…and if Jiyong chooses to end our relationship because his parents doesn’t like me…then I’m gonna take it coolly” I said and Trish laughed.

“YOU’RE FREAKING CRAZY! Why are you saying all of those? And why are you so negative? I have a feeling that your man is going to stay beside you no matter what” she said.

“Whatever” I said.

Truth is, I’m having second thoughts about going with him to meet his family. It’s just too sudden and I’m not ready for this scene yet. I know that once I met his family, it will only mean that we are serious about our relationship and we are committed to each other already. I’m just afraid of committing.

After I talked with Trish, I went straight to the bathroom and took a nice and warm bath. I need to relax myself and breathe. Damn! Why is it hard to convince myself that everything will be fine.

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Guys! Diary of an Idol's wife is no a sequel of Love Expiration:) It's a sequel of my first fic Diary of a Fangirl :)


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 143: Finally. Woahhh.. I finished it in 2 weeks. It’s so good. So much emotion that can make me cry. Well done!!!
sebanna2 #2
Chapter 38: I'm crying. This proposal is so sweet.
Chapter 143: amazing story...wahhhhh this is the longest gd fanfic i've ever read
and its AMAZING.....WAHHHH WAHHHHH im fangirling over your story...
good job ...
14 streak #4
Chapter 143: That was AMAZING!!! So far i read two of your stories and i cant wait to read the other ones! Theres one little problem.... i cant see the pictures.. ㅠㅠ
Chapter 143: Done reading ... oh god .. it's really amazing and very touching .. ♥♥♡♥♥ .. I enjoyed reading it ... I've already read 3 of your stories .. but this story is absolutely fantastic
pre0611 #6
Chapter 143: I'm done reading but up until now i still am wondering about clarisse nationality and what country she came from hahahahaah or dis i missed it from previous chaps
ItzJaeKay #7
Chapter 143: Holy fukk I actually finished it
It might have took me a year but.. Damn why did I forget about thi
U remember how much I loved reading you fics, they are so.. My feels I swear. You get to me so many time
Chapter 143: This story is like the combination of the 2 diaries :)))

Finally I am done reading a third story from your awesome collection authornim ;) ╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╯ GO!↖(^▽^)↗
Chapter 72: Of all things that may happen amnesia is last thing on my mind!
Chapter 143: awww love this story !! waaah ...