Love Expiration
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(1 week later)

How crappy can my life be? I had endured being a puppet that is manipulated in whatever way her puppeteers want her to do for four long years and now, I came back to my real world hoping that I’d be able to catch up on things that I’ve lost but here I am, left alone and cheated by the only guy that I’ve loved in my whole entire life. I’m used to being hurt for my whole life, I’ve lived with it, but the pain that he’s giving me is just too much and handling it along with other problems is enough to bring me to a mental institution.

It’s been a week since I’ve been free from my dad and father in-law’s foolish world and so far, I’m living it with mix emotions and a totally messed up life. I’m still figuring out on how to deal with Jiyong and his “fiancée” not to mention the stress of filing legal charges to people that has done a lot of damage to me. Yes, I’ve already filed cases of fraud to my own father and in-laws. It is really hard to put your father’s name on that paper and call him a criminal, but I have to get some justice for myself and this is also a good way to teach them and make them realize that this world isn’t theirs and they don’t have the right to ruin other people’s lives. As for Gab, I have filed for a divorce already but he’s still not responding to it which is making things slower for us, I’ve already filed a case for attempting to kill us. I guess I’m in the process of working things out and putting things in their right places, it eats up my sanity, but I can still pull it off.

“Clarise…phone call…it’s Calvin!” mom called out from the living room.

“Hello?” I answered.

“I’ve followed up your divorce case and I’ve discovered something that will make you flip along with your innards” he said and I felt curious.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Well…it shows here that you are not registered as a married person…there is no legal marriage contract filed and it seems like they’ve tricked you once again” he answered and my eyes nearly popped out of its sockets in shock.

“What? So you mean…I’m not married at all?” I asked.

“Yes! You’re not…the reason why Gab is not responding to the divorce papers that you have sent to him is because he doesn’t have to sign any of it…for there is no marriage to be voided…shocking…right?” he asked.

I don’t know what I should be feeling right now. I can’t believe what I just heard and I feel so stupid because I’ve been tricked by these douche bags for a long time. My marriage with Gab is faked and yet, I didn’t even found it out. What is the matter with me during that year? Why am I so gullible? I should’ve checked every stupid paper that I’ve signed.

“What do I have to do now?” I asked my brother coz my mind is ed up once again.

“Nothing! You’re not married at all…there’s nothing to divorce…all these years you’re single” he answered.

“This is insane” I told him.

“It is…but you should just be happy because you don’t have to wait for a long time to get married again this time” he said and I hissed.

“As if I’ve got someone to marry” I said.

“I know that Jiyong gave up on the long waiting…but I’m sure you can still find someone who is better than that jerk” he said and I rolled my eyes.

“I’m not even planning to get married…I’m fine with my kids…a guy isn’t important at all” I told him and he smirked.

“You’re saying that because you’re still hoping that tables will turn and you and Jiyong will start the fire once again…if I were you…explore the world of socializing again and do the things that you’ve been doing before you met that guy” he said and I chuckled.

I can’t believe that my brother is giving me a serious advice. I mean, yes, we’re closer now and I love them with all my heart, but I’m not as open to them like what I am with Charles. I’m actually afraid to tell them any of my problems for they will just tease me about it, but I guess the twins are growing up and their minds are already being filled with brain juices for it was drained before.

After my talk with Calvin, I called my mom for a talk to tell her the news that my brother just break a few minutes ago.

“What is it?” she asked.

“My marriage with Gab is faked” I answered and she looked at me in shock.

“What is that again?” she asked as if she hasn’t heard it.

“I’m not married with anyone....all these years…I’ve been fooled that I am married but now the truth has come out and it says…I’m not married at all…they just made it all up…the marriage contract that I’ve signed is just made up of some -ty document forger” I told her and she smiled widely at me.

“Mom…aren’t you going to say anything? Or even react?” I asked.

“I’m happy for you! I mean…you’re free even from the start” she said and I chuckled.

“Yes…but I’m so stupid for not being able to bust it early on” I said and she shook her head.

“That’s not important anymore…what matters now is that…you don’t have to undergo the grueling process of divorce…one of your problems has been crossed out from the list already” she said and  I nod.

“I would be much happier if things with me and Jiyong are still on…I mean…I can marry him right here right now” I said and she rolled her eyes at me.

“Don’t think about him already little girl…let him live his life…he’ll realize what he has lost sooner or later” she said and I sighed.

“I haven’t seen him for a week…it’s just weird…I mean…the kids goes in his apartment everyday and he’ll bring them back here every night…but then…I haven’t had the chance to see him…we’re not even talking…we haven’t exchanged words for a week and that’s quite depressing” I told her and she sighed.

Well, it’s true. Jiyong and I are like strangers to each other, our kids are the only connection that we have and I’m just so thankful that they are not feeling the tension between me and their father yet. Eun ae has been hanging around with them a lot but the twins have been criticizing her all the way every time they talk about her. In all fairness to that girl, she’s trying her best to get close to our kids, it’s just that the twins are really not cool with her and from the way it looks, they would never accept her as their step-mother.

“Why do I have a feeling that you’re dying to be with him but you’re just restraining yourself?” mom asked and I shook my head in protest.

“No! I’m not dying to be with him! I just find it weird for we’re inseparable before and now the distance is just going out too far” I told her.

“This is better…little girl…you’ll just hurt yourself if you’re going to stick around with him…it’s actually good that you’re not being hard on yourself anymore…at least you’re taking things slowly” she said and I nod in agreement.

If only mom knows how I’m dying to be with Jiyong again, she’ll surely beat me up. Well, mom still loves her former son-in law, but she’s mad at him for hurting me. Of course, who in hell will not get mad if your only daughter has been cheated upon, right?

“Hello?” I answered.

“Nippy!” Trish said.

“Yes? What can I do for you?” I asked and she laughed.

“Well… I need somebody to cheer me up” she answered and I smirked.

“Then tell TOP to do that for you…or Toby” I said.

“Well..they’re planning to go to the amusement park and you know me…I’m not a big fan of children parks or rides or whatever” she said and I sighed.

“So…what do you want now?” I asked.

“Can you come with us? I mean…take the twins with you…let’s bond” she said.

“But the twins are with Jiyong…they are

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Guys! Diary of an Idol's wife is no a sequel of Love Expiration:) It's a sequel of my first fic Diary of a Fangirl :)


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 143: Finally. Woahhh.. I finished it in 2 weeks. It’s so good. So much emotion that can make me cry. Well done!!!
sebanna2 #2
Chapter 38: I'm crying. This proposal is so sweet.
Chapter 143: amazing story...wahhhhh this is the longest gd fanfic i've ever read
and its AMAZING.....WAHHHH WAHHHHH im fangirling over your story...
good job ...
14 streak #4
Chapter 143: That was AMAZING!!! So far i read two of your stories and i cant wait to read the other ones! Theres one little problem.... i cant see the pictures.. ㅠㅠ
Chapter 143: Done reading ... oh god .. it's really amazing and very touching .. ♥♥♡♥♥ .. I enjoyed reading it ... I've already read 3 of your stories .. but this story is absolutely fantastic
pre0611 #6
Chapter 143: I'm done reading but up until now i still am wondering about clarisse nationality and what country she came from hahahahaah or dis i missed it from previous chaps
ItzJaeKay #7
Chapter 143: Holy fukk I actually finished it
It might have took me a year but.. Damn why did I forget about thi
U remember how much I loved reading you fics, they are so.. My feels I swear. You get to me so many time
Chapter 143: This story is like the combination of the 2 diaries :)))

Finally I am done reading a third story from your awesome collection authornim ;) ╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╯ GO!↖(^▽^)↗
Chapter 72: Of all things that may happen amnesia is last thing on my mind!
Chapter 143: awww love this story !! waaah ...