Love Expiration
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“uhmm….I…I don’t know” I answered.

“Wait! Stop the damn car! STOP IT!” she shouted and I stopped it because of shock.

“What?” I asked and she looked at me with a bit of anger in her eyes.

“What? I’ll tell you what…you have to tell Jiyong about this...why? Simply because he has the right to know” she answered and I sighed.

“Look nippy…this whole baby thing has not yet sink in...in my system…yes…I know so well that I’m pregnant for I got checked by a doctor and I saw the little circles inside of my stomach…but my mind hasn’t registered it…right now all I know is that I’m stuck in this ing world of my dad and the Guichens and there’s a possibility that I might raise these kids alone for five damn years” I told her.

“Whatever...those kids’ destiny is all up to you anyway” she said and looked away.

Why do I feel like I’m going to be a bad mother for I’m having second thoughts on telling the father of my children about all of this? I mean, these babies came in the wrong time and my situation right now is so complicated that having them will surely add up to the challenge. But then again, I’m happy, EXTREMELY happy for I’m going to give Jiyong what he really wants and that our hard work in making a baby paid off already.

“Hey mom!” I said when I entered her office.

“Oh! Good to see the two of you here!” mom said and hugged me and Trish.

“It’s good to be back Aunty” Trish told her.

“What brought the two of you here and why is it just the two of you? Where’s your bodyguards little girl?” she asked and I sighed.

“Trish was able to run away from them….I don’t know how…but…it really is epic for those big guys never let their eyes off me” I answered and Trish laughed.

“Well…I told them to bring you in the car so that we can bring go to the hospital…but when you’re already safe and buckled in your seat…I zoomed off driving…leaving them shocked out there” she said and I looked at her in disbelief.

“You went to the hospital?” mom asked all of a sudden and I looked at Trish in alarm.

Well, I’m not ready to tell anybody about my current situation for I still want to organize things. Yes, I know that she’s my mom and if there’s someone who deserves to know about my pregnancy it’s gonna be her for she’ll be a big help on this preggy journey.

“I’ll go out first…I think my baby wants some food” Trish said and stood up from her seat.

“OK…just order whatever you feel like eating outside…treats on me” mom told her and Trish smiled widely at her.

The moment Trish went out, my mom cleared and looked intently at me. I feel like she’s scanning my whole body from head to toe, making my heart race so fast.

“Why did Trish bring you to the hospital?” mom asked in a very serious tone.

“uhmm…I passed out awhile ago…that’s why” I answered nervously.

“Why? Are you working too much? I told you…even though you’re the boss of a big company…it doesn’t mean that you have to work for everything….the reason why you’ve got people there is because they’ll help you all the way…I know that this is your own little way of getting out of this misery…”she ranted and I cut her.

“I’m pregnant” I said and she stopped from talking with a shocked look on her face.

“I’m sorry…can you repeat that again?” mom asked and I sighed.

“I’m pregnant mom…you’re going to be a Grandma already” I repeated and she gasped in shock.

“Yeah…it’s shocking…right? I…myself got shocked when I heard it…and you’re not only getting one grandchild…there’s two of them” I told her and mom looked like she’s frozen in her seat.

“oh little girl! I don’t know how to react! This is just a shock for we’re not expecting it” she said and I nod in agreement.

“I guess this is Jiyong’s wedding gift for me” I said and she chuckled.

“No…it’s Jiyong’s way of reminding you that you have to come back to him after all of this…I’m so happy for you!” she said and went to me for a hug.

“I’m happy as well mom…I just can’t put my emotions on a roll right now for I’m still shocked about it” I told her and she smiled at me.

“My little girl is going to be a mom and I just can’t believe it!” she said with tears rolling down her cheeks.

This is what I hate. Why does my mom have to be so emotional? I mean, I have cried awhile ago when I saw my twins for the first time, but I just find it a bit weird for we’re happy which only means that we have to be celebrating not crying.

“Mom…please…don’t cry…there’s no need for those tears” I told her and she chuckled.

“I’m just happy…just by thinking that I’m going to be a Grandma in a matter of months is just so overwhelming” she said and I smiled at her.

“I’m a month and a half pregnant by the way…the doctor told me that there’s a possibility that the babies will go out earlier as expected…and she told me that they’re going out in the month of August” I said and she looked at me happily.

“That just means that there’s a possibility for your babies to have the same birth date as their dad” she said and I smiled at the thought of it.

Actually, my doctor asked me what birth procedure do I want and she told me that if I’m going to choose the C-section, I can pick the date of my babies’ birthday and I’m planning to give birth on the eighteenth of August.

“I’ve thought about that as well mom” I told her.

“Speaking of Jiyong…have you thought of ways on how to break this news to him?” she asked and I stared at her blankly.

“I don’t know mom” I said.

“What do you mean I don’t know?” she asked and tears started pooling up.

“I’m having second thoughts if I’m gonna tell him about this baby news or not…I mean…this is just a bad timing” I said and she looked at me in shock.

“Little girl…Jiyong deserves to know about his babies” she said and I sighed.

“I know…but haven’t you thought mom…it’s going to be one heck of an emotional ride for him once he knew about this… He’s just going to blame himself for letting me go and I don’t want that to happen because he’s going through so much now” I said.

“Look…there’s no point in blaming himself for both of you made this decision…once and for all…your babies doesn’t have anything to do about what’s happening in your lives right now…all I’m saying is that…Jiyong has to know that he’s gonna be a father soon and in that way…he’s going to have more motivation to wait for you” she said and I see her point.

Mom’s right. These babies will be our strength to go on with this stupid decision. Five years is not a joke and waiting for someone is going to be tiring in the

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Guys! Diary of an Idol's wife is no a sequel of Love Expiration:) It's a sequel of my first fic Diary of a Fangirl :)


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 143: Finally. Woahhh.. I finished it in 2 weeks. It’s so good. So much emotion that can make me cry. Well done!!!
sebanna2 #2
Chapter 38: I'm crying. This proposal is so sweet.
Chapter 143: amazing story...wahhhhh this is the longest gd fanfic i've ever read
and its AMAZING.....WAHHHH WAHHHHH im fangirling over your story...
good job ...
14 streak #4
Chapter 143: That was AMAZING!!! So far i read two of your stories and i cant wait to read the other ones! Theres one little problem.... i cant see the pictures.. ㅠㅠ
Chapter 143: Done reading ... oh god .. it's really amazing and very touching .. ♥♥♡♥♥ .. I enjoyed reading it ... I've already read 3 of your stories .. but this story is absolutely fantastic
pre0611 #6
Chapter 143: I'm done reading but up until now i still am wondering about clarisse nationality and what country she came from hahahahaah or dis i missed it from previous chaps
ItzJaeKay #7
Chapter 143: Holy fukk I actually finished it
It might have took me a year but.. Damn why did I forget about thi
U remember how much I loved reading you fics, they are so.. My feels I swear. You get to me so many time
Chapter 143: This story is like the combination of the 2 diaries :)))

Finally I am done reading a third story from your awesome collection authornim ;) ╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╯ GO!↖(^▽^)↗
Chapter 72: Of all things that may happen amnesia is last thing on my mind!
Chapter 143: awww love this story !! waaah ...