Love Expiration
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What will we do now? Pictures of me, G-dragon and mom are all over the internet and it’s just so crazy because there was even a picture of me and G-dragon kissing. It is really disturbing and I know that people from all over the world are now in search for me.

“Jiyong…look at this” I said while scrolling.

“What?” he asked and I just looked at him and rolled my eyes.

“Honey…get up” I told him and he obeyed, pulled me up to stand and sat on the swivel chair then made me sit on his lap.

“Look at this” I said and he gasped.

I’m totally lost right now. I don’t even know what will happen to me tomorrow. I have a feeling that my dad will show up anytime because he saw a picture of me on the internet, what’s worst is, I’m with my mom so I cannot deny anything to him.

“We’re busted” I told him and he rested his forehead on my back.

“What will we do now Jiyong? What will Sajangnim say?” I asked and he turned me around to look at him.

“I don’t know” he answered and I sighed.

“I’m gonna be dead” I told him and he chuckled.

“Why is that?” he asked.

“Honey…haven’t you read the comments? They are hunting me already...some of your fans are even mad at me” I told him and he sighed.

“Expect that reaction honey…but don’t worry…it will just be for a short time…they will soon accept you” he comforted but I still feel bad.

I don’t know why I’m feeling bad but I really don’t want people hating me specially if I haven’t even done anything to them. Is this what Charles meant when he told me before that hooking up with an idol can really get the out of you?

“Honey…answer me honestly…OK?” G-dragon said after a long silence.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Is it fine with you if we’re going to publicize our relationship already?” he asked and I looked at his eyes intently.

I can see that he’s so much ready to publicize it, after all, we’re already busted, what more can we hide?

“What do you think will be good for you?” I asked and he sighed.

“Your mom doesn’t want me to publicize our relationship yet because she wants to keep you private…another thing is…your dad….he might track you down because of this” he answered and I hugged him.

“I don’t know what to do” I whispered and he gently rubbed my back.

“Don’t worry about it too much…let’s sleep now and just talk about this tomorrow…OK?” he asked while rubbing my back.


“But what?” he asked.

“But…we haven’t finished what we started” I answered shyly and he laughed so hard.

“Are you still in the mood for it?” he asked and I shrugged.

“What?” he asked and I just stared at him.

Well, I am so stressed right now and my mind is totally blank. I don’t even know why I reminded him of our not-finished-love making.

“Let’s just sleep…c’mon” he said.

I can’t help but think about what might happen tomorrow. I have a feeling that Sajangnim will scold us and will not let us see each other again. Am I thinking too much?

“Honey” I called.

“mmmm?” he said while facing me.

“I can’t sleep…my brain is still working at its max” I told him and he hugged me tightly.

“What will the people say about me? What if they don’t want me for you? And why are they comparing me with some girls?” I asked and he chuckled.

“Honey….please…don’t think about it too much…erase those bad comments from your mind because they are not even true” he said and I sighed.

“What about the girls? Who are those girls?” I asked him and he sat up.

Well, I’ve read some names in some comments and they are comparing me to those girls. There was even a comment that says, “She’s the ugliest out of all of them”. Who wouldn’t get hurt because of that?

“What?” I asked and he looked at me.

“Who are those girls? I’ve even read the names of the 2ne1 girls…they are the only ones I know” I told him and he smiled at me.

“Honey…the 2ne1  girls are like a family to me…they are special…..yes…but I treat him like my sisters and you can ask them about it” he said and I nod.

“So…how about the others?” I asked as I sit up.

“Others?” he asked curiously.

“Yeah…wait…I wrote their names in your lyric book” I told him and he looked at me in disbelief.

“This name always shows up in most comments” I said and showed him the name that was written in bold letters.

“Kiko” I said and he chuckled.

“She’s part of my past” he said and I nod.

“OK” I said and he pinched my cheek.

“Any reactions?” he asked and I came near him and stared.

“What do you want me to react?” I asked and he chuckled.

“I don’t know….are you not even going to ask where we met….how we fell in love….how long did we last…how did it all ended?” he asked curiously and I laughed.

“I don’t have to ask those things…I don’t feel like it” I told him and he looked at me curiously.

“Why is that?” he asked.

“Because it’s already in the past…I don’t want to dig it up again….I’m going to lie if I’m gonna tell you that I’m not curious about her….but honey…I have the tendency to compare myself to the girl and I’ve seen a picture of her…I’m nothing compared to her…she’s like a Barbie doll…and if you’re going to put my picture beside hers? I’ll look like a voodoo doll” I joked and he chuckled.

“You’re going crazy again” he said while pinching my cheeks.

“I’m serious! She’s really perfect…I mean…if I’m a guy? I will surely hook up with her” I told him and he laughed.

“Clarise” he called.

“What?” I asked.

“You’re totally making me fall in love with you all over again…do you know that?” he asked and I shook my head.

“Why is that?” I asked.

“Because you’re so true…and I’m expecting you to get jealous but you’re not…I haven’t met a girl like you…who will make a joke out of her boyfriend’s past girlfriends…you’re totally one of a kind” he answered and I cupped his face with both hands.

“Why would I get jealous? I have the ring…right?” I asked and he laughed.

“Just the mere fact that you gave me this….it’s enough reason to not get jealous…and it’s already in the past…unless you still have feelings for her” I said and he shook his hand.

“She’s a friend…we talk once in a while but it’s nothing romantic…she’s already taken as well” he told me and I nod.

“Well…that’s good....but there are still names here” I told him while showing him the list.

“Those are just rumors…girls that are being linked to me” he said and I nod.

“OK…so…we’re all good…let’s sleep” I told him and he pushed me back down in bed and crawled on top of me.

“I love you” he said and I chuckled.

“I love you too and thank you for talking me out of my worries once again” I told him and he just gave me a sweet smile.

“Are you in the mood to continue what we have left awhile ago? You know….I was left hanging” he asked and I sighed.

“I knew it” I told him and he laughed.

“So…are you fine with it?” he asked and I kissed him.

“Wait…is the door locked?” I asked.

With our door locked, my phone off, we started making love once again and it lasted till the morning.



(Next day)

Oh crap! Why? Why does my alarm have to ring this early?

Last night was amazing and it really is sweet. I feel one with him again and all my worries were washed away in just a snap. G-dragon really knows how to comfort me because he talked me out of my worries and he assured me that everything is going be fine and I don’t have to be scared about anything.

“Morning honey” I greeted and kissed his cheek.

He looks so happy now and I’m happy to see his angelic face every morning. I’ve realized that after our talk about his past relationships, we still have a lot to know about each other. We also promised to set aside our past and not talk about the girls and the boys that once entered our lives, we will just focus on us and our relationship.

“Why do you have to get up so early?” he asked when I was about to get up from bed.

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Guys! Diary of an Idol's wife is no a sequel of Love Expiration:) It's a sequel of my first fic Diary of a Fangirl :)


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 143: Finally. Woahhh.. I finished it in 2 weeks. It’s so good. So much emotion that can make me cry. Well done!!!
sebanna2 #2
Chapter 38: I'm crying. This proposal is so sweet.
Chapter 143: amazing story...wahhhhh this is the longest gd fanfic i've ever read
and its AMAZING.....WAHHHH WAHHHHH im fangirling over your story...
good job ...
14 streak #4
Chapter 143: That was AMAZING!!! So far i read two of your stories and i cant wait to read the other ones! Theres one little problem.... i cant see the pictures.. ㅠㅠ
Chapter 143: Done reading ... oh god .. it's really amazing and very touching .. ♥♥♡♥♥ .. I enjoyed reading it ... I've already read 3 of your stories .. but this story is absolutely fantastic
pre0611 #6
Chapter 143: I'm done reading but up until now i still am wondering about clarisse nationality and what country she came from hahahahaah or dis i missed it from previous chaps
ItzJaeKay #7
Chapter 143: Holy fukk I actually finished it
It might have took me a year but.. Damn why did I forget about thi
U remember how much I loved reading you fics, they are so.. My feels I swear. You get to me so many time
Chapter 143: This story is like the combination of the 2 diaries :)))

Finally I am done reading a third story from your awesome collection authornim ;) ╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╯ GO!↖(^▽^)↗
Chapter 72: Of all things that may happen amnesia is last thing on my mind!
Chapter 143: awww love this story !! waaah ...