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“It’s not about doing the things you love, it’s about doing things with the one you love”

Can someone slap me? I don’t know, but all the crazy things that are happening to me right now are so unexpected and surreal. I mean, a year and a half ago, I’m a ed up soul who doesn’t know her place here on earth and now, I’m on cloud nine for I’m living my dreams one after another and it’s so overwhelming. I told myself that all this craziness is the result of the buckets of tears that I’ve cried all throughout my struggling years and I can’t be much happier for my hard work is paying off and I owe it all to the people who helped me stand during the lowest point of my life.

Two months has passed by and I’m busy as hell already. All I did is go back and forth Korea and America. Good thing, I’m already done with my commitments in the States which only means that I can focus on my upcoming debut already. I only have two more months to prepare till THE DAY and my nerves are all in alarm this early for I want to do well and the only way for me to achieve that high mark is if I work doubly hard now. That’s why, I’m so hands on with the preparations and is also training day and night everyday as well.

“Hey big boy!” I bent down and Lucky’s head.

My big dog is back in Korea and is reunited with Gaho again, and has also met his new sister, Jolie. Thing is, he’s a little y and we don’t know why he’s acting like that. He’s always fighting with Gaho and Jolie. Worst is, he’s not that cool with G-dragon as well. When he got here two months ago, he started barking on everybody including G-dragon and at first we thought that he’s just stressed because of the long trip but up till now, he’s still acting weird.

“C’mon…I’ll give you some treats” I said and went to the kitchen.


“No big boy…that’s your sister” I said when he started barking and growling at Jolie.

“Come here baby girl…Omma got you some delicious treats” I said and the cute pooch obeyed.

“I don’t want you three to fight…got me? I’m just going to wake Appa up” I told them with the hopes that they have understood what I just said.

All I can say is, having dogs as your kids are not easy at all. They fight crazily and they are so loud. G-dragon and I always find ourselves in the middle of all their fights shouting “NO!” and “STOP IT!” every single time. It’s fun though, our patience is being tested and I must say, my man is more patient than me.

Speaking of G-dragon, he’s a busy body as well for Big Bang will have their comeback the same time as mine or a bit later and it’s making things crazier. C’mon! Big Bang is Big Bang. They’re so big and a newbie like me will surely be eaten alive by them. Actually, I’m taking this as a challenge and I’m so up for it.

“Oppa” I shook him by the arm and as expected, he just ignored me.

“Oppa…you need to wake up now” I hugged him with my head resting on his chest.

“Oppa” I looked at him and drowned in his beauty once again.

“Your lips are really something…I love it” I said while tracing my finger on it.

“How handsome…or shall I say…beautiful” I chuckled and left and soft kiss on his lips.

He is once again hopeless. Well, I can’t blame him for being a lazy for he just got home a few hours ago. I’m telling you, our schedules are twisted and hectic to the point that our time for each other is already being affected.

As much as possible, we don’t want to make time a big deal for it is the one who broke us before. We have learned from the past and is now meeting halfway. If we happen to have some time off from work, we spend it together, though nowadays we barely see each other but we talk over the phone thrice a day and see each other in the morning from time to time.

And because I can’t wake G-dragon up, I’ve decided to prepare breakfast first. Our three kiddos seemed to be in a ceasefire for they are not minding each other at all. Lucky is sleeping in the kitchen, Gaho is on the couch and Jolie is playing with her ball in the living room. If only they can be like this every minute of every day, I’d be one happy mother.

“Hello?” I picked up a call while cooking.

“Trouble twin! Are you at home?” Eun hee asked.

“Yep! Why?” I answered.

“I’m already near your apartment…see you!” she said and hanged up.

Eun hee, Dong min and I rarely see each other nowadays and we only talk via chat or Skype to catch up. It’s really a drag for we are all busy and as much as we want to spend some time together, our work will not let us. I wonder why Eun hee is going here.

“Hey!” I said upon hearing our front door opened.

There are a total of four people who got a duplicate key to our apartment; G-dragon’s manager, Eon, Eun hee and Dong min. We are an open house and it’s just fine for they are close to us and as if we still have something to hide from them. These people know everything about us and will not even speak out no matter how hard you squeeze them. Our secret is safe with them and we’re so thankful that they are one with us in this even if having a relationship is bending the rules.

“Oh gosh! The dogs!” Eun hee called out, making me laugh so hard.

“What is wrong with you? Seriously Mouse…they will not even bite you…come inside now” I told her and opened the door widely.

“Can you tell them to go inside your room first so that I can sit on your couch comfortably? Coz I’m telling you Ishi….I’m totally freaked by your dogs” she said and I sighed.

“But Jiyong is still sleeping” I said and she looked at me with pleading eyes.

“Fine!” I said and called the three dogs in our room.

This is actually a good way to wake G-dragon up. The moment the dogs walked in, they jumped on the bed except for Lucky and started their Appa’s face, totally waking him up.

“Morning Oppa!” I said cheerfully and he sat up with an annoyed expression on his face.

“What is happening? Why are they here?” he asked while rubbing his eyes.

“Eun hee is outside and you know so well that she’s not comfortable with them around” I sit beside him and caressed his cheek.

“I’m sorry for waking you up…but…you have to get out of bed now…you told me that you guys have filming for a show…right?” I asked and he sighed.

“Yeah…aigoo…all I want to do now is sleep and bum around” he said while hugging Jolie.

“I know Oppa….but…you have no choice…so get up now and let’s have breakfast” I leaned in for a kiss and he gave out a sweet smile after.

“Wash up and go out…alright?” I got out of bed and he nods.

It seems like work is really getting the best of him and it’s nothing new. Thing is, his stress is doubled for YG’s girl group is in the middle of recording their second album and it also takes his time. He’s producing for them once again and it’s a bit stressful for he’s got a lot in his plate right now. Not to mention, he’s also juggling me and my crazy schedule as well.

“Hey Ji! Morning!” Eun hee said upon seeing him walk out of our room.

“Come have breakfast Oppa” I said and stood up to get a plate for him.

“What’s up?” he asked Eun hee the moment he settled on his seat.

“A couple is on the verge of breaking up” I said and he looked at Eun hee in disbelief.

“Well…we are actually in the middle of deciding if we’re breaking up or what…Jiyong…you know

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just updated the longest chapter of all:)


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PrincessGD #1
Reading again ?????
Exokittyot12 #2
Chapter 134: I love you gurl
acidgaf #3
Chapter 140: Finished! Gosh you're so
Lovely and detail girl! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I found this fanfic about a year ago and i keep coming back for this since then .. I have no idea how many times i had read but doesn't matter ! ~ Its definitely one of my favourite fanfic <3
Chapter 140: Okaaaaaaaay author-nim !!! after 4 days reading i'm finally done ^^ & now going to the sequel
thanks for this amazing , Fantastic & wonderful story :)
it wasss supeeer long story i've ever read ... but it's worth it .... i enjoyed reading it ^^
thanks for your hard work and goood job *thumbs up* ♥♥♥
Ericalim #7
Chapter 140: I LOVE YOU!!! UR STORY IS THE BEST!!!
Autumnaree #8
Chapter 21: Reading this is like being given a gift. Thank you!
alwaysdreamygirl #9
Chapter 140: Ohmygod. Super duperr long story. But its worth it. Its really good. Good job authornim
boomboomshakalaka #10
Chapter 140: i reread this and it's still amazing! love it x