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“Love is the strongest force the world possesses and yet it is the humblest imaginable”

{Is G-dragon just being used by his girlfriend?}

{G-dragon’s secret relationship will be unveiled soon}

{Is G-dragon’s silence a confirmation to all the rumors?}

Three days has passed by and my name is still all over the internet, newspapers and gossip shows. Things are being mishandled already and no matter how Hyan suk hyung and I control it, articles just keep on pouring. Ishi told me that her classmate is the one behind all these and it’s just crazy for she is playing this game so well. One good thing about that girl is, she’s not dragging Ishi’s name in this issue yet.

“The papers are crazy….the comments keeps on pouring….your face is all over the news…this is getting worse….Oppa” Ishi called while we’re having breakfast.


“Is your love life that big of a deal to the people of Korea? I mean…why are they fussing about this? So what if you’re dating? So what if you are paying for someone’s education? So what if you just want to keep silent and say nothing? Aren’t you getting sick of this? Yes…I know that you are just letting your name be dragged because you don’t want me to be affected by all this…but…we can just go out in the open and end this ” she said and I sighed.

Days ago, Ishi is the one telling me that if things get twisted and messy, we should just deny each other for it’s the easiest way out and now, she’s telling me to just confirm all the rumors and get it over with. Well, I’ve come to realize that keeping her as a secret is still the best thing to do coz her privacy is really important to me. Of course, being out in the open will really be a big relief to us but that only means that our relationship has to be open to people as well. We know that the moment our relationship goes out in public, it’s not just going to be me and her anymore rather, it’s going to be me, her and all the people already.  They will surely feast on us and I’m not ready to be feasted upon.

“Baby…I thought you want us to deny each other…why is it all of a sudden…you want to make this relationship public already?” I asked and she rolled her eyes at me.

“Oppa…I’ve realized that there’s no point in hiding what we have…after all…it’s already out…all it needs is a confirmation” she answered and I shook my head.

“Alright…I get your point…but answer these questions honestly first” I looked at her intently while she waits for me to continue “Are you ready for the things that will happen after we publicize our relationship? Are you ready to be feasted upon by people? Are you ready to have antis?” I bombarded her with questions and all she can do is take a deep breath and look at me.

“Well” she cleared and bowed her head down “I don’t know….there’s a part of me saying “Screw it! These people can’t do anything after all” while the other side of me says “Keep it for your world will just be in chaos once this goes out”…Oppa…I’m totally lost …I cannot even think right for I’ve been weighing Agatha and her crazy mind for days now and I still can’t bend her…I feel like we should just give up and admit everything” she answered and I shook my head.

Actually, we are on the same boat. Like her, my mind is also twisted and totally scattered for I can’t decide whether or not saying the truth will be good or bad. What I know is that, I have to protect Ishi and to be able to do that, she has to be kept in secret.

“This is killing me…my carelessness is the one to blame here and Oppa…I’m really sorry for being stupid” she said and I shook my head.

“Yaaa….it’s nothing….you have been careless but….I guess….things are really about to happen and maybe this is God’s way of telling us that we’re gonna get busted soon and we already have to prepare for it” I told her and she went to me, and sat on my lap.

“What are we going to do now?” she asked like a little kid, making me smile because of her cuteness.

“Nothing…..we will just keep quiet for the meantime….baby…I know that this is hard and I can clearly see in you that you’re blaming yourself coz of all of these…..for the millionth time….it’s not your fault….this is happening for a reason and we just have to figure things out…we’ll get through this” I said and brushed some hair away from her face.

“I just wish that whatever this thing results to…it won’t shake our relationship” she said and I hugged her tightly.

I know that once our relationship goes public, our lives will change in a snap. A lot of people are going to watch our every move and some will even bet on how long we will last, but I’m confident that we will be able to make it till the end. After all, what’s important is me and her, not us and them. The only thing that I’m praying is for the people, most especially the VIPs to accept Ishi and our relationship right away. I know that it’s not easy, but it’s much better to know that the people who are important to you accept your special half.

“Oppa!” Ishi called out from the room.

“What?” I called back from the living room.

“I need your help!” she said and I drag my lazy body out of the couch and went to the room.

“What is it?” I sat down in bed and watched her fix her hair.

“Do you know how this works?” she asked while showing me a straightening iron.

“Yeah…why?” I asked and she gave me a grin.

“No” I said right away.

Ishi has gone insane now for she wants me to iron her hair. Well, I know how it works but I really don’t want to mess her beautiful hair if ever all else fails coz I swear, it’s going to make her more insane and totally ballistic.

“Oppa…I can’t do the back…please help me” she pleaded and I shook my head.

“Why do you even have to iron your hair? This is the first time that I see you doing this” I told her and she sighed.

“I just feel like doing my hair Oppa…that’s all” she answered, sounding so sad.

“Aigoo” I got up from bed and walked to her.

“Give me that” I grabbed the straightening iron and comb from her.

“Are you sure you know how this works?” she asked and I smirked.

“Ishi Shin….the coordi noonas have been using this to fix my hair for years already….so trust me…I know how to use this” I answered and she took a deep breath.

Doing “little things” for her always makes me happy. I know that this is so out of my element, but I don’t care at all. What’s important is that, she knows that whenever she needs help, no matter how big or small that is, I’m always here to give her a hand.

In all fairness to me, I really believe that I’m doing well. I can see Ishi smiling at me while I’m doing her hair and it’s more than enough to make me happy. My heart is actually racing for I don’t want to screw her hair up, that’s why I’m really focusing and totally concentrated.

“You are really one heck of a boyfriend Kwon Jiyong” she said all of a sudden while looking at me through the mirror.

“I really am” I said, sounding so proud.

“Oppa…I know that this is so crazy….but…thank you for helping me…I just can’t do it right….I in using straightening irons and hot curlers….as Eun hee always says…..I’m not really born to do girly stuffs” she said, making me laugh.

“Aigoo…I’m doing you a really big favor…you know that?” I told her and she smiled at me “I swear….if my friends….family and fans knows about this….they will surely crack up….I can’t even imagine that I’m doing this actually” I said and she turned to face me.

“I love you….seriously….I’ve never thought that you would really do it…I’m expecting you to say no and then walk out the door….but you didn’t...and it touched me….you’ve just proven that you’re not really an ordinary guy” she leaned in for a kiss then caressed my cheek.

“I love you too….as I’ve said…I’m going to do anything for you…and even if I don’t know how to do it…I’ll push myself to learn it” I looked deep in her eyes that is pooled in tears already.

We’re being so emotional once again and even if it’s already a normal thing for us, I’m not that used to it yet. I’m just so glad that we are so open to what we feel and that makes our relationship more colorful. This is actually my perfect definition of a good team.

“There” I said and sighed.

“Wow Oppa….you really did a great job!” she said while looking at her hair in all angles.

“What can I say? I’m G-dragon” I joked, earning a laugh from her.

“Wanna know why I’m prepping up so much?” she asked and I looked at her curiously.

“I don’t even have a bit of a clue” I told her and she sighed heavily.

“Well Oppa…I need to look good today because I have an audition” she said with so much confidence as I try to grasp what she’s saying.

“Audition?” I asked and she gave me a nod.

“For what?” I asked and she smiled at me.

“For your next music video….Mr. Han told me that there’ll be an audition later this afternoon and it’s for your music video...so I’ve decided to give it a try” she explained and I looked at her in disbelief.

As far as I know, Ishi is not yet ready to show herself in public and now here she is, auditioning to be my leading lady for my next music video. Actually, it’s a good thing for I don’t have to screen the girls that much coz I’m going for Ms. Shin no matter what.

“You know so well that I’d be part of the casting committee…right?” I asked and she gave me a nod.

“I know that SO well” she said and I just looked at her intently.

“Oppa…I know what’s on your mind” she wrapped her arms around my waist and I wrapped mine on hers “I know that you will not give a damn on the other girls anymore….but…I really want this to be an equal fight….you don’t have to go for me just because I’m your girlfriend….after all…I just wanna try what it’s like to be in an audition….it’s not like I’m gonna kill to have that role” she said and her good heart is once again kicking in.

“But I know that you’ll do well…so….picking you is no brainer” I told her and she shook her head.

“We don’t know yet Oppa….you know me…I tend to be ruled by my nerves in times like these and even if I know that you’re there….I’m pretty sure that I’d still shake in nervousness” she said and I hissed.

“There’s nothing much to do there actually…you’ll just smile while the camera shoots you in every angle….and then you’ll show a two minute dance routine” I told her and she gave me a nod.

“Mr. Han told me every detail of it Oppa and he even helped me with my routine” she said and it builds my excitement more.

My next music video is really a big production for it’ll be the last release for this album. I told myself that I want this one to be close to perfect for the ot

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just updated the longest chapter of all:)


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PrincessGD #1
Reading again ?????
Exokittyot12 #2
Chapter 134: I love you gurl
acidgaf #3
Chapter 140: Finished! Gosh you're so
Lovely and detail girl! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I found this fanfic about a year ago and i keep coming back for this since then .. I have no idea how many times i had read but doesn't matter ! ~ Its definitely one of my favourite fanfic <3
Chapter 140: Okaaaaaaaay author-nim !!! after 4 days reading i'm finally done ^^ & now going to the sequel
thanks for this amazing , Fantastic & wonderful story :)
it wasss supeeer long story i've ever read ... but it's worth it .... i enjoyed reading it ^^
thanks for your hard work and goood job *thumbs up* ♥♥♥
Ericalim #7
Chapter 140: I LOVE YOU!!! UR STORY IS THE BEST!!!
Autumnaree #8
Chapter 21: Reading this is like being given a gift. Thank you!
alwaysdreamygirl #9
Chapter 140: Ohmygod. Super duperr long story. But its worth it. Its really good. Good job authornim
boomboomshakalaka #10
Chapter 140: i reread this and it's still amazing! love it x