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“Love is needing someone. Love is putting with someone’s bad qualities because they somehow complete you”

Yesterday is the crappiest day of my life. No one, not even me have seen it coming. I became a different person and another side of my being came out that I didn’t even know exists. I’ve hurt not only myself but G-dragon as well. I’m aware that I’ve hurt him coz for the first time in months that we’ve been together, he became so transparent of what he’s feeling. In all fairness to him, even though he’s breaking he didn’t give up. He held onto me tightly and didn’t let me go even if I’m giving him all the right to do it.

G-dragon has asked help from the people that he knows can really pull me out of hot pit. Eun hee and Dong min came to rescue and I was more than glad to see them. Out of all people, they are the ones who know what I’m going through as of the moment and I guess, I also shocked them with my actions.

“You know what? That mirror is super expensive….I bought them as a homecoming gift for you….not to be your punching bag” Eun hee said upon seeing the broken mirror.

“What is happening to you? I thought you already got all of this figured out? What happened to the Ishi that doesn’t care about anything? Why is the girl in front of us now seem so weak? Huh?” Dong min asked and I started crying once again.

“I’m done with it…I’m tired being the center of all the bullying…I’m sick of being ignored and stepped on….all I want is for things to go back like the old times wherein I’m still bullied but not to the core…I don’t even know why they’re doing this to me…for all I know….I’ve already paid the consequences of my stupidity…and here they are….punishing me more” I told them.

“Trouble twin….look …bad times happens…and there’s nothing you can do about it….these things may be a hot one today….but tomorrow….who knows? Maybe Agatha’s well kept tape comes out and your photo will surely be buried for life already….there are times were happens and it but it doesn’t mean that you have to go ballistic just to express yourself….yes….this is me…talking to you with my annoyed feeling….coz you don’t really have to act this way…you’ve got us….Jiyong…his family to turn to….we are willing to listen and fight this fight with you….all you have to do is open that freakin mouth of yours for us to hear the pain in your heart” Eun hee said and it made me cry harder.

I should’ve known better, acted right and think twice before bursting out. Eun hee just made me realize that what I did was totally wrong for I can just talk to them about it and I’m sure that it will not even end in a mess. I know that G-dragon is surely blaming himself for this once again coz he always blames himself whenever things screws up on my side. Once again, I’m feeling sorry for him and I don’t know how to fix my mistakes.

After a while, G-dragon’s mother and sister entered my room with bright smiles on their faces. I cannot even look straight at them for I’m ashamed of the stupid action that I just did. I’m also pretty sure that G-dragon has told them about my attempt of breaking up with him and I’m totally embarrassed for I broke his heart.

“Aigoo” Omma sat beside me and hugged me right away.

“Ishi…you are one crazy girl” Unnie said and joined us.

“I’m sorry Omma…Unnie…I didn’t mean to hurt Jiyong…or you guys…I just got fed up with all the things that’s been happening in school…my emotions ruled me and I know that I should’ve acted appropriately….I’m really sorry” I told them and Omma hugged me tightly.

“It’s all good Ishi-ah….no need to apologize for we can understand….we know now what you’ve been going through and I must say…for you to endure it this long is quite impressive coz if I was in your position…I will go ballistic as well” Omma said and I smiled at her.

“I would’ve done worst as a matter of fact…not only will I kill that  Agatha…I will also burn the whole building down with everybody inside” Unnie said and her statement shocked the hell out of me.

“YAH! Why do you have to be so morbid? Huh? You’re just injecting stupid thoughts in Ishi’s mind…aigoo Dami-ah” Omma slapped her thigh, making me giggle.

Omma and Unnie are super cute for they are always contradicting each other. When one says something, the other surely have a counter attack and everything will just sound like a joke even if it’s something serious. I really love their tandem and closeness.

“Omma…Unnie…where’s Jiyong?”  I asked even if I know that he left a few hours ago.

Well, G-dragon said goodbye to me awhile ago while I pretend to be sleeping. I don’t know, during that time I’m not yet ready to face him for I’m ashamed of what I’ve done. Actually, up till now I still don’t know how to fix the mess that I’ve made.

“It’s his album launch later and he’ll even do a live countdown….don’t worry…..he’ll be back right after it….your man is really worried about you and I don’t even know how he’ll pull of a live show off” Unnie answered and I gave out a heavy sigh.

“This …I forgot about it and worse is…I even acted like crap today” I said and they consoled me.

“Ishi…always remember this” Omma said and made me look at her “You can’t tell when your heart is gonna explode…most of the time…we’ll just go wild without even foreseeing it….things like these comes unexpectedly and it’s normal….Jiyong understands you….all the things that you’ve said and did awhile ago doesn’t matter to him….you asking him to  break up with you is totally crazy though….you know so well that he wouldn’t even dare to open up such matter” she finished and I felt more guilty.

“Wanna know a secret?” Unnie asked and I gave a shy nod.

“Jiyong has never been so patient to drama before you came….he’d rather leave the girl in her own dramatic world and come back once she’s done…but with you…he stayed all throughout even if he’s hurting so much….and girl…this is the first time that he ever asked us for help…if you can only hear him on the phone awhile ago…I’m sure that you’re going to marry that guy already coz the love….the care….worry…and fear has rolled up into one and I can easily tell that he’s not going to let go of you” Unnie said and it made me cry “My baby brother really loves you Ishi…he’s crazy about you and I don’t know what will happen to him when you let go” she finished and it really hit rock bottom.

After hearing Unnie, I’ve realized that no matter how hard I push him away from me, he will not even budge. G-dragon will stay no matter how hard my life is and is ready to give everything up just for me. I’ve hurt him and yet, he’s still holding on and there are only few guys in this world who are capable of doing that.

Eun hee and I were left in the apartment after Dong min and

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just updated the longest chapter of all:)


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PrincessGD #1
Reading again ?????
Exokittyot12 #2
Chapter 134: I love you gurl
acidgaf #3
Chapter 140: Finished! Gosh you're so
Lovely and detail girl! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I found this fanfic about a year ago and i keep coming back for this since then .. I have no idea how many times i had read but doesn't matter ! ~ Its definitely one of my favourite fanfic <3
Chapter 140: Okaaaaaaaay author-nim !!! after 4 days reading i'm finally done ^^ & now going to the sequel
thanks for this amazing , Fantastic & wonderful story :)
it wasss supeeer long story i've ever read ... but it's worth it .... i enjoyed reading it ^^
thanks for your hard work and goood job *thumbs up* ♥♥♥
Ericalim #7
Chapter 140: I LOVE YOU!!! UR STORY IS THE BEST!!!
Autumnaree #8
Chapter 21: Reading this is like being given a gift. Thank you!
alwaysdreamygirl #9
Chapter 140: Ohmygod. Super duperr long story. But its worth it. Its really good. Good job authornim
boomboomshakalaka #10
Chapter 140: i reread this and it's still amazing! love it x