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“Love is when each person is more concerned for the other than one’s self”

Being in a relationship is really the best most especially when you’ve got a lot of things in your hands and all you want is someone who will balance reality and celebrity world for you. Yes, being a public personality and having a girlfriend is hard and it’s proven to never blend well but I can’t stop my heart from falling in-love. I am ready to risk everything just to be with her and even though I’ve fallen in and out of love countless of times already, I can say that this new found love of mine is different from all, simply because my girl now is extraordinary and she has my heart and whole being in her hands.

Ishi is not your ordinary timid and poised girl. She’s very transparent but even though you have all the opportunity to see through her, she will still surprise you with a lot of things, for her mind is totally out of this world and her personality is as beautiful as her face. Yes, a lot of people know me, but to her I am just Kwon Jiyong and my social status is not bothering her at all. She’s the real deal and I’m going to be a damn if I’ll ever let her go.

“YAH! ISHI!” I shouted at the top of my lungs when she suddenly got out of the car.

I don’t know what happened and how all this happened but one thing is for sure, we are having our very first fight and I don’t know how this thing will go when she’s as strong as me when it comes to reasoning and defense. Unlike other girls who are just going to let things slip, she will stand up for what she wants and will push it till the end.

I started the engine and followed her “Ishi!” I shouted when I catch up.

“ISHI! Stop” I said while glancing at her and at the road.

This is the hardest thing of all. I’m not that good in chasing girls and with a girl like Ishi, who will not bend no matter how you shout and talk, my sanity is draining already.

“Please….get inside now” I said while driving slowly to keep up with her pace.

“AISH!” I said and turned the wheel, blocking her way.

“What the hell!” she shouted and looked at me with scary narrow eyes.

It’s my first time seeing her in rage and I know that I’m at fault here, that I stepped on her in a way but I just said those things because I’m fed up with her telling me to not spend money on her. I feel like I’m not doing any good as a boyfriend for I’m letting my girlfriend work her off when I can shoulder everything for her.

She’s not moving an inch and all we do is stare at each other with me still inside the car. I can’t help but to be annoyed for she’s acting like a kid when we can talk things out as mature adults.

I got out of the car and weighed her emotions before talking “Get inside now…please” I pleaded but she’s staying firm.

“Yah!” I said when she walked and totally ignored me.

“Ishi!” I called out again and she turned to face me.

“I can take it from here…I’ll just walk to the university” she said and I shook my head right away.

“Walk? It’s still far” I said and she smirked.

“It’s not far…I’ll be there in fifteen minutes…don’t worry…I’m used to this because whenever I’m out of cash and can’t afford to ride a bus…I walk...go back now” she said and I sighed.

“Fine” I said and turned my back at her.

I’m actually expecting her to give the whole walking thing up but it seems like she’s really decided already. She continued walking without even looking back at me. All I do is watch her, while my heart is hurting for I don’t know what to do anymore. Both our prides are on top and no one wants to bring it down a notch. I guess our being strong is not that good at all for whenever these kinds of situations come, we’ll be wrecked big time.

As much as I want to follow her, I’ve decided to just let things cool down and I’ll just deal with our problem later. I know that I should be doing something already for prolonging a fight will just twist things more, but letting her cool down can or may be the best for now.

“Hyung!” Daesung said upon seeing me walk in the studio.

“OH! Why are you here? You still have filming…right?” Youngbae asked and I plopped myself on the couch.

“Aigoo…hyung…what’s the matter?” Seungri asked.

“AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!” I shouted, shocking everybody in the room.

“Yah! What’s with you?” Youngbae asked and I ruffled my hair in annoyance.

“Aaaa….I can sense that Jiyong hyung and Ishi had their first fight or argument awhile ago” Seungri said and I looked at him.

“I’m right!” he said and even clapped his hands as if he has won some kind of competition.

“Why? Why can’t she just take whatever I want to give to her….why doesn’t she want me to spend money on her? She’s working…yes…but her salary is not even enough to buy her a new couch…to think  that there are a lot of cheap couches out there…she only eats ramen and all her fridge have is soju and beer….now…tell me…why doesn’t she want me to help when it’s clear that she needs it?” I exploded, making the boys speechless.

I’ve ranted a few times in front of my members before but this is the first time that they’ve seen me in this state wherein I’m totally lost. This is really rare for I’m the type of person who can make my woman bend in just a few explanations and sweet talk, but now I can’t even use those to Ishi for she’s as hard as metal and bending her would really take a lot of effort.

“You know what Jiyong…she has a point…and you can’t blame her at all…Ishi has worked for years and is used to living using her own money and not depending on other people…of course it is really hard for her to just take anybody’s help for it’s just going to make her realize that she has been working for nothing at all” Youngbae said and I sighed heavily.

“Fine! I’m already there…but she has to understand that things are already different now…I am here now…she has me and if there are things that she needs…I am always there ready to help and give whatever she wants…but she keeps on turning me down and it’s hurting my ego…I feel like I’m not doing anything good to her” I said.

“Jiyong….do you think her ego is not hurt when you told her those hurtful realizations?” TOP hyung asked and our heated conversation in the car replayed in my head once again.

Yes, I was a bit insensitive when I told her those hurtful realizations and I know that I should’ve just shut my mouth up but that’s the only way for her to understand things.

“Just look at this…she’s working in the pastry shop for HOURS and it’ll only pay her 60,000 won a month…she babysits three kids twice a week and gets 50,000 won as payment….even if she combine those numbers…it’s so clear that all of it will just go to her rent and some necessities….her food and some other stuffs is not counted yet….it’s actually a good thing that she’s a scholar coz if not…I’m so sure that she’ll be out of school by now…I just can’t understand why she’s sticking with all these jobs when it’s so clear that nothing will happen to her… She cannot even save up….it’s hurting me every time I see her cleaning tables and serving food for her work is so heavy and tiring and her slim paycheck wouldn’t even give her a good life” I told them and rest my head on the couch.

“I guess you really have to sit down and talk to her in a calm way….maybe she’ll understand you” Youngbae said and I just nod.

“Hyung…where is she now?” Daesung asked and I snapped up.

I almost forgot to check on her. I told myself that I’m going to call Eun hee or Dong min to check if she has arrived in the university safely and I totally forgot about it because I’m too annoyed.

“She’s here Jiyong” Eun hee answered and I sighed in relief.

“How is she?” I asked and she sighed.

“Well…she arrived here crying and we even have to get her out of the classroom for she’s really out of her element…right now…she’s still staring in space and in deep thoughts…but don’t worry…she’ll snap out of it soon” she answered and I started feeling more guilty.

“What do I have to do? I’m really sorry for bothering you but this is our first ever fight and I don’t know how she acts in these kinds of situations” I told her and she smirked.

“It’s all good….well…I guess now you know that your girlfriend is not your ordinary gal…honestly…she’s not easy to woo and never will she give up a fight…but you know what? When she told us everything that happened to you and her awhile ago…I kinda went to your side for we are seeing the same thing….anyway….Ishi loves you…so much…and I know that she can’t last being mad at you or if she can…all you need to do is bug her and shower her with apologies…or you can try sending her ice cream…that Jiyong….can help you end this ….it’s her favorite food of all time and it’s like giving a kid a lollipop…thing is…you’re going to give her ice cream as peace offering” she said and I chuckled.

And with that, Eun hee and I planned a surprise for Ishi. I know that there is a possibility that this won’t work for Eun hee herself said that her best friend is not the type of girl that you can get through flowers and peace offerings but I don’t care for all I want is for this day to end with us back together again without any unsolved issues.

“Aigoo…Jiyong…you’re so out of it…can you focus in the filming first before thinking of something or someone else?” Jae wook hyung said and I just sighed.

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just updated the longest chapter of all:)


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PrincessGD #1
Reading again ?????
Exokittyot12 #2
Chapter 134: I love you gurl
acidgaf #3
Chapter 140: Finished! Gosh you're so
Lovely and detail girl! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I found this fanfic about a year ago and i keep coming back for this since then .. I have no idea how many times i had read but doesn't matter ! ~ Its definitely one of my favourite fanfic <3
Chapter 140: Okaaaaaaaay author-nim !!! after 4 days reading i'm finally done ^^ & now going to the sequel
thanks for this amazing , Fantastic & wonderful story :)
it wasss supeeer long story i've ever read ... but it's worth it .... i enjoyed reading it ^^
thanks for your hard work and goood job *thumbs up* ♥♥♥
Ericalim #7
Chapter 140: I LOVE YOU!!! UR STORY IS THE BEST!!!
Autumnaree #8
Chapter 21: Reading this is like being given a gift. Thank you!
alwaysdreamygirl #9
Chapter 140: Ohmygod. Super duperr long story. But its worth it. Its really good. Good job authornim
boomboomshakalaka #10
Chapter 140: i reread this and it's still amazing! love it x