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“You can’t change your situation, the only thing you can change is how you choose to deal with it”

Week One.

I’m in a place where I don’t know anyone. A place where I feel like an outcast. I don’t know, but even if I’m familiar with this place, I feel like a total stranger. Well, I was born here. My parent’s migrated in the States, New York Manhattan to be exact after they got married. I spent ten years of my life in this city. Going back brings a lot of memories. Most of them are sad ones. After years of being away, I’ve seen the spot where my parents’ accident took place. I can’t remember what really happened that day, but my grandmother will always tell me “this is where your Omma and Appa had their accident”, and from there, I always see that road in a different way. I don’t know, but seeing it brings back the pain that I have forgotten a long time already. I actually thought that this will be easy, but it’s not. It’s much harder than leaving the people I love in Korea.

I arrived here in New York a few days ago, and so far, I’m doing good. I’m given a beautiful apartment that looks a lot better than my new one in Korea. JYP Sajangnim also gave me a car, for easy transportation. And since I don’t know how to drive, Eon, my manager would be the one handling the wheels for me. This is really life changing for I was given a big opportunity to have a blastin career and everybody is treating me very well.



“Welcome to your new home” Eon said the moment he opened the door of my new apartment.

“Wow!” I said in awe upon seeing the interiors.



I don’t have anything more to say. My new apartment looks like a palace to me, for it was so grand and totally beautiful. Actually, this is more than what I’ve expected.

Eon toured me around and the whole place just left me speechless. According to him, Sajangnim made him go here in New York a few days after I signed a contract under the company to arrange everything for my arrival. Well, my young and super kind manager is the one who picked this pad for me and he even helped in decorating it.

“To tell you the honestly….this is the first time that I decorated an apartment….good thing my sister is good when it comes to these things and she helped me…I really hope that you like it” Eon said and I smiled widely at him.

“This is heaven! You and your sister did a very good job….Thank you!” I told him and he chuckled.

My manager and I clicked right away the moment we realized that we are gonna be stuck with each other for a very long time. I’m so glad that Sajangnim gave me a manager that is not far from my age and is totally cool, for I don’t feel awkward when we’re together and that’s a good thing coz comfortability is one important factor of partnership.

“And here is your bedroom” Eon said and opened the door to my room.

“Oh my gosh!” I gasped in shock.



Can someone slap me, please? This is just too much! I actually thought that I’d be living in a small apartment. More like a dorm with other trainees, but it’s not like that. I’d be living alone in this huge pad with beautiful interiors. What did I even do to deserve all this?

My first days are not that tight at all. Eon and I bummed around most of the time and toured a little. I brought him to our old residential building in Manhattan and opened almost everything about me. It really is a bittersweet moment, for I feel happy that I was able to go back again, but sad coz Grandma is not with me.

Eon also brought me shopping, and it really made my head spin for he keeps on swiping that platinum card like money is nothing to him. Well, he went wild upon seeing my clothes and he even wants me to dispose all of them for they look like “trash” to him. It’s part of it all anyway, for I can’t wear the same shirts and pants all over again for two years.

“Hello?” I picked up a call lazily.

“TINKY!” Dong min exclaimed, alarming my senses.

“Minnie!” I sat up right away with my heart beating wildly.

“I miss you so damn much already” he said and tears started pooling in my eyes.

If only Dong min and Eun hee knows how much I’m longing for them. I know that I have to homesickness up for going here is my own decision, but there are times wherein I can’t help but think that this might’ve been a wrong move. Oh well, I don’t have much time to think if my decision of going here is wrong or right. I’m doing good here, so it’s all cool.

“What’s up?” I asked, trying to sound cheerful.

“Well….mouse and I are still job hunting….actually….she’s got an audition for a television network tomorrow and our girl is being killed by her nerves already” he answered, making me laugh.

“aaahhh….so that’s the secret that she’s been hiding from me” I said and he chuckled.

“I guess it is….anyway….how are you? I wasn’t able to call for two days coz I was so busy with dad….I know you are already aware that he’s in the hospital once again and my being a good son is kicking in…so…I’ve decided to be his caregiver for the meantime” he said and I sighed.

“Minnie…your father really needs you….so…please….don’t around him anymore” I told him, earning a smirk.

“Excuse me? Who’s ing around? Gosh Tinky! It was him who is ing out all these years….if he can only accept my being gay….then we won’t have any problems at all” he defended, making me roll my eyes.

“mmm…why don’t you try to be a guy” I said and he choked.

“YOUT ! How can you tell me that? It’s like you’re already asking for the world to end ….well…I’m sorry to say but…that won’t happen even if you me…I am a guy for I still have balls…but my heart is and will always stay soft like a girl…so stop talking non-sense and forget that I’ll still consider changing preferences” he said, making me laugh so hard.

It isn’t bad, right? I mean, Dong min will surely be a good guy for he knows so well how a girls’ mind works. Actually, if he trips on changing preferences, I’d hit on him for I’m sure that he will be a good partner.

Minnie and I talked about everything and anything under the sun but he never brought up anything about G-dragon. I don’t know, but I was kinda expecting him to say something about him but he never did. He’s the same with Eun hee. I know and I can sense that they’re itching to update me about G-dragon, but they’re holding it back.

After talking to Dong min, I head out of my room to prepare breakfast for me and Eon. He’s not living with me, but we have this deal that I’ll be the one in charge for breakfast, while he’s in charge for lunch and dinner. You see, we are really blending so well and my manager is already becoming my best bud here since I don’t know anyone yet.

“Hey Lucky!” I my dog’s head, making his tail wag like crazy.

I guess, Lucky is the only familiar being to me as of the moment. I was so glad that Sajangnim agreed to bring my dog with me coz if he didn’t, I will surely go ballistic. I mean, I can’t think of anyone who can take care of him besides G-dragon, but since we are not in good terms, I can’t leave Lucky with him for it’ll be another burden to him. Anyway, my lovely dog and I are adjusting slowly in our new environment and I’m so thankful that he’s here to keep me company.

“OH! Good thing you’re awake now” Eon said upon seeing me.

“Good Morning!” I greeted and he smiled at me.

“What do we have here?” he looked at the dishes on the table with his twinkly hungry eyes.

This man may look thin, but his appetite is so much like the appetite of three buff men. Believe it or not, he can eat three bowls of rice in one sitting and he reminds me of G-dragon when it comes to his eating habits. Both of them are such good eaters, but they don’t get fat at all.

“Ah! Ishi!” Eon called while chewing some egg rolls.

“You have to report at the office early afternoon for your dance coach has arrived here in New York already and he wants to start training right away” he said and I just stared at him in shock.

As far as I know, my coaches won’t be here till next week. Well, Sajangnim asked help from some of his friends to train me and my voice coach will come all the way to Australia just for me, while my dance coach will be coming from Brazil. According to Eon, they are the best of the bests and Wonder Girls as well as 2PM went through their rigorous training as well.

“I’m a little nervous and I don’t even know why” I told him, earning a smirk.

“Aigoo…there’s nothing for you to feel nervous about…Mr. Baek isn’t that scary…in fact…he’s so kind” Eon said and I took a deep breath.

I don’t know why I suddenly felt nervous, but Mr. Baek sounds like a strict coach. How I wish he’s like Mr. Han, who looks so scary, but is soft and kind inside.

I spent the whole morning watching television, while Eon prepares my month schedule. Things are slowly sinking in. This is really it! My formal training will start today and all I can ask for is guidance from God and strength to be able to do everything well.

“All set now?” Eon asked the moment I came out of my room.

“Yep!” I answered and grabbed my bag on the couch.

“Good…we have to go now…we don’t want to be late on your first day of training” he said and I gave him a nod.

And off we go! This is only my third time in the JYP office and I’m praying for things to go on smoothly. My hands are shaking and my head is spinning, for my nerves are eating me raw. I don’t know what’s happening to me, but I’m not this nervous when I was still in YG.

“Good Afternoon” Eon greeted everyone and I just gave them a bow.

I’m a newbie so I have to be polite every time, but I don’t have the voice to speak because of my nerves so I just bowed 90 degs at them and received sweet smiles from everybody.

“Wait here…I’ll just check if he’s already inside” Eon said and I did what I was told and sat on a long couch while fidgeting.

The whole wait is a bit of a drag to me coz I’m already itching to hit the dance floor. I haven’t danced for days so I’m pretty sure that my body is gonna be stiff for a while. Oh well, a warm up will soften every inch of me so it’s all good.

“Ishi” Eon called and gestured me to come in.

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just updated the longest chapter of all:)


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PrincessGD #1
Reading again ?????
Exokittyot12 #2
Chapter 134: I love you gurl
acidgaf #3
Chapter 140: Finished! Gosh you're so
Lovely and detail girl! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I found this fanfic about a year ago and i keep coming back for this since then .. I have no idea how many times i had read but doesn't matter ! ~ Its definitely one of my favourite fanfic <3
Chapter 140: Okaaaaaaaay author-nim !!! after 4 days reading i'm finally done ^^ & now going to the sequel
thanks for this amazing , Fantastic & wonderful story :)
it wasss supeeer long story i've ever read ... but it's worth it .... i enjoyed reading it ^^
thanks for your hard work and goood job *thumbs up* ♥♥♥
Ericalim #7
Chapter 140: I LOVE YOU!!! UR STORY IS THE BEST!!!
Autumnaree #8
Chapter 21: Reading this is like being given a gift. Thank you!
alwaysdreamygirl #9
Chapter 140: Ohmygod. Super duperr long story. But its worth it. Its really good. Good job authornim
boomboomshakalaka #10
Chapter 140: i reread this and it's still amazing! love it x