
❁Crimson Twilight Review Shop❁ {PAUSED/Finishing requests}

✖-- the challenge

About: Chanyeol(Exo)+OC, , romance, college, best friends

Finished 5/10/14

Title: 4/5 While I think "The Challenge" is enough, the symbol and "--" next to it is kind of sloppy? Well, this is a fanfiction, so I guess it's alright? For a real story, this isn't needed though.

The reason why I took one point off is because "The Challenge" isn't capitalized and in stories, the titles should always be capitalized.

Foreword: 10/10 It's neat and really leads into the story, so full marks for that.

Plot: 18/20 The only thing that was really off was your plot because there's and then the bet, but all of a sudden, Chanyeol says that he loves your OC. I know that you kind of showed it when he was talking to his friends and when he was thinking about your OC in the beginning of chapter two, but it still feels so sudden. They just finished doing it, and Chanyeol suddenly blurted out that he likes your OC. You should include some more thoughts from him or events before, even if this is a twoshot.

Characters: 18/20 Like I said in the plot section, you should describe more of Chanyeol's conflicting emotions about loving his best friend first before rushing into him confessing to her, even if this is a twoshot. You can squish these emotions in various spots like as Chanyeol is speaking to your OC, you can have him think about her or something or you can include a scene in which he is with another girl, yet he is thinking of your OC.

Grammar and Spelling: 20/20 Absolutely no typos, no spelling or grammar mistakes, and no run-on sentences! Your tenses are even kept the same. Full marks for grammar and spelling! It really shows how you went back to correct your mistakes. Great job!

Enjoyment: 5/5 I really liked the details and how much you highlight the fact that Chanyeol and your OC are only friends and how they exchange insults between each other instead of having them be mushy friends that are super sweet to each other.

Structure: 5/5 Everything is neat and organized.

Overall: 80/85=94 The was kept to a minimal, so your story wasn't only focused on , but there was a background story and best friends that were unique and acted like real best friends, not romantic interests. The best feature is your perfect grammar and spelling, where there isn't even one typo.

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Chapter 2: hi, can I be an affiliate? http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1016568
to answer the question to your recent feeds? yes...it redirects to some adblock thing and i have to cross everytime it happens. when can i apply for a story?
Hi! You guys seem backed up, so I was wondering if you're hiring more reviewers?
pandoralacey #4
Hi, I've requested before, my fic's title is "My Name Is Hers". I'd like to cancel because I'm going into hiatus soon. Thank you though.
Hi, sorry to bother you, but I want to know if there's any form I have to fill or I just write here my request. I've already subscribed.
hey babes, i'm actually here to notify that i'm deleting/have deleted "the fig tree". and since i have no reason to hang around here any longer, feel free to delete the review since i'm gonna unsubscribe as well :o

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Thank you for reviewing! Swan Princess Odette refers to the main character of "Swan Lake". Yeah, I've been told that there's a resemblance to Black Swan but I've actually never watched that movie. I did, however, use the ending as inspiration for my own ending. Thank you for the review!! I'll credit you now (:
Chapter 206: Hi! Thanks a lot for reviewing :) I'll definitely credit the shop! You've mentioned a couple of things in your review that I wanted to explain, but I'll do so in the 'reply' section so that I don't take up all the space here :D