Staff, Rubric, and Blacklist

❁Crimson Twilight Review Shop❁ {PAUSED/Finishing requests}


Preferences: light, fluffy stories with the genres romance, comedy, etc (anything light). I prefer a high school theme, but anything is fine.
Dislikes: horror or psychological. I'm okay with supernatural, but it would be better if you request for Katrina for those themes because those are what she mains.
 I will not do Rated stories.



Preferences: supernatural/fantasy, adventure, action, or psychological themes. If I have to, I will do pure angst (no supernatural or psychological themes), but usually Ahri does angst.
Dislikes: comedies, fluffs, etc. Anything light is not for me.
Rated: I will not do Rated stories.


Preferences: mystery or romance genres, and angst, drama, and betrayal themes. I mainly review oneshots, but I have no problems whatsoever with reading longer fanfictions.
Dislikes: Heavy , anything else I would be willing to review.
Rated: I only review light .

Preferences: Anything that has to do with heavy .
Dislikes: Anything that's not . In other words, please do not request me for anything that is not .
If you read all of this please add the word "Kuroko" at the end of your request.

Heavy vs Light
Heavy = toys, chains, heavy action, slavery, penetration, heavy , etc.
Light = light feathery action, touching with no penetration, heavy kissing but no other action, light ,



Total is 100.

Title: /5 Relevant to the story; Original; Correct spelling and grammar

Foreword: /10 Neat; Gives an idea of the plot without being too vague or specific; Correct grammar and spelling; Character infos are organized and not too revealing

Plot: /20 Original; Unexpected twists; Interesting; Moods

Characters: /20 Realistic or relateable; Flawed instead of being mary sues

Grammar and Spelling: /20 Should be correct or easy to read

Flow: /15 Organized; Not too fast or slow; Events do not come in randomly; (NOT AVAILABLE FOR ONESHOTS. Flow will not be counted for the rubric for oneshots.)

Enjoyment: /5 Should be intruiging or filled with life

Structure: /5 Paragraph format; Spacing; Font; Font color is kept the same; no pictures


If you did not follow our rules, you will end up here, and you will not be allowed to request again.

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Just curious, has anyone else been experiencing pop-ups or has gotten redirected to another site recently?


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Chapter 2: hi, can I be an affiliate?
to answer the question to your recent feeds? redirects to some adblock thing and i have to cross everytime it happens. when can i apply for a story?
Hi! You guys seem backed up, so I was wondering if you're hiring more reviewers?
pandoralacey #4
Hi, I've requested before, my fic's title is "My Name Is Hers". I'd like to cancel because I'm going into hiatus soon. Thank you though.
Hi, sorry to bother you, but I want to know if there's any form I have to fill or I just write here my request. I've already subscribed.
hey babes, i'm actually here to notify that i'm deleting/have deleted "the fig tree". and since i have no reason to hang around here any longer, feel free to delete the review since i'm gonna unsubscribe as well :o

Hi. I'm starting a shops list and I want to add your shop/gallery/list/contest/roleplay :
Read the rules, complete this form , put it in the comments box for this link and you will be on the list.

Author's name:
Author's link:
Banner's link:
Shop's Title:
Shop's link:
Shop genre:
Author's Note:
Info you want to add:
Services/Packs/posters/trailers exp:
Thank you for reviewing! Swan Princess Odette refers to the main character of "Swan Lake". Yeah, I've been told that there's a resemblance to Black Swan but I've actually never watched that movie. I did, however, use the ending as inspiration for my own ending. Thank you for the review!! I'll credit you now (:
Chapter 206: Hi! Thanks a lot for reviewing :) I'll definitely credit the shop! You've mentioned a couple of things in your review that I wanted to explain, but I'll do so in the 'reply' section so that I don't take up all the space here :D