The luxury you wanted

I'm Different

Junhyung’s POV

We woke up the next morning feel extremely excited.

“Quick! Hurry up!” Yoseob yelled excitedly.

We laughed and chatted as we strolled to the dining area.

“Oh, you guys are up. Good morning. Going somewhere today with Skye, right?” The volunteer asked as he handed us food.

“Yea. She’s not here yet?” I asked.

“She? She left already!” He smiled.

“LEFT!?” We yelled in unison.

“Relax! Hahahaha! She did not abandon you all hahaha! Gosh~ You guys are really cute, just like how she described.” He laughed.

Haneul described us as cute? Really?

“Then where is she?” Doojoon asked.

“We have limited transportation here. The biggest van is used by another group. We have another one that is also used. The only one we have left is the one over there that would not be able to fit all of you if Skye comes along.” He explained.

“So where is Haneul now?” I asked.

“She set off first to wherever you guys are going. Later on someone will send you guys there.” He said.

“She went alone?” I asked.

“Yea, she did. And she wanted to let you guys sleep a little longer, so she didn’t let you all know.” He said.

“Ouh.” I looked down at my food.

Why didn’t she wake me up to accompany her? I don’t like the fact she is alone. We had breakfast and then we bid goodbye to the other volunteers before heading out. The ride out to the city took about three hours. I couldn’t stop thinking about Haneul during that time.

“You okay? You looked upset hearing what he said.” Hyunseung nudged me.

“Yea, I’m pretty upset.” I admitted.

“Because of Haneul?” He asked.

“Mmm~” I mumbled.

“You’re going to see her soon.” He said.

“I know. But I just don’t like the fact she left alone and all.” I said.

“Then glue yourself to her later.” He teased me.

I smiled slightly and looked out of the window. We passed by grasslands and everyone got excited when we saw an animal. The driver laughed so hard at our response. Well, it’s not like we get to see animals like these walking around freely in the city. Our excitement soon faded away when we all started to feel drowsy from the bumpy car ride. We drifted off into dreamland unknowingly.

“Yah~ Yong Junhyung, wake up.” Someone shook me.

“Nghhh~” I turned around, trying to block the voice out.

“If you’re not waking up, we’re going to enjoy without you.” The voice said.

I opened my eyes slightly. My eyes widened when I saw Haneul’s face really close to mine. I heard a roaring laughter from behind and saw her staring at me, arms crossed. She flicked my forehead.

“We’ve been nudging you for the past twenty minutes. Are you really awake now?” She asked.

I nodded my head slightly.

“Good. Let’s go.” She said.

I tried to hurry out but couldn’t seem to, like as thou I was stuck to the seat.

“Pabo!?” She yelled, causing the others to laugh.

“Huh?” I looked at them, confused.

She lean in close to me and tugged onto my seat belt.

“You need to remove this, Pabo.” She said.

She removed my seat belt for me and dragged me out.

“Tha.. Thank you..” I mumbled.

“Pabo.” She poked my arm.

“Really pabo or just pretending to be one?” Yoseob asked in a sing-song voice.

“We all know Junnie is always a pabo around Haneul.” Doojoon said, causing them to laugh.

I smiled awkwardly. Haneul looked away, embarrassed.

“Haneul ah, you have not told us where we are walking to.” Hyunseung said.

“Just there.” Haneul pointed to a mansion like building.

“Ahh~ What attraction is this? The president’s house or the King’s palace?” Dongwoon asked.

Haneul burst into laughter. We watch her blankly as she clutch onto her stomach, laughing like a mad person.

“Are you.. Okay?” I asked, poking her lightly.

“What? HAHAHAHAHA!” She continued laughing.

“Did I say something wrong?” Dongwoon asked.

“No, no. Sorry, sorry. Let’s go to the palace.” She laughed as she led the way.

We arrived at the mansion and were wowed by the beauty of it.

“Are you sure we can just walk into this place like this? Why are there no guards?” Kikwang asked, looking around.

Haneul was still giggling.

“Yah! Where are you going!? Don’t open the door like it is your house!” I yelled.

We watch blankly as Haneul opened the door to the mansion.

“Welcome home, Princes.” She gestured us in with a slight bow.

Haneul’s POV

They stared at me with dropped jaws.

“Yah! Do you really take yourselves as Princes!? Must I keep holding the door for you all!? And bring in your bags maybe?!” I teased them.

“Ah no no! Sorry sorry!” We hurriedly took out stuff in.

The mansion inside looked as grand as it is on the outside.

“What… Is..” Doojoon mumbled.

“The palace? The president’s home? HAHAHAHA!” I teased them.

“Welcome to the place you’re going to stay for the next three days!” I yelled.

“WHAT!?” They shouted.

I shook them dramatically out of their senses. I took them around the house, showing them their rooms as well as the other things they could do here.

“So erm.. You guys can explore here tonight, but now we have to go. So just choose your room and leave your stuff there?” I said.

They nodded. They were chattering among themselves, pointing and insisting on the rooms they wanted. In the end, Doojoon made the choice.

“Erm.. But.. Boys~” I called out.

“Yea?” They look at me.

“We have like.. eight rooms here and they are pretty similar. Why do all of you have to fight over one particular room?” I asked.

They smiled at me and laughed. And then I suddenly remember they enjoy sleeping together in one room, no matter how big or small the place is. Such things doesn’t change, don’t they?

“Ahhh. Okay, I remember. Aish, I should have just put you guys up in some normal hotel room.” I jokingly said.

“Actually you can.” Doojoon said.

“Shall we go then?” I asked.

“Really?” He looked pretty disappointed.

“Kidding! Hahaha~” I laughed.

“Erm… Then I’ll take that room.” I said, pointing to the one across theirs.

“No, Noona. You’re taking this room too.” Dongwoon said, pointing to theirs.

“WHAT!?” Junhyung and I yelled in unison.

“Ahh no. Actually I think, our room is too small for six people. Junnie hyung, sacrifice yourself.” Kikwang said, pushing Junhyung towards me.

 “Huh!? Why me!? I mean… Who says it’s too small!?” Junhyung protested.

“It is!” Yoseob said.

“I can sleep in the bathtub!” Junhyung said desperately.

“No. We need to shower!” Hyunseung said.

“There’s a lot of rooms, Junhyung ah~” I laughed at his desperate attempt.

“Oh Haneul, you don’t know? Junhyung doesn’t sleep alone. He is afraid.” Doojoon smiled.

I looked at Junhyung with raised brow.


I knew what they wanted to do, but I was pretty reluctant. Then again, seeing Junhyung so angry, I didn’t want to spoil their break.

“Junhyung ah, actually I’m not used to sleeping alone too. Let’s share a room. There are two beds.” I said.

He looked at me with a slight pout.

“It’s fine.” He mumbled.

“I’m serious.” I said, taking his bag from him.

The other boys were giggling among themselves but they shut up when Junhyung glared at them.

When everyone was finally done, we settled out.

“Junhyung has back problems, so you’ll sit in front okay.” Doojoon said, pushing Junhyung to the front seat.

I rolled my eyes at their attempt.

“Come on, sit wherever.” I said, getting into the driver’s seat.

“Where are we going!?” Yoseob asked.

“To see what you need to see when you’re in Kenya.” I said.

They were chattering among themselves throughout the drive, but Junhyung was quiet in front, only laughing occasionally. I couldn’t help but smile seeing them so happy.

“What are we doing here?” Dongwoon asked us we got out of the car.

“TO SEE THE ANIMALS OF COURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!”  I yelled.

I booked a trip for them to tour the nature reserve to see the animals live in action. It is not an everyday thing that they would get to see the animals so up close and in their most natural habitat.

“Are we going to walk through this place?” Yoseob asked. I could sense fear in his voice.

“Yea, don’t worry, the lions here don’t bite. They may cuddle with you a little but as long as you don’t react wildly, they wouldn’t touch you.” I .

I could sense the boys tense as they look at me blankly. I burst into laughter at their cuteness.

“OH THERE! A LION!” I pointed behind.

They literally jumped and ran to hide behind me.

“YAH! You guys are BEAST! But why have you become MOUSE now!?” I mocked them.

“Don’t kid us like that!!” Doojoon whined.

“Alright, alright. Yah! Of course I wouldn’t let you all walk through here like that! No one does actually! The car should be arriving soon.” I said.

I told them a few more stuff before the car arrives. The guide greeted them and ushered everyone into the car. I stopped Junhyung from coming up. He looked at me, surprised. So were the other boys.

“You’re walking behind us.” I said.

“Why?” He looks genuinely scared and sad.

“Remember, I said that if you annoy me, I’ll feed you to the lions? You’ve annoyed me more than once throughout this whole three weeks.” I said.

“But… I…” He looked down.

I wanted to pinch his cheeks and told him I was kidding, but I stopped myself.

“Haneul ah, please don’t.” Yoseob pleaded.

“In such tours, we always need a bait to lure the lions out. They usually have their own people but because I booked this tour last minute, they said we had to use one of our people. I recommended you, since you look the toughest among all. Besides, you’re the Poppin’ Dragon.” I said, trying to hold back my laughter.

And then there was an unexpected lion’s roar that shocked the hell out of all of us, especially Junhyung. He looked like he was on the verge of tears.

“I’m just kidding. Sorry, sorry.” I apologized.

I offered my hand to help him up the seat.

“How could you do this to me?” I heard him mumble as I pulled him up.

The other boys were laughing like crazy, including the driver and the guide.

“Did it scare you? Sorry. It scared me too. I thought a lion was going to appear and eat you up.” I poked him.

He looked down, ignoring me.

“Aww, sorry~” I tried to look cute.

I caught him smiling slightly.

“YOU SMILED! That means its okay!” I said.

“It’s not.” He mumbled.

The ride around the nature reserve was about three hours. I have been here many times so I wasn’t as wowed as they were. They looked like kids who have never been let out of their homes before, screaming and cheering to catch the animals’ attention, but when the animals turn over, they tried to hide themselves in fear that the animals would charge over and eat them up, perhaps.

I laughed at their random cuteness. I have taken a lot of people on this ride but none were as entertaining as this time. Watching them scare each other or most of the time, scare themselves, I never knew they could be so cute.

“Haneul ah! Tell him not to go so near to the lion!” Yoseob yelled in fear.

“It’s alright, Yoseobie~” I said.

“No no no!” He pleaded.

Before I could say anything, the lion roared, causing all of them to scream and hug each other. I burst into laughter and gestured the driver to drive further away. He was indeed too close. The last part of the ride, they were allowed to feed the giraffes with the food given. I watch them have so much fun, giggling and freaking out whenever the giraffe’s tongue touch their hand.

“Why aren’t you doing it?” Junhyung asked, offering me some food.

“I’ve done this countless times.” I said.

“Ouh~” He mumbled.

He suddenly turned back to me and grabbed my hand.

“Let’s feed Haneul to the giraffe!” He yelled.

“WHAT!? YAH!!!” I screamed as they pulled me close to the giraffe.

I know nothing would happen but the thought of having the giraffe’s tongue touch my skin is enough to gross me out.

“NO!!!!!” I pleaded.

They laughed and kept bullying me. They grabbed onto my hand and ‘offered’ it to the giraffe despite my pleadings. They seem to enjoy seeing me yell a lot. I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to witness the giraffe my hand. I felt a bigger palm grabbed my finger, covering me. I opened my eyes and saw Junhyung getting his hand . He looked at his hand disgustingly, the giraffe’s saliva dripping all over his hand.

“You were the one who dragged me forward. Why did you shield me in the end?” I asked as I washed his hands for him while the others continue to play.

“I was kidding, I didn’t know they would take it seriously. Besides, you know I would never let anything you don’t like happen to you.” He said, flicking a bit of water on me.

I ignored him because I thought it was an accident. Until he kept on flicking water onto me, I realized he was asking for war.

“Stop it, I’m warning you.” I said.

He stuck out his tongue and continued flicking water onto me.

“YAH!” I yelled as we splashed water onto each other.

“Alright alright! I lose!” He yelled when I approach him with a bottle of water.

“No~” I said.

“Please! Don’t!” He begged.

I wanted to just splash him with a bit of water but someone from behind pushed my hand. Junhyung stared behind me with his drenched body. I couldn’t help but laugh. I turn around and saw Yoseob, looking scared while trying to hold back his laughter.

“Come here.” Junhyung said.

“No!” Yoseob yelled as he ran.

I watch them run around like kindergarten children.

“We got to go. Aren’t you guys hungry? Shall we go for lunch?” I asked.

“YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!” They yelled.

I drove them back to the mansion to wash up before heading out for lunch.

“What do they serve here?” Dongwoon asked as we sat down.

“Something that you’ve been deprived of for the whole trip.” I said, handing them the menu.

They opened the menu and their eyes obviously brightened.

“MEAT!!!” They yelled.

“Shhh!!” I hushed them.

This restaurant serves all types of meat and since they were so deprived of it, I’m sure they would enjoy it.

“Order whatever you like. Pretend there isn’t any price on the menu.” I said.

Indeed, they ordered almost half of the menu. I watch in horror as they stuff themselves with food as thou they have not ate for three weeks. Even Junhyung was eating a lot.

“Did we starve you guys so badly?” I asked.

“No! It’s just really nice!” Dongwoon said, shoving a piece of meat into his mouth.

“You’re done eating? Did you even eat?” Doojoon asked.

“I ate. Hahaha~ You guys eat more. Is it enough?” I asked.

“Can we have ice cream?” Yoseob asked.

“Alright, alright.” I laughed.

After eating their fill, I took them down the streets to shop.

“You know something?” Doojoon said, appearing beside me suddenly.

“What?” I asked, looking at the stuff.

“Ever since we debut, we never had the chance to walk down the street like this. It isn’t meat we are deprived of. It’s this.” He said.

“What?” I looked up.

He gestured me to see the other boys play around on the street, jumping on each other and just behaving like really normal youths.

“Do you realize we are all without disguise?” He asked.

He was right. They were indeed without disguise. It was so obvious, but I never realized that. Why?

“The mansion is luxurious, but this is even more precious. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to feel normal again.” He said.

I felt emotional at his words. It suddenly dawn onto me how much they had to give up in exchange for the fame and recognition. While we wanted all the better stuff in life, all they wanted was something we all have but tend to neglect, the most underappreciated thing of all; freedom.

Junhyung’s POV

“Tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Dongwoon yelled the moment we entered the mansion.

He threw himself onto the sofa. Since his was sticking out, we took turns to slap him on his .

“Put down your stuff and go change into more casual clothes, then meet me outside.” Haneul said.

“What are we going to do?” I asked.

“You’ll see.” She smiled.

We looked at each other but did whatever she asked us to do. After we changed, we went outside. She was standing near the pool, dressed in a simple white tee and jeans shorts, her hair tied into a high bun with her bangs down. She still looks as cute as ever.

“Oh, you guys are here.” She smiled.

“Follow me.” She said, leading us to the back.

We froze when we saw six beds laid out, each with a woman standing beside it.

“What’s… this?” Hyunseung asked.

“Full body massage!?” Kikwang asked excitedly.

“You’re smart for once!” She laughed.

What? Full body massage? I don’t want it!

The others were so excited about it. They greeted the masseuse awkwardly before climbing onto the bed.

“Why are you still standing here?” Haneul asked me.

“I don’t want it.” I said.

“Why?” She asked.

“You know why I don’t want it.” I said.

How could she do this to me? How could she actually be comfortable with letting other woman touch me like this? Did she not have any feelings for me anymore?

“I don’t know why, honestly.” She said.

“I just don’t want it!” I shouted.

She looked shocked, so were the others.

“Sorry.” I mumbled.

“Well, I thought you would enjoy it since you have been complaining of aches.” She said, pouting slightly.

“I don’t like other woman to touch me.” I admitted.

She tried to force the smile that was creeping up onto her face.

“It’s not funny. I am serious.” I said.

“I don’t mind, really.” She said.

“But I do.” I said.

“Why don’t you just enjoy it?” She asked.

“Then why don’t you do it for me instead?” I asked.

“I…” She couldn’t speak.

“Nothing to say?” I asked.

“Fine, then what do you want me to do? I sincerely wanted you guys to enjoy.” She said.

“I’m fine without it.” I said.

“You’re making me feel bad.” She said.

“I didn’t mean to.” I mumbled.

She frowned at me.

“And you’re embarrassing the woman. She may think you are against her for whatever reasons.” She said.

“I’m not.” I said.

“And you’re also embarrassing me.” She said.

I looked down.

“The others are enjoying it too.” She said.

Why does she keep forcing me to do it? Does she really not feel uncomfortable?

“Alright fine! I’ll do it for you! But just for awhile!” She said.

“It’s fine.” I said.

“Get the hell down!” She pushed me onto the bed.

I was about to protest when she dug her knuckles into my back, causing me to yelp in pain. But her massages slowly became much gentler, calming my senses.

“I’ll let the person take over, alright? I have to do my stuff.” She said.

I nodded drowsily.

When I woke up again, I was still on the bed, but this time, covered with a towel. The other boys were all asleep, the masseuses were gone. Haneul was seated on one of the sofa chairs at the corner, wrapping stuff.

“What are you doing?” I mumbled.

She looked up at me.

“Oh, you’re awake. Was it comfortable?” She asked.

I nodded slightly.

“See, I told you. And to think you protested like mad.” She smiled.

“What are you doing?” I asked again.

“Just wrapping some sweets as gifts for the kids. Continue to sleep.” She said.

I nodded slightly and was off into dreamland really quickly.

We had a simple dinner because we were all full from lunch. After dinner, we watched a movie outside. We laid out cushions and blankets on the grass, making ourselves comfortable while Haneul went to turn on the projector.

“What movie?” She asked.

“Finding Nemo!” Yoseob yelled.

“What?” We groaned in boredom.

“Please please pweaseeeee!!” Yoseob tried to be cute.

“How about Howl’s Moving Castle? Or Spirited Away?” Haneul asked.

“Okay that sounds good too!” Yoseob said.

Didn’t she ask us what we wanted to watch? Why does it sound like only she and Yoseob were watching? Aren’t our opinions necessary?

“Then Spirited Away first!” She said happily.

Who could turn down that smile? Not me, at least.

We made space for her to join us in the middle. She was in the middle of Doojoon and I. Halfway through the movie, I felt a weight on my shoulder. I turned and saw Haneul asleep. She was tired indeed. She had to entertain the six of us for the whole day, driving us around and making sure we had fun.

“Shhh~” I said.

The boys looked at me and saw Haneul asleep. They shut up instantly. Haneul was still asleep even after the movie ended.

“What do we do?” Kikwang asked.

“Carry her up.” Hyunseung said, as a matter of fact.

“I can’t move.” I whispered.

“Let me.” Doojoon said.

He easily scooped her up into his arms. Her head fell limply onto his chest. She was that tired.

“I’ll carry her.” I said, gesturing him to hand her over to me.

He looked at me for awhile, before putting Haneul in my arms. I carried her upstairs and tucked her into bed while the other boys cleared up the mess downstairs. After I was done with her, I went down to help them because they would never get anything done on their own.

We greeted each other good night before heading back to the room.

“Sleep well, my sky.” I whispered as I covered the blanket over her.


PhotobucketInterior and exterior

PhotobucketOne of the room

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axxxamedusa #1
It 2022 and a lot of things happened to them. Things are not same anymore.
2014 Joon and Thunder left Mblaq
2015 Mblaq in hiatus
2016 Hyunseung left Beast
2016 Beast left Cube
2016 Beast founded Around Us
2017 Beast changed their name from Beast to Highlight
2019 Junhyung left Highlight
By 21/3/2022 Highlight released Daydream

P/s : this comment is for myself whenever I feel like reading this in the future
yangyoseob17 #2
Re reading this after several years. Never gonna get bored
4 years on AFF , but this story is one that i'd never forget.
frhanaeyong #4
Chapter 208: THIS IS THE FREAKING SWEETEST FANFIC I EVER READ :D if there is [BEST FANFIC] award , it would belongs to youuuu . Ohmygod i love you so muchhhhhhh
_swagjoker #5
amazing story that its a must to read again and again!! completed reading few years back and its still amazing!! definitely the best fic ive ever read
toto12 #6
long story but this is a good one ^^
ZI_CO98 #7
Chapter 208: Finally! I've read everything. It was ultimately satisfying. No regrets reading it for a long time even though I stopped at the very last chapters but I managed to finished it. I love everything in this story. The plot, the characters and so on. Their quirkiness and childishness always make me smiles and laughs most of the time. It makes my day at how ridiculous the characters are. However, it never fails to teach me the lessons of life and how important are the families including non-blood relation. It makes to appreciate yet enjoy the content as well. Yes, I agree with you that the ending was already perfect as it was. :D Despite the chapters are unbearably long, it was entertaining and well done. Love your story! ♥
_Crystal_ #9
Chapter 1: quite confused about the ending of the first chappie; did junnie start his "man" period or something??