Answer to the promise

I'm Different

Haneul’s POV

He suddenly grabbed my hands and bowed. I was too frozen to pull my hand back.

“Thank you.” He said.

My jaws dropped. Did he just thank me? For what?

He said a chain of words I didn’t understand. I looked at the local volunteer for translation.

“He said, he is really grateful to you for yelling at him that day. It kind of woke him up. His son fell really sick a few days ago and he did not know what to do. One of his people came here secretly to get medicine for his son and it saved him. He finally realizes what you said that day actually did make sense. He was unconsciously killing his own people because of his stubborn belief.” He explained.

I just smiled, not knowing what to say.

“He asked if you’re still upset with him for hurting your friend. He apologized and said he wasn’t in the right state of mind at that point of time.” He continued.

“Tell him it is fine. I’m glad he finally realizes thou.” I said, looking at Junhyung.

Junhyung nodded slightly at me.

“He said he have brought his entire village here for the check up and he also knows that you guys are leaving soon, so he would like to invite all of you to his village for a simple meal.” He said.

“Sure, no problem. Tell him I’ll personally do the test on him.” I said.

The village head turned to Junhyung and grabbed his hand. He apologized with a bow. Junhyung seemed taken aback, so he bowed as well, not knowing what else to do. We watch in amusement as the two of them kept bowing at each other, getting lower with each bow.

“Stop.” I laughed, grabbing Junhyung’s shirt.

“Huh.. But.. I..” He mumbled.

“Just tell him you forgive him or don’t forgive him or what. Stop bowing. Both of you are going to kiss the ground soon.” I said.

“Oh! I didn’t know.” He laughed awkwardly.

Since the whole village was here, the medical tent was suddenly exploding with people.

“How should we help?” Doojoon asked.

“Erm.. Kids tend to cry and make a lot of noise when getting injected because it’s painful, I know. Maybe you want to assign yourself to one of the medical staff just to try calm the kids down so we can do our job really easily?” I suggested.

“Sure. Why not?” He said.

“Yea, so get busy yea.” I smiled before walking off.

I turned around to see Junhyung following me.

“Why are you following me?” I asked.

“You said to assign ourselves to one of the medical staff. You’re one of them, so I decided to assign myself to you.” He said.

“I should have just assigned you guys damn it.” I mumbled.

“Yea, maybe you should. No choice now.” He grinned.

I handed him a pair of glove and got down to work.

Junhyung is trying, he really is, but the kids somehow wail louder despite the fact he was smiling at them. It was just so funny to see his shocked expression. He seemed even more terrified than the kids are.

“You sure you want to keep doing this?” I laughed.

“I do! I’m very friendly, alright! GRR!” He made a face at me.

“Right, very friendly. RAWRRR!” I .

He ended up letting the kids sit on his lap, he tried to distract them with whatever he could while I drew their blood. Some ended up yelling and hitting him, but he never once let them go. By the end of everything, I was tired, but Junhyung was drained, yet still smiling.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

He nodded robotically.

“Hahaha~ Why don’t you shower and get some rest? I think we’re almost done.” I said.

“Almost doesn’t mean done.” He said.

He took a gulp of water and jumped up.

“I’m good to go!” He yelled and started running around.

I laughed so hard him. He was tired, indeed.

When we were finally done, everyone was dead tired.

“Where’s Doojoon, Yoseob and Dongwoon?” I asked the remaining two.

“Playing soccer with the kids.” Kikwang pointed to the back.

“Why do they still have the energy to do that?” Junhyung mumbled.

“Actually, it is only Doojoon who has the energy. You know, the soccer ball is like his recharger. The other two were just dragged along.” Hyunseung explained.

“I can tell.” I laughed.


On our last night here, we headed over to the village. The villagers prepared a spread for us. Food was precious, but they were so generous with us it made us feel a little embarrassed. They performed their traditional tribal dances and made us join them. I watch Beast teach the kids how to break dance. It was simply amusing.

“Aigoo tired!” Junhyung crashed his sweaty body against mine.

“Hahahaha~ Old man.” I .

We were laughing at the others and chatting when the village head headed towards us. He said something like thank you for coming and then handed me a jug of something. He gestured me to drink it. I took the jug from him and smelt it but did not drink. It was alcohol, really, really strong alcohol not anyone could take, at least I know not me.

I pretended to take a sip and then handed it back to him.

He blabbered something to Junhyung. I couldn’t make it out, but luckily for us there was a local nearby.

“He asks you to treasure your girlfriend. She may be very fierce but there aren’t many good girls like her out there.” He translated.

My jaws dropped while Junhyung’s lips curled into a really wide smile.

“We’re not..” I mumbled.

“I will, I will!” Junhyung smiled, his voice covering mine.

The village head shoved the jug to Junhyung.

“Drink!” He said.

“Don’t.” I hissed.

“It’s alright.” Junhyung smiled.

“I am serious. Don’t.” I pinched his arm.

“Owww.. It’s okay.” He said.

“Drink!” The village head urged again.

“Okay okay!” Junhyung took the jug to his mouth.

“No!” I hissed, slapping his thigh, but he still poured the alcohol into his mouth.

“FINISH!” The village head cheered, pushing the jug up, not allowing Junhyung to put it down.

“NO NO NO!!!” I tried to stop him, but I was too late. Junhyung had already gulped down the whole jug.

“GOOD!” The village head clapped.

“Yea, good for you.” I mumbled.

Junhyung’s cheeks were tomato red. He was already starting to get drunk judging from the stupid smile plastered to his face and the fact he kept bumping into me. The village head took Junhyung’s hands into his and said something I couldn’t understand. Junhyung smiled and nodded dumbly.

After he left, Junhyung turned to me and grinned.

“I TOLD YOU NOT TO DRINK!!” I scolded.

He grinned.

“STOP GRINNING!!!” I yelled.

He still grinned.

“Yong Junhyung!” I shook him.

“Yes?” He grinned.

“Listen to me. I’m going to get you water, so you sit here and wait for me to come back. You are not allowed to go anywhere, do you hear me?” I said.

“I hear you.” He grinned.

“Do you understand me?” I asked.

“Yes.” He said.

“Sit down here and DON’T move. Not even an inch, get it!?” I said.

“Yes.” He smiled.

“STOP SMILING!” I yelled.

His smile disappeared but came back three seconds later.

“Oh gosh. Just sit here!” I laughed.

As I stood up, I turned back and saw him standing up too.

“What did I say!?” I yelled.

“Sit.” He said.


“Sorry.” He mumbled, sitting down.

“Sit and don’t move. If I come back and don’t find you here, I’ll smack you like this.” I smacked his arm.

“Ouch. Yes.” He said.

I went off to get him water and a cold towel to wipe his face. When I came back, I cursed myself for actually thinking he would sit still and not move. He was gone!

“Ughhh Yong Junhyung. When I find you, you’ll be buried six feet under.” I mumbled under my breath.

I looked around the sea of people for him. I felt as thou I was searching for my three year old son instead of a twenty three year old. That was how terrible it was.

“Where the hell are you, YONG JUNHYUNG!!!!!!!” I yelled, ruffling my hair in anger.

I felt someone breathe into my ear, causing me to feel so uncomfortable.

“I’m the.. Owwww…..” I elbowed whoever who was behind me in his rib as a natural reflex.

I turned around and saw Junhyung bending over, pouting at me.

“Joker…” He mumbled.

“What the hell are you doing behind my back!? I thought I told you to sit still!?” I scolded.

“But…. I’m the Joker.” He pouted.

“I DON’T CARE!” I yelled, yanking him to sit down.

I made him drink the water and linked arms with him to prevent him from running around.

“I’m the Joker.” He whispered into my ear suddenly.

“UGHHH DON’T DO THAT!!!” I yelled in frustration.

He made my hair stand with all his whispering.

He left me alone, but he turned to disturb those around us. He kept whispering ‘I’m the Joker’ to whoever who sits down beside him or walks pass us.

“Keep quiet!” I covered his mouth.

We were receiving weird looks from everyone. They were giggling at him being so drunk.

“I’m the Joker.” He whispered into my ear again.

“Do that again.” I showed him my fist.

His eyes widened and he moved back.

“I’m not scared!” He said when he knew he was at a safe distance.

“Really?” I asked, going closer.

“Okay, I’m scared.” He said, trying to look cute, and indeed, he did look cute, with those red cheeks and all.

“Ughh tired!” Doojoon said, sitting beside me.

Junhyung crept to the back and tapped on Doojoon’s shoulder.

“I’m the Joker.” He whispered into Doojoon’s face when Doojoon turned over.

The poor leader almost fell off his seat because of the shock.

“WHAT THE HELL!?” He yelled.

I laughed while pulling him to sit properly. Junhyung just went back to sit down as thou nothing happened.

“Is he drunk!?” Doojoon asked me.

“Definitely.” I said.

“I’m the Joker.” Junhyung suddenly yelled, startling Doojoon and I as well as everyone else around.

“Oh my god, shut it!” Doojoon scolded, covering his mouth.

“You don’t cover the Joker’s mouth like this.” JUnhyung glared at Doojoon as he said through Doojoon’s hand.

“I think I’m gonna have to bring him back.” I said.

“I think you should.” Doojoon said.

“Here, I’ll take the smaller car, you guys take the other one. It’s gonna be a little cramp for you all but I think it’s better than having a drunkard in the car.” I said.

“That’s absolutely true.” He laughed.

“Junhyung! Let’s go!” I yelled.

“Junhyung!?” I shouted, looking around.

“He was here a minute ago.” Doojoon mumbled looking around.

“There!” I pointed.

“Oh my god, this embarrassing thing!” Doojoon frowned.

Junhyung was going around, tapping people on their shoulder and whispering ‘I’m the Joker’ into their faces. Some were shocked, some laughed, some almost punched him but Junhyung just walked away.

“I’m the… MMMM!!” I covered his mouth before he could finish.

“I’m so sorry.” I apologized to his next victim.

“Come!” I grabbed his arm and shoved him into the car.

“I’m the Joker.” He whispered.

I ignored him while helping him with the seat belt.

“I’m the Joker.” He kept saying on the way back.

I was pissed at first, but the more he said it, the more I found it funny. Wasn’t he tired of whispering to himself?

“Enough!” I laughed, slapping his thigh.

“I’m the Joker.” He whispered, giggling as well.

“You’re Yong Junhyung!” I said.

“No! Who’s that!? I’m the Joker!” He laughed.

“Yea yea whatever.” I shook my head.

“I’m not whatever! I am the Joker!” He yelled.

“Alright alright. Joker sshi, would you keep quiet?” I asked.

“No! How can you ask the Joker to stop talking?” He said.

“What a talkative Joker.” I mumbled.

“I HEARD THAT! Because… I am the Joker.” He whispered the last sentence into my ear.

When we finally got back to the mission center, he couldn’t even stand properly. There were not much people around as almost everyone was there at the village. I helped him to their hut and let him lean against the wall.

“Hold yourself up while I put the mattress down for you.” I said.

He nodded tiredly.

“I’m going to let go now. Don’t fall.” I said.

“The Joker never falls!” He yelled.

I let go of him and the moment I turned my back, I heard a loud thud. I turned around and saw him face down on the floor, whining.

“ARE YOU OKAY!?” I tried to stop myself from laughing as I helped him up.

“Owwww…” He whined.

There was a cut in the middle of his forehead.

“I thought you said the Joker never falls!?” I pulled him to the mattress, letting him lie down.

“Something went wrong!” He whined like a child.

I laughed at how cute he actually was.

“Funny!?” He frowned.

“No no. Not at all.” I said.

I cleaned his wound and put a plaster on for him.

“Is your nose okay?” I asked, poking his nose slightly.

“It’s real, right?” I .

“OF COURSE!!!” He pinched his nose to prove to me it is real.

“Alright alright! Stop it!” I laughed, pulling his hand away.

“Sleep already.” I let him hug both the Duckies.

“The Joker never sleeps.” He said.

“Really?” I laughed. All that was left of his eyes were a thin line.

“Of course!” He widened his eyes.

“Sleep!” I flicked his forehead, but suddenly remembered his cut.

“Owwwwwww!!” He cried.

“Ahh sorry sorry hahaha~” I caressed his wound slightly.

“Just look at what the alcohol did to you. So called Joker.” I mumbled.

“What do you mean by so called!? I am the Joker! No one else! It’s ME!” He slapped his chest but whined at the impact.

“See! Stupid Joker!” I rubbed his chest.

He pouted and looked away.

“Sleep…” I pat his arm lightly.

He kept shaking his head. I did not stop him from doing it thou. The more he shook his head, the dizzier he would get. Plus the alcohol, he would be out in no time. True enough, he knocked himself out.

“Sleep well.” I said, covering the blanket properly over him.

I didn’t feel good about leaving him all alone here. We were considered in the wild despite all the facilities. What if a lion come and take him away? Exaggerating, but my point was I didn’t want to leave him alone here. I sat beside him, watching him sleep until the others came back.


The next morning, everyone felt pretty energized, except for one person who slumped onto the table the moment he sat down.

“Serves you right.” I said.

“What a thing to say.” Junhyung frowned.

I handed him a cup of water and two tablets.

“What’s this?” He asked.

“Nothing that would harm you.” I said.

“Hi Joker.” The others greeted as they came.

Junhyung almost spit out his water while the rest of Beast and I burst into laughter.

“Are you Junhyung or the Joker now?” I asked.

“Junhyung?” Junhyung said, looking at me weirdly.

“HE’S BACK!” I yelled, pointing at Junhyung.

“What?” He asked.

“You don’t remember what happened last night?” Kikwang asked.

Junhyung shook his head.

“You went around whispering ‘I’m the Joker’ into everyone’s face.” One of the volunteers said.

“I did what!?” Junhyung’s eyes widened.

“Don’t make us repeat embarrassing stuff.” Doojoon laughed, putting food on Junhyung’s plate.

After breakfast, we finished up whatever we had to do. The Beast boys were just playing around with the kids.

“Woah Haneul!!! Are you crazy!? Trying to carry three boxes on your own!?” Kikwang yelled, running towards me.

I couldn’t see him because of the boxes blocking me, but my view was cleared really quickly when they took all the boxes I was holding.

“Where to?” Yoseob asked.

“Just to the center. It’s for the kids.” I said.

“What’s all these?” Dongwoon asked.

“Just some gifts for the kids. Give them out, would you?” I asked.

“Sure!” They yelled in unison.

I went to settle other stuff while they gave out the gifts. I could see them from where I was. The boys were really popular with the kids, even Junhyung, with that face of his. No, actually he was smiling really widely.

“Let’s take a group photo!” The local in-charged said.

We gathered for a photo before breaking up again to say goodbyes.

“Come back soon, and bring these marvelous people with you.” The local in-charge said to me.

“I’ll come so often you’ll start to say ‘Skye! Stay in Korea, or go somewhere else! Send new people!’” I .

“It’ll never happen!!!” He laughed, giving me a tight hug.

A bunch of kids rushed to Beast.

“They said thank you for building their school.” One of the local translated what the kids say.

“Tell them the biggest thank you to us is to study hard.” Hyunseung said.

“He asked if you’re a professional footballer. He asked if you could be his coach.” The local translated to Doojoon.

Doojoon smiled so widely upon hearing ‘professional footballer’ and ‘coach’.

“Tell him I’ll be back to give him boot camp type of training! Ask him to toughen up himself!” Doojoon said.

The boy and Doojoon exchanged hugs.

“Smile! You’re more handsome that way!” One of the girl told Junhyung.

Junhyung looked at me, confused.

“She said you’re ugly.” I lied to him.

His smile was so awkward it was almost cute. He looked as thou he would burst into tears.

“Erm….” He bit his lower lip, thinking of a response, I supposed.

“JUST KIDDING!” I laughed.

The other locals who heard me were laughing hard as well. Junhyung’s expression was simply priceless.

“She asked you to smile more because you’ll look more handsome that way.” I said.

“OH!” He giggled.

“Handsome!” The girl said, giving him a peck on his cheek.

Junhyung blushed instantly. The other boys went wild, all wanting a kiss from the girl. The girl doesn’t know how lucky she actually is.

After a series of hugs and kisses, it was really time to say goodbye.

“I’ll see you guys soon.” I said, trying to hold back my tears.

I know we would be back soon, but the cringe in my heart did not seem to go away.

Dongwoon and Yoseob were already a crying mess when we got into the car. Everyone else was just silent and looking away, to hide their tears I supposed. Even Junhyung.

“Guys, thank you very much.” I said.

“It’s nothing, Haneul ah. We’ll be glad to join you in future. You must never leave us out!” Yoseob said.

When we arrived at the airport, there were still a few hours before check in.

“Let’s do this. We have about three and a half hours till the flight. We’ll split up, walk around, eat something, whatever, and then meet at the gate half an hour before takeoff to go in together. Is it okay?” I asked.

They agreed and we split up. I was about to walk off with Beast when someone called me.

“Skye, can we talk?” That idiot said.

“Go ahead guys, I’ll come soon.” I said to Beast.

“No, we’ll wait for you.” Junhyung said.

I smiled slightly and went towards him.

“Yea?” I asked, trying to show him how unwilling I was to talk to him.

“Don’t you find yourself a little unfair?” He asked.

“What?” I asked.

“I knew what you did. You took the celebrity group on some sort of luxury tour.” He said.

“Firstly, they are called Beast, not celebrity group. And yes, I took them on a luxury tour. So? It’s not like you guys didn’t know about it.” I said.

“Ya, but how could you do this?” He said.

“Why not!? I paid for it. I did not use the organization’s money. So, why not?” I said.

“So what if you paid for it? Money is not everything.” He said.

“Come on, make your point. You’re wasting my time.” I said.

“My point is, how could you be so unfair? You never did such things in the past, and now, just because they are celebrities you’re doing this. When I asked for my group to be let on a break, you refused. So why are you doing this now? Seeking attention or something?” He said.

“Hey, be reasonable here. I did ask for opinions. Everyone agreed to this, except you perhaps. You didn’t even give me an answer. But then again, why should I care when you don’t? And, I said, I paid for this. I remember telling you clearly the other time if you want to bring your group anywhere, by all means, so as long as you pay it on your own!” I said.

“How do I know if you paid it or not? Who knows what you did behind our backs, you know.” He sneered.

“What is your problem!? Are you jealous or something!?” I yelled, feeling extremely frustrated already.

“Watch your words, little girl. Don’t think just because you have Jace behind you, you can be so rude.” He warned.

“Rude!? Me!? Really!? Who the is the rude one here!? Who is the one picking on me for no reason whatsoever!? It’s you, damn it!” I yelled.

He glared hard at me.

Junhyung’s POV

We were trying hard not to eavesdrop but it was pretty difficult as it got louder. As we watch them argue, we had out fists clenched, at least, I did. How dare he make my Haneul so angry!

“Just tell me what do you want from me!? Why are you always against me!? What have I done to you!?” Haneul shouted.

“I just hate the fact you pulled strings to be in this position.” He said.

“So it’s about the position!? TAKE IT! I DON’T WANT IT FROM THE START!” Haneul yelled.

“What do you think I am!? A beggar!? Giving me stuff you don’t want!?” The idiot shouted back.

“Then what do you want me to do!? Should I quit!?” Haneul shouted.

I had the urge to go forward and punch the hell out of that . How dare he, seriously. He smirked at Haneul. Haneul had tears rolling down her cheeks. That’s it. I cannot be bothered about reputation anymore.

“Go Junnie! Punch that ! Damn it!” Yoseob pushed me forward.

“Of course I am going.” I said.

I charged towards them and yanked Haneul into my embrace. She sank into my arms, sobbing hard.

“Don’t interfere.” He warned me.

“I want to.” I said.

“Ha! Your tricks work.” That idiot said to Haneul, poking her back.

I smacked his hand away.

“Watch your words, and never touch her with your filthy hands.” I warned him.

“Don’t be an idiot to fall for this witch’s tricks. But ahh, you’re just those typical dumb guys.” He smirked at me.

“I may be dumb, but I’ll never make a girl cry, especially in public, unlike you.” I said.

“Tsk tsk tsk~ You have fallen too deep.” He said.

“Don’t you find yourself really childish? Ah no. I forgot. How could you know, it’s not like you wear a mirror around your neck as you walk. And even if you did, you wouldn’t be able to see. Too blind.” I smiled.

“What?” He hissed.

“Too blind. You.” I poked his chest.

“Just because you’re a celebrity, don’t think I wouldn’t dare to hit you.” He said.

“You wouldn’t dare to hit me, not because I am a celebrity, but simply because.. You.. just don’t have the guts to.” I smiled.

“I dare you to say that again!” He yelled.

“You. Have. No. Guts.” I repeated each word clearly.

He raised his fist to punch me but I caught him and gave him a punch instead.

“This is for making her cry. Do you know how precious she is to me? How dare you make her cry?” I said.

Before he could respond, I punched him on the other side.

“This is for insulting her. How dare you insult her when you’re not even half as good as she is? What did you say? She pulled strings to gain her position today? Well if what you said is true, at least she pulled them well. I believe even if I were to give you the strings and an instruction manual, you still wouldn’t be able to pull it right.” I said.

He was fuming with anger, I could tell.

“And lastly, don’t you feel ashamed? Not even the slightest bit? Seriously? Any guy who sees this scene would be so tempted to punch the hell out of you. How could you still smirk and watch her cry? How could you? Or perhaps, you’re not a …” I looked at his crotch.

“WHAT DID YOU SAY!?” He yelled.

He was about to hit me when a figure appeared in front of me.

“Hit my Hyung, and you’ll never make it back to Korea.” Kikwang threatened.

In times like this, he is really useful.

“Instead of trying to argue and fight back uselessly, why not look back at your own actions and see if you really deserve those punches from my Hyung. If you don’t have a mirror, tell me, I’ll custom make one for you large enough to see properly.” Kikwang continued.

He gestured me to leave with Haneul.

“And lastly, ing grow some balls. Making a girl cry in the public, seriously?” Kikwang said before heading back.

“Stop crying. It’s alright, I’m here.” I hugged Haneul tight.

She cried even harder.

“Aigoo.. You’re making me feel like crying too.” I said, caressing her back.

I looked at the others for help. I let Haneul sit down while we discuss what to do. Some people who did not see the whole scene were giving us disgusted looks, thinking we were the ones who made her cry.

Haneul’s POV

“Haneul. Look up. Look at me.” Junhyung said, tapping my arm lightly.

I shook my head. I must look like crap now. How could I let myself break down like that in public!?

“Please.” He pleaded.

I bit my lower lip and looked up.

“Watch.” Doojoon said.

“It’s only for you.” Hyunseung said.

I forgot how to breathe when they started dancing and singing to 2NE1’s I Am The Best, but they changed it to You are the best.

“Oh my god!” I covered my mouth, not knowing how to react.

People around were giggling and snapping photos. Who wouldn’t feel fascinated by this? Six guys singing and dancing without music accompany out of a sudden in the middle of the airport.

“Oh gosh. Enough.” I laughed.

“OH OH! SHE LAUGHED SHE LAUGHED!” Dongwoon cheered.

“Feeling better?” Junhyung asked.

“Thank you so much.” I smiled, looking down.

“Anything for this precious smile.” He said, poking my cheek.

People around were clapping for them. They were embarrassed too, I could tell.

“Let’s go.” Doojoon whispered, looking down.

We quickly left the crowd.

“Ignore him, okay?” Junhyung said.

I nodded.

“Thanks for just now.” I said.

“Don’t say thank you. I’ll do it no matter what.” He said.

 As we walked, he suddenly stopped me.

“Yea?” I asked.

“We are almost leaving Kenya. Do you… still remember.. the promise?” He asked.

It’s not like I did not have an answer. I just… I don’t know how to tell him. I’m still unsure.

“We’re still in Kenya, technically.” I crapped.

“Ouh. Alright.” He mumbled.

I was expecting him to argue, but he didn’t. That’s rare.

Junhyung’s POV

On the plane, Haneul and I sat next to each other, not by choice thou. She put on her earphones even before I could speak to her. She was avoiding me, I could tell.

“Haneul.” I poked her arm.

“Yea?” She said, looking at me.

“Answer.” I asked for it again.

“What answer?” She asked.

“Answer to the promise.” I said.

“We’re still in Kenya.” She said.

“Please. Even if it’s rejection, please just let me know.” I was practically begging.

“We’re still in Kenya.” She repeated, looking out.

I kept my eyes on the screen in front of me while everyone was asleep. I watch the route the plane was flying and when we were almost out of Kenya, I shook Haneul.

“What what!?” She looked at me frustrated.

“We’re almost out of Kenya. Please tell me.” I begged.

She rubbed her face and sighed. She shifted her body to face me.

“If I said no, would you still continue doing what you planned to do?” She asked.

“What?” I asked.

She repeated herself.

“Yea.. Yes.” I said.

“Since you didn’t care about my answer in the first place, why did you make me promise you that?” She asked.

“Huh?” She was confusing me.

“I’ve given my answer already. Stop bugging me now.” She said, turning her back to face me.

“Haneul~ Haneul~~” I called out but she ignored me.

What did she mean!? Which part of what she said seemed like an answer!? She knows I am not that smart, why must she always play around with her words this way? No matter how hard I thought about it, I couldn’t seem to decipher the meaning behind her so called answer.


PhotobucketDrunk Junhyung

PhotobucketThis is what Haneul is doing with Junhyung: TEASING~
Simply because he is very fun and cute to tease hahahaha XP

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i will be posting something soon, so look out ^^


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axxxamedusa #1
It 2022 and a lot of things happened to them. Things are not same anymore.
2014 Joon and Thunder left Mblaq
2015 Mblaq in hiatus
2016 Hyunseung left Beast
2016 Beast left Cube
2016 Beast founded Around Us
2017 Beast changed their name from Beast to Highlight
2019 Junhyung left Highlight
By 21/3/2022 Highlight released Daydream

P/s : this comment is for myself whenever I feel like reading this in the future
yangyoseob17 #2
Re reading this after several years. Never gonna get bored
4 years on AFF , but this story is one that i'd never forget.
frhanaeyong #4
Chapter 208: THIS IS THE FREAKING SWEETEST FANFIC I EVER READ :D if there is [BEST FANFIC] award , it would belongs to youuuu . Ohmygod i love you so muchhhhhhh
_swagjoker #5
amazing story that its a must to read again and again!! completed reading few years back and its still amazing!! definitely the best fic ive ever read
toto12 #6
long story but this is a good one ^^
ZI_CO98 #7
Chapter 208: Finally! I've read everything. It was ultimately satisfying. No regrets reading it for a long time even though I stopped at the very last chapters but I managed to finished it. I love everything in this story. The plot, the characters and so on. Their quirkiness and childishness always make me smiles and laughs most of the time. It makes my day at how ridiculous the characters are. However, it never fails to teach me the lessons of life and how important are the families including non-blood relation. It makes to appreciate yet enjoy the content as well. Yes, I agree with you that the ending was already perfect as it was. :D Despite the chapters are unbearably long, it was entertaining and well done. Love your story! ♥
_Crystal_ #9
Chapter 1: quite confused about the ending of the first chappie; did junnie start his "man" period or something??