
I'm Different

Haneul’s POV

Junhyung was discharged from the hospital shortly. His wound still hurt him at times and he still could not do strenuous activities or laugh too heartily or speak quickly without feeling like an asthma patient, but at least he could finish some of his sentences in one breath now.

Beast shifted to a new dorm after that stalking incident. They were much more careful now, giving the passcode to a few people only. The address of their new dorm was kept a secret too. But despite the address being kept a secret, some fans managed to find it out, but they were sensible enough to keep it to themselves. They too did not want another incident like that to happen.

The story went out to the public but their company did a good job in hiding the fact about his period and a few other points. Whenever fans see Junhyung, they would be cautious not to crowd around him or run into him so as to make sure not to hurt him and perhaps, give him more air to breathe or something.

He still feels apologetic towards the members and could not stop apologizing to the point Doojoon threatened him with Coke, saying that if he apologizes one more time, he would flush his Coke down the toilet bowl right in front of his eyes. That made Junhyung gasped, scaring Doojoon at the same time. He almost sent him back to the hospital.

“Well, it’s not that bad you know, hyung. It’s bigger here.” Yoseob said as he sprawled out on the floor.

“Fine. Alright. Don’t lie on the floor like that. It’s dirty.” Junhyung said, kicking Yoseob lightly.

“Don’t do that, Junroro.” I said, dragging Junhyung away.

We went into the room he shared with Kikwang. Junhyung conveniently slammed the door close after he walked in.

“AH!” We heard someone yell outside.

Junhyung quickly opened the door. Kikwang stood outside, in shock.

“Hyung! Why did you do that!? My nose almost got caught in between the door!” Kikwang complained.

Doojoon, as usual, rushed over after hearing the yelp.

“What happened? What happened? Who got hurt this time?” He asked worriedly.

“Junnie hyung slammed the door into my face!” Kikwang pouted.

“I didn’t mean it. And, who told you to follow behind me like that?” Junhyung said.

“It’s my room too you know, hyung!” Kikwang said.

“Ya, but still, that doesn’t give you excuse to be lurking behind me like that.” Junhyung argued.

“I wanted to go in too!” Kikwang explained.

“Why do you want to be in the room when Haneul and I are present? There are enough lights here.” Junhyung said.

“I can’t even be in my own room!?” Kikwang pouted.

“You can, of course. But only when it’s dark.” Junhyung said.

“What do you mean when it’s dark!?” Kikwang argued back.

“That means when Haneul is not around.” Junhyung explained.

“WHY!?” Kikwang yelled.

“Because I said so. Now if you would please move your feet before I close the door and accidently slam into your foot.” Junhyung said, shooing Kikwang’s foot away.

“Stop it, guys. Isn’t it embarrassing huh? Arguing in front of Haneul like that?” Doojoon said.

“Give them some space, Kikwang. Come to my room.” Doojoon said, trying to pull him away.

But Kikwang stood his ground like a piece of muscular block.

“Are you not going to move your foot!?” Junhyung yelled.

“Don’t make him yell. He is still healing.” Doojoon said, still trying to pull Kikwang.

Kikwang stood still, pouting like a child. Junhyung wasn’t giving in too.

“Haneul ah, can you stop giggling over there and come help either pull Junhyung away or something!?” Doojoon burst at me.

Kikwang and Junhyung turned to look at me, confused as to why I was giggling.

“Don’t you guys realize it?” I asked.

“Realize what? Junnie hyung bullying me? Yes, of course! Everyone can see it!” Kikwang pouted.

“Although, yes, that’s true. But no, not that.” I said.

“Then what?” Doojoon asked.

The other boys were all strolling over in their direction, I suppose curious as to what the commotion is about.

“Didn’t you guys realize that Junhyung did not choke on his own breath or cough or stop to even take a breath when he argued with Kikwang?” I said.

They looked at me, and then at Junhyung.

“Really?” Yoseob asked.

“Yea.” I nodded, smiling at them.

“Hyung, do you feel okay? I mean, does anything hurt?” Dongwoon asked Junhyung.

Junhyung shook his head.

“Wah hyung! That’s good to hear!!” Dongwoon said, jumping up and down excitedly.

“I’m so glad, Junhyung ah~” Hyunseung ruffled Junhyung’s hair.

“I did not realize it until Haneul said. Come to think of it, wow, it’s been really long since I heard you blabber so much. I miss it.” Doojoon pat Junhyung on his back.

“Ha.. Hee~” Junhyung chuckled, blushing cutely at the same time.

“I’m really happy for you hyung.” Kikwang mumbled.

“BUT THAT STILL DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHTS TO KICK ME OUT OF THE ROOM! NO ONE LOVES ME!” Kikwang yelled suddenly, startling everyone, including me.

“We love you, Kikwang ah!” Doojoon tried to comfort him.

“No! Move away!” Kikwang pushed his way through them.

“Where are you going!?” Hyunseung yelled.

“TO EAT WORMS!!” Kikwang yelled back.

“What?” They looked at each other, confused.

“Oh . I once told him that there are such things called happy worms. If you eat them when you’re unhappy, you’ll feel better. Did he…” Dongwoon mumbled, looking at us.

“AISH! WHY DID YOU COME UP WITH SOMETHING LIKE THAT!?” Doojoon smacked Dongwoon on his head.

“Sorry.” Dongwoon pouted.

Dongwoon, Yoseob and Hyunseung went after him, most probably afraid that he would really go dig out some worms from the grass patch downstairs.

“DOOJOON HYUNG!!!!!” Yoseob shouted from outside.

“Junhyung~” Doojoon looked at him.

“DOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” Yoseob shouted again.

“I’ll make it up to him tonight.” Junhyung said.

“You better. Now, I’ll leave you guys alone.” Doojoon smiled.

“COMING!! COMING!! STOP YELLING!” Doojoon shouted as he stomped out.

Junhyung turned to me, smiling as he closed the door behind him.

“Trust Dongwoon to come up with something like that. Happy worms?” He giggled.

“Trust you to bully him like that.” I said.

He shrugged his shoulders, sitting down on the chair with his legs crossed, looking at me.

“What?” I asked.

“You’re beautiful.” He said.

I looked down.

“No.” I said, smiling.

“Why not?” He asked, sitting beside me.

“Because.” I said.

“You’re beautiful, and that’s it.” He said, pushing me gently onto the bed.

He leaned down but was careful not to put his weight on me.

We stared at each other in the eyes, not saying anything. He cupped one side of my cheek, caressing my cheek with the pad of his thumb.

“Thank you.” He said.

“For what?” I asked.

“For being so patient, for being so caring, for listening and comforting, for just, being you.” He smiled.

“I love you.” He said, tracing my lips with his finger.

I tried to bite his finger but he moved away quick enough. He found it amusing, so he kept doing it as thou I was some puppy.

“Yah~ Do you take me for some puppy?” I frowned but wasn’t actually angry.

“Lionny, you really don’t get it, don’t you? You’re not a puppy. You’re a mix breed of a lion and a rabbit. You know? Rawr rawr!! and… how does a rabbit sound? Never mind.” He said, sticking out his two front teeth.

“Wike twis. Wabbit.” He said.

I squashed his cheeks, laughing at his attempt. I pushed him onto the other side, pinning him down on his shoulders as I sat on his stomach, but supported some of my weight with my knees so as not to flatten him.

“Woah~” He said.

“What?” I asked.

“This is… a fierce posture.” He said.

“Do you think you’re the only one capable of pinning people down?” I asked.

“Of course not. I’ll gladly let you tie me up.” He smiled.

“Where are the ropes?” I looked around.

“Aye no no~ Don’t do that.” He pulled me closer to him.

“Be careful of your wound.” I said, not allowing him to pull me down closer.

“With you so close to me, my wound would not hurt.” He said, pulling me to lean against his chest anyway.

I could feel his breath become heavier because of my weight, but he did not say anything, neither did he allow me to move away.

“I miss having you so close to me.” He said, playing with my hair.

“Me too.” I lean my ear against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

We stayed in that position for quite awhile, until he started coughing. I quickly got up, patting his chest lightly.

“Are you alright? Does anywhere hurt?” I asked worriedly.

“No no.” He calmed himself.

“I’m sorry.” I said.

“No, it wasn’t you.” He said.

“Then? I was lying on you. I shouldn’t have, not in your condition.” I said.

“Really, Lionny. It’s my own fault. I was playing with my saliva.” He giggled at the last sentence.

“You were what?” I asked.

“I was playing with my saliva, and then I choked.” He said, embarrassed.

“How old are you to be playing with saliva?!” I asked.

“Thwee?” He showed three fingers.

“Right, right.” I pat his head.

He lied down on my lap, whispering to my belly.

“You look insane, you know?” I said, touching his ear.

“What? I can’t talk to my child?” He asked.

“Bad mummy.” He whispered.

“Yah! How can you say that about me?” I smacked his arm.

“Aigoo. Violent mummy.” He whispered.

I twisted his ear and he yelped in pain.

After he had his daily ‘talk’ with his child, he sat up, looking at me.

“What do you want?” I asked.

He pouted his lips.

“Hmm?” I looked at him.

He leaned forward, close but not close enough for our lips to touch. I tried to back away but he kept leaning forward.

“Kiss.” He said.

I peck him on his lips.

“No, not like that.” He said.

“Then? No. The doctor said we can’t do that yet.” I said.

The doctor told us in private no or strong kisses, leaving us so embarrassed.

“The doctor is just jealous.” He said.

“No. You don’t want to be in the hospital again, do you?” I asked.

He pouted, looking down.

“It’s for your own good.” I said, poking his arm.

“I don’t care about my own good.” He said, venting out his anger on the blanket.

“But I care. And, he or she cares.” I said, taking his hand, putting it on my belly.

He glanced over, and then looked up at me.

“I’m having a headache.” He said.

“Headache?” I asked, feeling his forehead for a fever.

The doctor said it would be normal since he is still healing, but the thought of him being sick just scares me.

“I don’t think you have a fever. Lie down, I’ll massage you.” I said, gesturing him to lie down.

“No.” He said.

“Why? Don’t be stubborn. Come on.” I said.

“There’s another way to cure a headache.” He said.

“What mmpfff…” He pushed me down, kissing me on my lips.

He slid his tongue into my mouth, our tongues twirling against each other’s, tasting each other’s saliva once again. It felt good, honestly. It’s been long. All these while it has just been pecks on the lips or cheek or forehead.

I could still the bitterness of his medicine in his mouth. No wonder he always cringes after taking those medicine. Some of his medications are in syrup form, for some reason, and just by smelling it, I could already imagine the taste in my mouth. Disgusting.

We cupped each other’s cheeks, kissing gently with our eyes closed. It was so comfortable I think I would fall asleep, but I doubt he would allow that to happen. He did not pull away for air, perhaps afraid I would not allow him to do it again if he pulls away. I tugged onto his shirt, trying to get him to pull away. He did after awhile. We were both panting heavily.

“See… I.. told you.. It’s fine. The doctor was just.. jealous.” He said.

“Whatever.” I wiped my saliva off the corner of his lips.

He smiled, leaning in to kiss me on my cheek.

We lied down on the bed side by side, holding hands, staring up at the ceiling.

“What do you intend to do this period of time? You cannot dance or work, I’m warning you.” I said.

“I know. I’ll… I’ll just stay at home or something.” He said, still trying to catch his breath. I caressed his chest lightly.

“You better make sure you’ll stay at home.” I said.

He nodded.

“Does your head still hurt?” I asked.

“The kiss cured it.” He smiled.

“You lied to me?” I asked.

He bit his lower lip.

“Yes, and no.” He chuckled.

I looked at him, waiting for an explanation.

“I don’t have a headache, but I wanted to kiss you. And it’s true kissing can relieve a headache. It releases some sort of chemical in the body that cures headache.” He said proudly.

“Oh, it does?” I raised my brow at him.

“Yes!” He smiled happily.

“All the things you do for a kiss.” I mumbled.

“Correction, Darling. It should be all the things I do for your kiss.” He said.

I looked at him, cringing at his cheesiness.

“Again?” He puckered his lips.

“No!” I laughed, pressing my finger against his lips.

He caught my finger in his mouth, on my finger disgustingly. I tried to pull my finger out but he did not let me.

“Until you kiss me, your finger is mine.” He said, my finger as he wiggled his eyebrows like some ert.

Why is it that he always becomes some sort of weird man whenever he gets discharged from the hospital or recovers from being sick?

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i will be posting something soon, so look out ^^


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axxxamedusa #1
It 2022 and a lot of things happened to them. Things are not same anymore.
2014 Joon and Thunder left Mblaq
2015 Mblaq in hiatus
2016 Hyunseung left Beast
2016 Beast left Cube
2016 Beast founded Around Us
2017 Beast changed their name from Beast to Highlight
2019 Junhyung left Highlight
By 21/3/2022 Highlight released Daydream

P/s : this comment is for myself whenever I feel like reading this in the future
yangyoseob17 #2
Re reading this after several years. Never gonna get bored
4 years on AFF , but this story is one that i'd never forget.
frhanaeyong #4
Chapter 208: THIS IS THE FREAKING SWEETEST FANFIC I EVER READ :D if there is [BEST FANFIC] award , it would belongs to youuuu . Ohmygod i love you so muchhhhhhh
_swagjoker #5
amazing story that its a must to read again and again!! completed reading few years back and its still amazing!! definitely the best fic ive ever read
toto12 #6
long story but this is a good one ^^
ZI_CO98 #7
Chapter 208: Finally! I've read everything. It was ultimately satisfying. No regrets reading it for a long time even though I stopped at the very last chapters but I managed to finished it. I love everything in this story. The plot, the characters and so on. Their quirkiness and childishness always make me smiles and laughs most of the time. It makes my day at how ridiculous the characters are. However, it never fails to teach me the lessons of life and how important are the families including non-blood relation. It makes to appreciate yet enjoy the content as well. Yes, I agree with you that the ending was already perfect as it was. :D Despite the chapters are unbearably long, it was entertaining and well done. Love your story! ♥
_Crystal_ #9
Chapter 1: quite confused about the ending of the first chappie; did junnie start his "man" period or something??