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Title: Hanbin & Hayi's Year Long Romance

Author: hahahayi

Main characters: Lee Hi, b.i 

Status: Chaptered, on-going.

Genre: romance, slice of life, mild/light angst

Description/Summary: Hanbin and Hayi's chemistry and friendship and perhaps a possible relationship, in just one year. 

Reviewed by: BlackMaskedGirl

Date finished: 24 March 2015.






Your title is not eye-catching, to be honest. It's in fact too long(?) and gives me some fluffy vibes. It is as if the title is telling me on how Hanbin and Hayi's cute, romantic relationship. Cliché, like how other fanfics in here are. Secondly, I was wondering when I first read your title why in the world you don't capitalize your title. The first thought that crossed my mind was it's just an accidental mistake, then I 'stalked' your stories and it kinds of disappoint me. All the title of your stories is not capitalized.

Mind sparing your time and explain why?



Appearance (Graphic/Poster).

You changed your poster, I noticed that. But your second poster makes me want to compare it with the previous one. I'm not trying to offend the graphic designer, but actually I like the first one better. It gave me these angst vibes, unlike the title. It's so elegant that it made me wanted to request it from the shop as well^^ The second poster is... uhm, simple. It's not ugly, not. It's actually pretty well-made but simple, not unique, not catching. The poster doesn't scream any vibes, which is the opposite of the first one.




Your description is what I call as a great description. It attracts readers. However, one caught my attention while reading. "....connects in ways more than one, and...." I remember my teacher's admonition, telling me that I was twisting my own sentence for it to look longer. And yours is twisting in my opinion. Instead of "in ways more than one", why don't you use "In various ways"? However, your description is great. I love how you put quote on the foreword as well. Gosh, I love the quote. XD




If I have to score your characterization, it would be 8/10. You did a marvelous job describing their personality by how they act. I minus two because I've seen lots of fanfics with your characters' personalities - one is cold outside but  warm inside, and the other one is persistent, happy. I actually like your decision of giving Hayi the cold role, and Hanbin the persistent role. It makes everything uncliche, or may I say not Mary-sued, lol.

This is what I thought or wondered when I read your fic, if you wish to know. Feel free to think that your fic is Kpop Mv and I am doing Kpop MV Reaction (although this is nowhere near one), kekeke^^

Hanbin is someone who is surrounded by love... may it comes from his mother and sister, or from his friends. It makes me wonder what is the real reason of Hanbin wants to befriend Hayi when he receives lots of love from his surrounding? (Chapter two)

Hayi is someone who is independent, sweet hearted, caring towards her loved ones (grandma for example), and she doesn't give a sht about what people are doing unless it have something to do with her. Like when those girls gossiping on her, and Hayi just rolls her eyes, g

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